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Stubborn obstinate. feeling sad rueful solidly built stocky.

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Presentation on theme: "Stubborn obstinate. feeling sad rueful solidly built stocky."— Presentation transcript:

1 stubborn obstinate

2 feeling sad rueful

3 solidly built stocky

4 ghost specter

5 walk heavily plod

6 skillful deft

7 tall and thin lanky

8 enjoyment merriment

9 serious solemn

10 worn out shabby

11 waste time dawdle

12 to put on; dress in don

13 snobbish haughty

14 pulled tight taut

15 angry or sad look glower

16 disrespect contempt

17 eager to fight belligerent

18 loud noise din

19 doubtful dubious

20 pained expression; flinch wince

21 move in a lively manner prance

22 twisted; knotted gnarled

23 tall and thin lanky

24 solidly built stocky

25 skillful deft

26 stubborn obstinate

27 ghost specter

28 walk heavily plod

29 feeling sad rueful

30 enjoyment merriment

31 serious solemn

32 waste time dawdle

33 worn out shabby

34 snobbish haughty

35 to put on; dress in don

36 disrespect contempt

37 angry or sad look glower

38 loud noise din

39 doubtful dubious

40 twisted; knotted gnarled

41 pained expression; flinch wince

42 pulled tight taut

43 eager to fight belligerent

44 move in a lively manner prance

45 feeling sad rueful

46 stubborn obstinate

47 solidly built stocky

48 walk heavily plod

49 ghost specter

50 tall and thin lanky

51 skillful deft

52 enjoyment merriment

53 worn out shabby

54 serious solemn

55 waste time dawdle

56 snobbish haughty

57 to put on; dress in don

58 angry or sad look glower

59 pulled tight taut

60 disrespect contempt

61 loud noise din

62 eager to fight belligerent

63 doubtful dubious

64 move in a lively manner prance

65 pained expression; flinch wince

66 twisted; knotted gnarled

67 tall and thin lanky

68 skillful deft

69 solidly built stocky

70 ghost specter

71 walk heavily plod

72 stubborn obstinate

73 feeling sad rueful

74 serious solemn

75 waste time dawdle

76 worn out shabby

77 enjoyment merriment

78 to put on; dress in don

79 disrespect contempt

80 snobbish haughty

81 loud noise din

82 doubtful dubious

83 twisted; knotted gnarled

84 pained expression; flinch wince

85 angry or sad look glower

86 eager to fight belligerent

87 move in a lively manner prance

88 pulled tight taut

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