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Pyramids in Ancient Egypt. Pyramids are huge buildings made by Egyptians thousands of years ago. They made them as tombs for their kings and queens. Because.

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Presentation on theme: "Pyramids in Ancient Egypt. Pyramids are huge buildings made by Egyptians thousands of years ago. They made them as tombs for their kings and queens. Because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pyramids in Ancient Egypt

2 Pyramids are huge buildings made by Egyptians thousands of years ago. They made them as tombs for their kings and queens. Because of their amazing size and shape, people are fascinated by pyramids and have studied how they were built. Archeologists still don’t know for sure just how they were built, but they have some theories and ideas, after lots of time investigating the pyramids.

3 Cutting stone Ancient Egyptians didn’t have power tools to cut stone, they used metal hand tools like chisels and saws.

4 This man in the corner is measuring with a string to make sure the block is just the right size. The man in this corner is using a chisel and mallet to chip away at the stone. Do you see two men working together with a saw in this corner? Show with your hands and arms how you think Egyptians used these tools to cut stone into blocks.

5 How do you think they moved such huge, heavy stones into place?

6 Moving stone Archeologists think that people worked together to pull large stones on sleds. Sometimes they used oxen to help, too. To make the sled move along the ground more easily, they think Egyptians may have used water to make it more slippery.

7 Workers fit the blocks together perfectly to make a stable building. We think that they built ramps to get the blocks up to the upper levels of the pyramids.

8 Deep inside the pyramid are the tombs where the mummies of the Pharaohs are kept

9 The tombs were decorated with murals on all of the walls.

10 Tunnels went throughout the pyramids so that people could get to the tombs. Builders tried to make it very tricky for people to find the tomb so that the valuables inside wouldn’t be stolen. They made trick tunnels to lead people in the wrong directions and secret tunnels that went to the tombs.

11 Turn and tell a friend: how do you think you’d feel walking through a tunnel like this?

12 Visualize… You are a part of a team that is building a pyramid. It’s almost done and you’re standing next to it, waiting for the last stone brick to be brought up. How do you feel when you stand next to it and look up to the very top? Are you tired from working? Excited about having made something so amazing?

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