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Moderated by: Michael Garrison, Dir. Of Product Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Moderated by: Michael Garrison, Dir. Of Product Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moderated by: Michael Garrison, Dir. Of Product Marketing

2 >We are recording the event and will post both the presentation and recording by end of next week >Please use the chat or questions feature in Web Ex to ask you questions. We will review submitted questions and do our best to answer them at the end Please do not “raise your hand” for questions as we will not be able to answer questions live during the session Meeting Notes 2

3 >NEW: Mileage Manager with Trips App An easy, powerful & flexible way to accurately track and analyze travel and associated costs  Includes updates the web application and mobile app user interfaces and requires a download of the V18 app. >NEW: Mobile Device Insights Battery-Level Indicators and Alerts Device Status Log Key New Features in v18 3 Coming This Weekend !

4 >Customer Survey ~78% want to reduce expenses related to mileage >Key Use Cases Travel Time and Cost Analysis Reimbursements Customer Billing Why Mileage Manager 4

5 5 Reduced rate Standard rate Not Reimbursed Start Shift End Shift How do I validate accuracy How do I apply different reimbursement rates How do I export data to my accounting system

6 6 Billed to Job 2 Billed to Job 3 How do I do job-based travel cost analysis How do I bill travel to my customer How do I capture additional travel expenses

7 An easy, powerful and flexible way to accurately track and analyze travel and associated cost and time. 7

8 DEMO – Mileage Manager 8

9 >Easy, intuitive mobile Trips App On the home screen Record Odometer readings Pictures of odometers Remember prior odometer value Mileage Manager 9

10 >Powerful Analysis and reporting Trips list and details Validate mileage information View trip on a map Out of the box reports Mileage Manager 10

11 >Flexible configuration Configure reimbursement rates Satisfy IRS reporting guidelines Control visibility on mobile app Mileage Manager 11

12 >Detect, diagnose and resolve issues that may impact device communication and tracking Device Insights 12 New Features Battery Level Indicator Battery Level Alerts Device Status Log

13 >Workers list >Device Status Log >Alerts Battery-Level Indicator - NEW 13 Workers List Low battery is a leading cause for missed updates

14 >Detailed history of mobile app communication, GPS and events >Summary statistics for each session >Ability to filter on over 20 event types >Export to excel for further analysis Device Status Log - NEW 14

15 >Battery Level Indicator >Battery Level Alerts >Device Status Log DEMO – Device Insights 15

16 EventiOS AndroidBlackberryBasic Phone Activate/Deactivate DeviceXXXX Airplane Mode ON/OFF XX VZW only App Exit/LoginXXXX Battery ChargingXXXX Battery LevelsXXX Sprint and VZW only Device InfoXXXX Device Power ON/OFF XX Form, Job & Timesheet ActionXXXX GPS turned ON/OFFXXX GPS UploadXXXX Location update from Worker, Ping worker, Sync XXXX Low MemoryXXX Session SummaryXXXX Trip Start/EndXXXX Device Status Log (by Platform) 16 Requires v18 Mobile Application for best results

17 >NEW - Mileage Manager Easy to use, powerful mechanism to track and verify mileage by worker and job >NEW - Battery Levels and Device Status Log Quickly troubleshoot and resolve mobile device communication and tracking issues >Availability Web application ready by 6am EST Saturday 10/19 V18 Mobile app upgrades available for download  Oct 21 (Monday) for most platforms  Nov 15 for VZW Brew phones Summary 17

18 >Please use the chat or questions feature in Web Ex to ask you questions. We will review submitted questions and do our best to answer them at the end Questions 18 If you have additional questions, or product feedback that you’d like to share, contact us at

19 Complete a short survey to enter. Attendees of today’s webinar who complete the survey at the end of the presentation will be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card. (entries must be received by 5:00 PM Pacific, 8/16/2013) Webinar Survey and Raffle 19 If you have additional questions, or product feedback that you’d like to share, contact us at

20 20 If you have additional questions, or product feedback that you’d like to share, contact us at

21 Questions? Enter them online within the Web Ex Q/A field 21

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