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Solo 6 Write Out Loud Co-Writer Elementary Staff February 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Solo 6 Write Out Loud Co-Writer Elementary Staff February 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solo 6 Write Out Loud Co-Writer Elementary Staff February 2012

2 Agenda 7:45 – 7:50Introduction 7:50 – 8:10Write:OutLoud 8:10 – 8:25Co-Writer 8:25 – 8:40Hands On 8:40- Close Questions

3 Write:OutLoud

4 Write it! Hear it! Revise it! Write:OutLoud Demo

5 Finding Write:OutLoud Open the Applications folder Double Click on Don Johnston Scroll down to Solo Double Click Scroll to Applications and Double Click Double Click the OutLoud icon.

6 Pirates, Problems & Treasures Open Write:OutLoud Type the following sentence JUST as it appears Long John Silver is a pirat. He is from the book Treasure Iland. I have saw the movie, to. First, click the back to beginning icon Then click the Speech Reader Observations?

7 Revising & Spell Check Correct the word “saw” to “seen”. Replay the correction. Click the Spell Check icon Notice the options offered. Click the Speak tool next to each option to hear the word spoken. Select the correct word and click Change then OK.

8 More Buried Treasures! Click the end-of-document tool to move to the end of your document Type the sentences exactly as you see them below: They like gold and tresare chests. My brother went to the movies. I had red about Long John Silver bfor I saw the movie.

9 Homonym Checker Click the Homonym Checker This works much like the Spell Checker! First pick a word from one of the Suggestions Then click the Speak tool next to the Definition When the word is correct, click Next Word

10 Mark-ups and Editing Highlight the sentence “My brother went to the movies” Click the Mark for Deletion tool Helps student see extraneous text that may need to be removed To remove the red line, check the Mark for Deletion tool again

11 The Final Cut Use the Read All tool to have the document read in total Encourage your student to listen to their writing regularly!

12 Show Me How Tutorials VIDEO TRAIN IN 30 TUTORIALS

13 Co:Writer

14 Co:Writer Overview Think it! Try it! Choose It! Co:Writer Product Demo

15 Co:Writer Launch Co:Writer from your Applications folder Anchor to your dock – drag the icon to the left side of your dock

16 Word Prediction Open a MS Word document and click on the Co:Writer icon Type the following I watched an elephant and a giraffe roller-skate down the street. Use the word “ lafent ” instead of elephant. Choose the word “elephant” from the Co:Writer list. Type in “ jerf ” instead of giraffe. End each sentence with a period. OBSERVATIONS?

17 Speaking for Review Use the double arrows Choose SPEAK Students can listen to their sentence to hear “mistakes”

18 Editing on the fly Click to put your cursor before the word “Street” Add the word “busy” When the word “busy” appears in the Co:Writer window, select it Note the spacing

19 Topic Dictionary Type the sentence Albert Einstein thought about gravity in space Click the Preference button Click the Topic tab Check “Albert Einstein” under Recent Topics Click the Word Bank tab

20 Exploring Topics Click the More Topics button to explore other offerings Try It!

21 Different Ways to Look at a Word Try checking the show while writing box Slider bar increases the number of words in the filter Experiment with Display settings

22 Vocabulary Settings Setting the Main Dictionary to Advanced, Intermediate or Beginner will dictate how many word choices are given You can preview words used under More Vocabulary EXPERIMENT!

23 General Settings Can turn Speech off Customize voice and speed Customize colors

24 Co:Writer and the Web Go to From the drop down menu, choose Speak Highlight the “Describe your setting..” sentence

25 Hands On 1.Open up one of your own documents Use the Save As command to create a test document 2.Use the speech tool to review your document 3.Add a few new words to the middle of your document 4.View the document using the Word Bank – make a cloud! How could that be inspirational? 5.Look at the dictionary 6.Find “recently used” vocabulary 7.Open a web page and use the speech tool to “read” the page

26 Take Me Home Families and Student have free take-home rights for the Solo 6 Suite Need to know what type of operating system (Mac or PC) Limited technical support available from RSD 10 Will provide “Train-In-30” links for self-guided home learning Please contact your building’s technical support team for a take-home CD

27 Read:OutLoud

28 Read:OutLoud Overview Get it! Read it! Learn it! Read:OutLoud Product Demo

29 Finding Read:OutLoud Open the applications folder Click on Don Johnston Scroll down to Solo Drag the Read:OutLoud icon to your dock

30 eText Files Click on the eText folder Open the applications folder and follow this path to the sample.opf book:

31 Read:OutLoud at Work Put your cursor where you’d like to start reading Click the purple speaker icon to start “reading” Click the speaker icon again to stop Navigate pages by clicking the arrow buttons or typing in a page number

32 Basic Adaptive Tools Try it!

33 Visual Disabilities Click the drop down menu next to the eText styles Note the variety of styles the text can be seen in

34 Annotating and Outlines On page 2, highlight the header “Cell History” Click the green highlighter tool Notice the outline to the right of the web page Click the green box in your outline to add a second layer Highlight supporting text Click the yellow highlighter tool Click the yellow box in your outline and find a final supporting layer Click the red highlighter tool See a pattern?

35 The Beginnings of a Masterpiece! Text stays highlighted in the outline color Highlighted text is surrounded by quotations to help determine what is “copied” material To erase a selection, simply highlight it and click the eraser icon

36 Refining the Outline Topics can be re-categorized and moved simply by using the arrow keys. They can also be click+dragged to a new location. Try it!

37 Where Did I Read That Again? Electronic bookmarks are embedded in your outline Click ahead to page 5 of the sample eText Double-click on one of the colored outline markers Back to where you started!

38 Tricks for Saving Your Work 1.Click the “Save” icon (floppy disk) 2.Check the “local computer” prompt 3.Browse out to the Desktop 4.Name and save file THIS IS NOW SAVED LOCALLY! Student must work at same computer OR Save the.djs file to a USB drive to use in other computers

39 Moving to New Spaces Open the test file you just created Click on the Web tab to move to the built-in Browser Type in the web address Voila! A new resource to explore!

40 Taking Web-Based Notes Try using the highlighting tools to take notes! Web Resources save an Electronic Bookmark, too!

41 Making it Your Own Click once on any of your colored sections in the Outline The words turn blue You can now edit these words to better fit the student’s comprehension level Add student notes by highlighting the outline topic and clicking the note icon How else could this be used?

42 Lending a Helping Hand Read:OutLoud has built in templates Open a new Read:OutLoud file Go to the Outline menu>Add New Outline Available templates Create a new file Add a custom template Uses?

43 A Note About Files Read:OutLoud supports the following types of files:.pdf – scanned materials; can be teacher created in MS Office NIMAS – formal textbook format found at Bookshare Daisy – most fiction novels/newspapers found at Bookshare Web/HTML – web pages. Does NOT function well with Java.rtf – rich text files.xml – extensible markup language.txt – text files All basic forms of text files – not commonly used

44 Where can I get Bookshare files? Search Bookshare to see if your title is Request books from your Library Media Specialist Allow a few days for downloads They will be “loaned” to the student on a USB drive much like a regular library text. Unavailable titles can be requested* – NIMAC files take longer than regular texts *Requests from Bookshare are not guaranteed.

45 BREAK… Back by 2:00 PM

46 Take Me Home Families and Student have free take-home rights for the Solo 6 Suite Need to know what type of operating system (Mac or PC) Limited technical support available from RSD 10 Will provide “Train-In-30” links for self-guided home learning Please contact your building’s technical support team for a take-home CD

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