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The Right Time People we love today that were born the…

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1 The Right Time People we love today that were born the…
December 1963 People we love today that were born the… Where the Wild Things Are… The Famous Movies from then…. Clothes, Cars, and hair… Top 10 Songs from ‘63 President Kennedy The Dick Van Dyke Show… Muhammad Ali… John Wayne, Elizabeth Taylor ( the best actors of their time)… Anything goes… 1$ By: Elisa Bridges

2 The top 10 songs from 1963 Jimmy Gilmer and the Fireballs- Sugar Shack
If everybody had an ocean Across the U. S. A. Then everybody'd be surfin' Like Californi-a You'd seem 'em wearing their baggies Huarachi sandals too A bushy bushy blonde hairdo Surfin' U. S. A. You'd catch 'em surfin' at Del Mar Ventura County line Santa Cruz and Trestle Australia's Narrabeen All over Manhattan And down Doheny Way Everybody's gone surfin' Surfin' U.S.A. We'll all be planning that route We're gonna take real soon We're waxing down our surfboards We can't wait for June We'll all be gone for the summer We're on surfari to stay Tell the teacher we're surfin' Surfin' U. S. A. Haggerties and Swamies Pacific Palisades San Onofre and Sunset Redondo Beach L. A. All over La Jolla At Wa'imea Bay. Everybody's gone surfin' Surfin' U.S. A. Everybody's gone surfin' Surfin' U.S. A. Everybody's gone surfin' Surfin' U.S. A. Jimmy Gilmer and the Fireballs- Sugar Shack Beach Boys- Surfin’ USA Skeeter Davis- The End of the World Cascades- Rhythm of the Rain Chiffons- He’s so Fine Paul and Paula- Hey Paula Bobby Vinton- Blue Velvet Lil’ Stevie Wonder- Fingertips 11 Village Stompers- Washington Square Tymes- So Much in Love Surfin’ USA is the perfect song to describe this era. Peace, Love and Fun is what they lived for. Below are the lyrics. When you read this lively tune you’ll understand why it’s the perfect representative.

3 Where the Wild Things Are…
Written by Maurice Sendak is an extremely famous book published in It’s a book about a reckless boy who gets sent to his room after he comes down to dinner in a wolf suit without his supper. A forest “grows” in his room and more wild things accompany him in his many adventures in his room. Maurice Sendak is an American writer and illustrator. Sendak was born in Brooklyn, New York. When he saw Walt Disney's thrilling film Fantasia when he was 8 he decided to become an illustrator. He is known as one of the thrill ingest, best children writer and illustrator of his time. Sendak has many children's books out . He has a rare variety of adults books. He says he can embrace his inner child better than being an adult, when asked in an interview why he wrote children's book.

4 President Kennedy John F. Kennedy, the president from 1961 until his death in He was very well respected. Most people thought he was crazy when he announced to the public in 1962 we would have a man on the moon before the decade was over. The American society loves all the Kennedy's. He was a very popular president and his family is known world-wide. He is so far the youngest to be elected and the youngest to die. He was a democratic and catholic. In 1956 Kennedy almost gained the democratic nomination for vice president. Four years later he was a first-ballot nominee for president. He was a the first Roman Catholic president. He entered the navy in 1940, only being 23 years old. He was born May, 29, When he returned from war he became a democratic congressman, and advanced in ‘53 to the senate. He married Jacqueline Bouvier on September 12, In 1955, while recovering from a back operation, he wrote Profiles in Courage, which won the Pulitzer prize in history. He is the only President to uphold this honor. During his presidency he faced the issues of Bay of Pigs invasion, Cuban Missile crisis, building of the Berlin Wall, Space Race, African-American civil rights movement, and early stages of the Vietnam War. He had 4 children, Arabella Kennedy, Caroline Bouvier Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. and Patrick Bouvier Kennedy.

5 The Dick Van Dyke Show Starring Dick Van Dyke and his lovely partner Mary Tyler Moore. The Dick Van Dyke Show was a comedy show in It was entertainment for the whole family. The show won 15 Emmy Awards. Aired from October, 3, !961 until June, 1, The theme song for the show was written by Earle Hagen. The scripts were written by Carl Reiner. Dick Van Dyke starred as the male main character Rob Petrie. Few people know Dick Van Dyke by his birth name, Richard Wayne Van Dyke.

6 Muhammad Ali- Cassius Marcellus Clay later to be known as Muhammad Ali was one of the worlds most famous boxers. He was accomplished and thriving during this time. He changed his name in ‘64 after meeting Muslims and learning their beliefs. After a short successful career Ali retired on June, 27, He couldn’t find peace in retirement and came out in 1980 to fight heavyweight champ Larry Holmes. Unfortunately he lost. He was knocked out in the 11th round. His record is 56 wins with only 5 losses. In 1984 Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He then started making public appearances and permanently is retired.

7 Clothes for today and tomorrow…
Movies You’ll adore… The infamous movie McClintock is airing in your local theatre. Its stars John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara. Another is Cleopatra with Elizabeth Taylor. You’ll love these family friendly movies. Clothes for today and tomorrow… The clothes departments are ringing in the New Year with softness, and naturalness. The usual seasonal taboos are being ignored and a number of colors, fabrics, and patterns are acclaimed as year round staples.

8 Show room Cars… Chevrolet and Ford have your new car waiting. They have everything from trucks to muscle cars go find your favorite at the local dealership.


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