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Advanced Application: Creating Your Own Local Initiatives Paul Wesling, SFBA Council Communications Director and Webmaster SF Bay Area Council Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Application: Creating Your Own Local Initiatives Paul Wesling, SFBA Council Communications Director and Webmaster SF Bay Area Council Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Application: Creating Your Own Local Initiatives Paul Wesling, SFBA Council Communications Director and Webmaster SF Bay Area Council Officer Training Mountain View, CA January 25, 2014

2 Outline Overview of Session Objectives CLP: SCV’s Corporate Liaison Program –John Swan and his Team: How we did it Professional Engineering Issues –Ron Kane, with suggested approaches SIGHT (SIG for Humanitarian Technology) –Dan Lottis’s experiences Other Potential Initiatives –… plus your suggestions 2

3 Moving the local Profession Forward What now? –You’ve been a local chapter/Section volunteer for years – know the ropes –That’s gotten tiring/boring –You’d like to develop a “new idea” of your own that provides our profession with something that’s missing now What sorts of multi-year projects are there? –With IEEE/Section support –How to get started 3

4 Ideas reviewed CLP: executive support for local IEEE Professional Activities, P.E. SIGHT What else could you do? –How would you do it? –Who might help? (Pulling your team together) –Resources? Getting started 4

5 My Story Brought the GRID into the 21 st Century –Was too expensive to print/mail –Editor didn’t have web/HTML expertise Took over as editor: –Found out what advertising would sell –Built non-member subscriber base –Added features (calendar, RSS, Mobile) –Now adding Android, iOS Apps Has been a fun project! 5

6 Some Other Ideas for Initiatives Presentations about starting CLP, SIGHT, Engineering professional initiatives Then, review my next set of slides, capturing the audience suggestions. 6

7 Some Other Ideas for Initiatives Interviews of Local Experts –Dovetail with “SV History Committee” –Can approach technologists, leaders who developed stuff in the past, or who are currently doing interesting things. –The interviews would be published in the GRID.pdf, and then syndicated to other IEEE Sections, IEEE magazines, etc. –Maybe develop podcasts, YouTube videos –Examples from SPECTRUM, COMPUTER: 7

8 Interviews 8 Interview from SPECTRUM: -- Q & A format -- Appears periodically

9 Interviews 9 COMPUTER Magazine: -- Series of Interviews -- by Chuck Severance -- comes with a podcast -- use your WebCam -- Part is quotations, part is his writing -- covers history topics -- Either people or things -- You could do something similar with locals -- I know Chuck well

10 K-12, STEM Initiatives Develop a program, or adopt current one Work with Junior High schools –Where students (especially women) lose interest in STEM –Set up Engng Club; do projects; invite speakers …. Use available resources –For teacher training –For demonstrations, field trips

11 E-Book Series Perhaps you and others can develop a series of e-Books –Either topical or technical –Historical; points of view –Monographs or multi-authored Publish for Kindle, Android, etc –Publicize –Collect royalties! I’m doing a series now; will become 5 e-Books this summer/fall

12 Job Search and Preparation Some ideas: –Gatherings of unemployed for networking, support –Resumé workshops, practice, critique –LinkedIn training, support –Find IEEE members/managers in local hiring companies to promote out-of-work members within. –Develop a referral system

13 Wiki on IEEE Improvements for the 21 st Century The GRID is starting a discussion forum to propose improvements to IEEE: –Governance –Staffing vs Volunteers –Transparency and Openness –Fiscal Responsibility –Reduction in Member Dues –Expansion in Member benefits You could head up a department/thrust

14 Webcasts of Chapter Meetings Several chapters do it – but not yet easy: –Some use corporate facilities –Others piece together equipment You would develop a tried-and-true way that works: –Prepare a Guide –Train chapter volunteers and trainers –Add several new chapters, 25 talks each year Archive, as Webinars –Edit, add intro and ending, cut dead space Be a local resource on How-To

15 OK, What Else? Write suggestions on chart paper Suggestions about who’d like to try to take on a local initiative

16 Open Discussion CLE Professional Activities SIGHT Interviews K-12, STEM e-Books Job Assistance IEEE Improvement Meeting Webcasts.... ??

17 Next? If you’d like to develop an initiative, I’ll be your Point of Contact: –Help you with ideas –Put you in touch with the right Section people –Might help build your team Paul Wesling



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