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The Science and Practice of LSVT BIG

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1 The Science and Practice of LSVT BIG
Robert B. Leavitt PT, MPT, OCS, JSCC, LSVT cert. VP Operations OSPT Ph: Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010

2 Objectives Explain advances in neuroscience and impact on the field of rehabilitation Briefly discuss development and data on an efficacious speech treatment LSVT LOUD Describe development and key aspects of limb motor treatment LSVT BIG Introduce the LSVT HYBRID approach (simultaneous delivery of BIG and LOUD) Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 2

3 It is an exciting time to be in rehabilitation today!
Basic science evidence for the value of exercise in PD (classically drugs, surgery, today…) Identified key principles of exercise that drive activity-dependent neural plasticity Demonstrated that exercise can improve brain functioning (neural plasticity) and may slow disease progression Exercise is Medicine! Kliem & Jones, 2008; Ludlow et al, 2008 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 3

4 Legitimate Therapeutic Options
To provide symptomatic relief; improve function Neurosurgical (DBS-STN) Pharmacological (L-dopa) Voice and Body Exercise Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Zigmond et al, 2009 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 4

5 “If only we can hear and understand her”
Family of Mrs. Lee Silverman 1987 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 5

6 5 Stages of Grief Denial - “There must be some mistake!”
Anger – “I sure got shafted this time.” Bargaining – “There must be a cure.” Depression – “This is hopeless.” Acceptance – “ I can deal with this.” These stages must be worked through before any meaningful process can begin. Source: On Death and Dying. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

7 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
20+ year journey from invention to intervention Over 8 million dollars in NIH funding : Initial invention; Pilot data (Scottsdale) : Office of Education OE-NIDRR : OE-NIDRR : NIH funded RCT Efficacy : NIH funded EMG, Kinematics : NIH funded RCT Spread of effects : NIH funded RCT, imaging : Coleman Institute (PDA; LSVTC) : NIH and M J FOX Foundation PDA (R21) : Coleman Institute (VT; LSVTVT) : NIH LSVTVT (R21) 2004 : Coleman Institute (LSVT Down Syndrome) : LSVT –Dissemination 2006: Technology-enhanced Clinician Training (SBIR) 2010: Technology-enhanced LSVT LOUD delivery (SBIR) Phase I, II Phase III Phase IV, V Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 7

8 bradykinesia/hypokinesia kinesthetic awareness
LSVT Programs Administered in an intensive manner to to challenge the impaired system. Techniques specific to PD-specific deficits! bradykinesia/hypokinesia and kinesthetic awareness (sensory deficit) Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 8

Loud is more than a laryngeal event – spread of effects LOUD SOFT HEALTHY LOUDNESS Neural coupling (McClean and Tasko) Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 9

10 CALIBRATION Learning sensory problem, internal cueing 10

11 Imaging Studies with LSVT LOUD
Liotti, Ramig, et al, 2003 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 11

12 LSVT LOUD LSVT BIG (Farley & Koshland, 2005; Farley, Fox, et al., 2008; Farley & Koshland, in revision) Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 12

13 What are the fundamentals of LSVT BIG?
Standardized, research-based, specific protocol TARGET: Bigness (amplitude) MODE: Intensive and High Effort CALIBRATION: Generalization Sensory Internal cueing Neuropsychological changes Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 13

14 TARGET BIG (Large amplitude whole body movement)
Single Target - Triggers Activation across motor systems SMALL BIG NORMAL “BIGNESS“ Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 14

15 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
MODE Delivery Certified LSVT BIG Physical/Occupational Therapist 1:1 intervention Time of Practice 4 consecutive days per week for 4 weeks 16 sessions in one month 60 minute sessions Daily carryover assignments (30 days/entire month) Daily homework (30 days/entire month) Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 15

16 “I had no idea how small my world had become”
CALIBRATION MISMATCH between self-perception of output and how others perceive it “I had no idea how small my world had become” “I can’t move like this, people will think I am crazy!!” Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 16

17 normal movement effort and
CALIBRATION Learning Retrain sensory calibration and learn new internal cues for normal movement effort and bigness Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Copyright© LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 17

18 Impaired self-perception Deficits in Small movements internal cues
reduced amplitude of output Copyright© LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 18

19 (consistent with principles of neural plasticity)
Goal of LSVT BIG Mode Intensive, High effort (consistent with principles of neural plasticity) Target Calibration Increase Bigness increase amplitude of output Self-perception, Internal cues, Simple, Redundant Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 19

20 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
Treatment Session Daily Exercises Floor to Ceiling Side to Side Forward step Sideways step Backward step Forward Rock and Reach Sideways Rock and Reach Functional Component Tasks 5 EVERYDAY TASKS– 5 reps each For Example: -Sit-to-Stand -Pulling keys out of pocket -Opening refrigerator door Walking BIG distance/time may vary Hierarchy Tasks Patient identified tasks: Getting out of bed Playing golf In and out of a car Build complexity across 4 weeks of treatment towards long term goals Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011

21 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
Daily Whole-body Maximal Amplitude Exercises Multidirectional Sustained Movements Floor to Ceiling Side to Side Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 21

22 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
Daily Whole-body Maximal Amplitude Exercises Multidirectional Repetitive Movements Sideways Backwards Forwards Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 22

23 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
Functional Component TASKS Functional Components – Patient DRIVEN! Rolling Floor to Stand Getting in or out of bed Sit to stand Sit & reach Stand & reach Walk & reach Walk & turn Stand & turn Sit to stand BIG Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 23

24 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
Daily Hierarchical Tasks “Real-World” BIG Tasks – Patient DRIVEN! Examples: Bed to Bathroom In/Out of Car Walk and Talk Tennis Chores Golf Hiking Gardening Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 24

25 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
Patient case: Bernie 71 year-old, diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1994 Reason for referral: slowness and difficulty walking, history of falls, freezing Optimized on PD medications Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 25

26 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
Objective Outcomes: PRE POST Falls /month 0/month Assistive device Cane None Confidence % % Gait Velocity m/s m/s % of age matched norm % 100% Endurance ft ft Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 26

27 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
Bernie’s Goals To improve his walking To go to the movies To play with his grandchildren To go out to dinner with friends and family All accomplished to his satisfaction! Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 27

28 Traditional Outpatient Physical Therapy
LSVT BIG vs. Traditional Outpatient Physical Therapy Randomized Comparative Pilot Study Matched Frequency/Duration 4X/week for 4 weeks; 1-hour individual sessions N=42 Hoehn & Yahr 1-3 Intention to treat analysis Farley & Koshland, in preparation (Unpublished data) Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 28

29 Walking Improvements Better Faster Bigger
TRAD Better 1-month 3-months 1-month 3-months Improvements occurred in both groups and lasted 3 months. Farley & Koshland, in preparation (Unpublished data) Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 29

30 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
Trunk Rotation TRAD BIG Better 1-month 3-months Only improved for LSVT BIG Farley & Koshland, in preparation (Unpublished data) Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 30

31 Conclusions: Activity Matters LSVT BIG may be especially important for
trunk rotation and balance - everyday movements Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 31

32 Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011
Principles of LSVT applied simultaneously to the speech and limb motor systems. LSVT HYBRID = LOUD + BIG Combined or “Hybrid” approach for PD May promote greater plasticity through greater intensity, complexity, saliency Enhance practical, logistical, financial costs of PD rehabilitation Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 32

33 LSVT HYBRID retrains “normal use”
“In my normal everyday life, I just exaggerate my movements. I keep things Big when I reach for things, or when I bend or when I walk; and when I talk – I keep my voice strong.” Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 33

34 Summary Advances in neuroscience have provided neurobiological and behavioral evidence supporting the positive impact of exercise-based protocols in people with PD There is a rapidly growing literature in physical therapy/exercise protocols in humans with PD LSVT Programs have been developed and studied over the past 20 years LSVT BIG is one type of physical therapy program that has potential to offer improvements in movement and quality of life for people with PD Copyright LSVT Global, Inc. 2011 Fox, C. Presentation, August, 2010 34

35 “It is possible to take charge of your life, even with Parkinson’s.
It is possible for your will to override your brain. It is possible to have Power Over Parkinson’s” Sharon Kha, LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD Graduate 35

36 “Fear is an emotional “germ” that will destroy the spirit
“Fear is an emotional “germ” that will destroy the spirit. Filling your brain with “I can thoughts” will turn fear away” “No matter what the reason for it, inactivity is unhealthy. The less active we are the weaker we become and the more likely we are to develop obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, and heart disease.” Source: Take Charge of Your Chronic Pain. Peter Abaci, MD. Globe Pequot Press.

37 Presented by Robert B. Leavitt PT, MPT, OCS, JSCC
Thank you for your attention! Presented by Robert B. Leavitt PT, MPT, OCS, JSCC VP Operations OSPT 795 Farmers Lane Santa Rosa, CA 95405 Ph: More info available at

38 Parkinson’s Support Group
Lee Silverman Voice Therapy: Rehabilitative Therapy for People with Parkinson’s Parkinson’s Support Group January 19th, 2013 Oakmont Santa Rosa, CA Presented by: Dr. Deborah Swain, Ed. D, CCC-SLP The Swain Center 795 Farmers Lane, Suite 23 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707)

39 Lee Silverman Voice Therapy (LSVT®) Introduction
The LSVT® LOUD improves both the voice and speech of individuals with Parkinson’s Disease by treating the underlying physical pathology associated with the disordered voice Treatment focuses on improving vocal loudness and immediate carryover into daily communication enabling patients to maintain and/or improve their oral communication The LSVT® LOUD is administered on an intensive schedule of 16 individual, 60-minute sessions in one month’s time

40 LSVT® Introduction 90% of patients improve vocal loudness from pre to post-treatment Approximately 80% of patients maintain treatment improvements in their voice for months post-treatment ALL patients report improvement in their ability to communicate LSVT® LOUD is being successfully delivered by over 4,000 certified LSVT® clinicians in 41 countries

41 Goal of LSVT® Patient uses his or her voice “automatically” in daily communication There is a carryover of this information for the long term

42 Need for LSVT® LOUD Few patients with motor speech disorders receive treatment with well-documented efficacy 89% of patients with Parkinson’s Disease have disordered speech (Logemann et al, 1978) But only 4% of those individuals receive treatment (Mutch et al, 1986; Hartelius & Sveenson, 1994)

43 Why Treat Phonation in Neurological Disorders?
Motor speech disorders accompanying neurological disorders limit functional oral communication Oral communication is a vital element in: Education Employment Social functioning Self expression Treatment of one area of speech enhances many levels of speech production Improves capability of treatment Simplifies treatment

44 LSVT® LOUD as a Trigger Improves articulation
Enhances “source” of speech Turns up the volume Improves vocal fold movements Acts as a trigger Vocal tract effects Reduces spread of effects

45 Speech Behaviors in Parkinson’s Disease
Reduced volume of speech is a key factor in Parkinson’s Disease Patients can sometimes feel like they are shouting to be heard Voice must be stimulated in order to successfully increase loudness and enable speech to be heard

46 Soft Voice Loop

47 Origins of Speech Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease
Motor challenges Sensory challenges Neuropsychological (cueing) challenges

48 Neuropsychological Challenges
Internally vs. Externally Cued Movements Parkinson’s Disease results in patients being unable to self-initiate speech Deficits in self-initiated movements are due to an under-activation of Sensory Motor Areas

49 Perceptual Characteristics
Reduced loudness Hoarse voice quality Monotone Imprecise articulation Vocal tremors Some patients report reduced volume, a hoarse voice or being monotone as the first symptom on Parkinson’s Disease Lowering of functional oral communication Less likely to participate in conversations or have confidence in their voice (Fox and Ramig, 1997)

50 LSVT® LOUD Impact Some responses from LSVT® LOUD participants:
“My voice is alive again” “I can talk to my grandchildren!” “I feel like my old self” “I am confident I can communicate!”

51 LSVT® LOUD Methods Assessment Overview
Separate from 16 sessions of LSVT® LOUD Overview 4 days a week for 4 weeks (16 sessions in 1 month) 50-60 minute sessions Integration of five essential concepts All focus on voice All are high effort All are completed daily All are tools for calibration All are quantified

52 LSVT® LOUD Design Designed to allow a patient to consistently progress to desired functional speech level Designed to help a patient build their ability and reduce frustration Designed to bring voice rescaling back into speech Both vocal loudness level and calibration are addressed in this hierarchy

53 Voice Training with LSVT® LOUD
Maximize phonatory efficiency by increasing loudness – KEY Rescale phonatory loudness and effort Voice is #1 priority Keep it simple

54 LSVT® LOUD Work at Home Methods: Designed to:
Provide additional practice Enable patient to become comfortable with the use of a high vocal effort Establish a routine schedule of practice at home “Brush your teeth – do your ‘Ah’s” Methods: 5 – 10 minutes one other time on treatment days 10-15 minutes twice daily on non-treatment days

55 LSVT® LOUD Post-Treatment Model
Practice at home Complete treatment tasks LSVT® LOUD Homework Helper can be used at home Six months post-treatment: Check-in with clinician More severe patients may check in earlier (around two months) Patients may end up needing: One or two “tune-up sessions” Enhanced motivation Calibration rescaling

56 LOUD Crowd Following completion of the 4-week program each patient enters the maintenance phase of the Northern California Voice Project’s program and becomes a member of the “LOUD Crowd.” Meets the challenge of maintaining the speech and swallowing gains attained from the intensive Lee Silverman Voice Therapy program. Loud Crowd provides support, encouragement, and continued care from a certified speech-language pathologist. Patients who participate in continued voice maintenance have been shown to maintain their improved voices for more than five years.

57 LSVT® LOUD Model for Treatment of Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease

58 LSVT® LOUD Model for Treatment of Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease

59 Changes in Vocal Loudness in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease Following LSVT®
Ramig, Sapir, et al. (2001) This study assessed the impact of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT®) on vocal loudness (Sound Pressure Level – SPL) in a group of individuals with Parkinson's disease The individuals treated with LSVT® increased voice vocal loudness (SPL) from by an average of 8 decibels (dB) and from baseline to 6 months follow-up by an average of 6 dB These changes were statistically significant and perceptibly audible Treated patients showed a significant increase in vocal loudness (SPL); this was statistically significant for all voice and speech tasks These findings, along with others, provide additional support for the efficacy of the LSVT®

60 Questions & Comments

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