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Dynamics. The different levels of loudness or softness in a piece of music Indicated by letters, signs, abbreviations or symbols in the music.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamics. The different levels of loudness or softness in a piece of music Indicated by letters, signs, abbreviations or symbols in the music."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamics

2 The different levels of loudness or softness in a piece of music Indicated by letters, signs, abbreviations or symbols in the music

3 p – ‘soft’ Italian = piano f – ‘loud’/ ‘strong’Italian = forte

4 ff – very loud (fortissimo) fff – extremely loud (fortississimo) pp – very soft (pianissimo) ppp – extremely soft (pianississimo)

5 More subtle shades of dynamics: mp – moderately soft(mezzo piano) mf – moderately loud(mezzo forte) Remember: Levels are relative to each other – left to performer to consider factors e.g. size of room

6 fp – loud, then suddenly soft(forte- piano) fz, sf or sfz – suddenly forcing or accenting a note (forzato) sfp– suddenly forcing or accenting a note followed by piano

7 Haydn’s Symphony No.94 in G, nicknamed the ‘Surprise’ Symphony Watch out for the sudden loud, fortissimo chord which was one of Haydn’s famous jokes to ‘make all the ladies jump’! Starts: p, then pp

8 crescendo (cresc.) – getting louder decrescendo (decresc.) or diminuendo (dim.) – getting softer

9 molto (‘more’)– for quicker changes e.g. molto cresc. poco a poco (‘little by little’) – for slower changes e.g. poco a poco cresc.

10 hairpins – symbols for quicker changes (over a bar or two) * look like old fashioned hairpins! * getting softer getting louder

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