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Presentation template This is a template for your presentation to physicians. We want to support you in presenting yourself and your specialized knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation template This is a template for your presentation to physicians. We want to support you in presenting yourself and your specialized knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation template This is a template for your presentation to physicians. We want to support you in presenting yourself and your specialized knowledge to physicians. The following presentation slides should give you an idea and make it easier for you to prepare yourself. Please feel free to copy the slides, fill in with updated information, your logo etc. 09.05.2015Slide 1

2 Hearing care or Care of your patient‘s hearing Presentation for [Dr. X. Ray] 09.05.2015Slide 2 PIP_HL_Presentation V1.00/2014-03/XPl © Phonak AG / uncontrolled copy

3 About us Presenter’s name Title Hearing center name Your professional biography Your special achievements Part of a group or chain 09.05.2015Slide 3

4 Objectives for today Review hearing and hearing loss Describe the challenges and opportunities in treating hearing loss Introduce [hearing center name] 09.05.2015Slide 4

5 How we hear Reasons for hearing loss Outer ear: Cerumen, infections, perforations Middle ear: Infections, fluid, otosclerosis, tumors Inner ear: Aging, noise exposure, toxic medication, injuries, tumors 09.05.2015Slide 5

6 Hearing loss in practice Hearing loss > 40 dB is considered disabling by the WHO (World Health Organization) 09.05.2015Slide 6

7 Levels of sound (in dB HL) 09.05.2015Slide 7 How loud is too loud? dB HL 80 5 120 160 40 100 130 Home Interior Motorcycle Ambulance Rocket Launch Airplane/Jetplane Alarm Clock Wristwatch High Risk Risk No Risk 1 hours Risk of Immediate Damage 8 hours No Risk

8 Typical warning signs of hearing loss Problems hearing speech in the presence of background noise Others find the affected person speaks too loudly Other people appear to mumble Difficulty hearing from a distance Family or neighbour complains that radio or TV is played too loudly Difficulty understanding soft speech or female and children’s voices Often having to ask people to repeat themselves Inability to hear common sounds in the household, such as a clock, water-tap dripping, etc. 09.05.2015Slide 8

9 Prevalence Worldwide >360 million people including 32 million children have a disabling hearing loss (>40 dB) This is 5% of the global population 1 in 3 people over 65 years suffer from hearing loss In the USA 1 in 6 baby boomers (41–59 yrs) have hearing problems 1 in 14 generation X-ers (29–40) already have hearing loss 80% of adults >60 years with hearing loss are neither diagnosed nor treated Sources: WHO: Deafness and hearing loss. Fact sheet No.300, Updated February 2013, Kochkin, Sergei (2011) Prevalence of Hearing Loss. Better Hearing Institute. 09.05.2015Slide 9

10 Impact of hearing loss Life factor Impact Health Fatigue due to listening effort (e.g. in noisy surroundings) Frustration, depression Increased frequency of illness and hospital visits Impaired memory and ability to learn new tasks Significantly increased risk of developing dementia symptoms Diminished psychological and overall health Interpersonal Misunderstandings Isolation Reduced job performance and salary Impact on travel, activities with friends, events Safety Unable to hear traffic Unable to hear alarms 09.05.2015Slide 10

11 Early correction of hearing loss can bring multiple benefits Better hearing Improved quality of life Better general health Enhanced social communication (job, friends, family) Easier adaptation to hearing aids (delaying hearing aid fitting makes it more difficult for patients to adapt to hearing aids) 09.05.2015Slide 11 German survey of Eurotrak 2012, Germany and Switzerland;

12 Barriers to correcting hearing loss After first symptoms, people usually wait 5–7 years until they talk to a physician 20% of people with hearing loss never talk about their issue with their physician Only 34% of people with any degree of hearing loss end up wearing a hearing aid Of this 34%: – 63% have severe hearing loss – 52% have moderate hearing loss – 15% have mild hearing loss 09.05.2015Slide 12

13 Why people are reluctant of getting a HI n = 1207 Sources: Hear the World Study, 2011. 61.3% „ Hearing instruments are too expensive“ 19.9% 17.4% 11.1% „I would be embarrassed to wear a hearing instrument“ „I want to avoid negative reactions of other people“ „I don‘t think a hearing instrument helps very much.“ 09.05.2015Slide 13

14 MDs have a crucial role in encouraging patients with hearing loss MD’s recommendation multiplies the probability of getting a hearing aid by a factor of 5 Source: Kochkin S. BHI physician found to increase use of hearing healthcare. The Hearing Journal. 2004; 57(8). 09.05.2015Slide 14

15 Positive impact of treatment n = 915 Source: Hear the World study, 2011. 83.1% General quality of life has improved since wearing a hearing device 38.3% Physical health has improved since wearing a hearing device 35.5% Love life has improved since wearing a hearing device 69.7% Relationship with partner has improved since wearing a hearing device „How much of a positive impact have hearing aid(s) had in these aspects of your life?“ 09.05.2015Slide 15

16 Custom made in-the-ear hearing aids 09.05.2015Slide 16 PIP_HL_Presentation V1.00/2014-03/XPl © Phonak AG / uncontrolled copy Mild to Moderately Severe Hearing Loss Mild to Severe Hearing Loss Mild to Profound Hearing Loss

17 Behind-the-ear hearing aids 09.05.2015Slide 17 PIP_HL_Presentation V1.00/2014-03/XPl © Phonak AG / uncontrolled copy Mild to Severe Hearing Loss Mild to Profound Hearing Loss Moderately Severe to Profound Hearing Loss

18 Modern technology in hearing aids Binaural VoiceStream Technology™ – the unique power of a four microphone network 09.05.2015Slide 18 PIP_HL_Presentation V1.00/2014-03/XPl © Phonak AG / uncontrolled copy

19 Hearing aid features thanks to binaural VoiceStream Technology™ Speech in Wind Superior speech intelligibility and comfort in windy listening situations auto StereoZoom Zooms in and focuses on one voice, filtering other sounds, voices and noise Automatic activation in appropriate listening situations 09.05.2015Slide 19 PIP_HL_Presentation V1.00/2014-03/XPl © Phonak AG / uncontrolled copy

20 Revolutionary Lyric 09.05.2015Slide 20 Invisible hassle-free worn 24/7 No handling for months-at- a-time Worn during daily activities Exceptional sound quality due to placement deep in the ear canal Soft seals, contour to the shape of the ear canal No ear impression necessary PIP_HL_Presentation V1.00/2014-03/XPl © Phonak AG / uncontrolled copy

21 Introducing [hearing center name] A-Z 09.05.2015Slide 21

22 What we offer you and your patient For your patients with known/suspected hearing loss that cannot be corrected medically: We listen to your patient because every hearing loss is unique We test your patient’s hearing in a thorough manner We explain his/her audiogram in clear layman’s terms We recommend the optimum solution based on his/her needs and resources We fit the hearing aid with our comprehensive experience and hi-tech equipment 09.05.2015Slide 22

23 Why choose [name of your hearing center] as your partner? [Examples of what you offer to the physician or in general] [XX] years of experience State-of-the-art technology Qualified staff looking after the hearing health of your patients Local provider, no big trips for your patients Professional referral partnership – Your patients receive best possible care – Prompt follow-up of patient-history to your practice [Any other USP that you might want to mention] 09.05.2015Slide 23

24 Our hearing services [Examples of services your center offers (specifically hearing issues)] [e.g.] Free hearing screening Referral discount Live in-office technology demonstration Risk-free 30 day trial of Phonak hearing instruments Basic audiology training for practice staff, so they can conduct an easy screening test 09.05.2015Slide 24

25 Summary Hearing is a complex process. Hearing loss can have various causes: some treatable by a physician, others not. Hearing loss is still widely underdiagnosed and untreated. People with hearing problems suffer a multitude of problems. The physician plays a crucial role in the patient’s motivation of seeking hearing care. [Hearing center name] can help you and your patients to diagnose and correct hearing loss. 09.05.2015Slide 25

26 Thank you. Contact information Phone: Email: Website: 09.05.2015Slide 26 PIP_HL_Presentation V1.00/2014-03/XPl © Phonak AG / uncontrolled copy

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