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Welcome to English with Mrs. Lagan! Please use a card on your desk and complete the following: 1. Your child’s name 2. Strengths you’d like me to note.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to English with Mrs. Lagan! Please use a card on your desk and complete the following: 1. Your child’s name 2. Strengths you’d like me to note."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to English with Mrs. Lagan! Please use a card on your desk and complete the following: 1. Your child’s name 2. Strengths you’d like me to note 3. Areas you’d like your child to improve 4. Any questions you may have 5. Best e-mail address to reach you.

2 Overview This course essentially aims to encourage students to become effective communicators in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Additionally, students are challenged to use critical thinking.

3 Assessment: Grades are calculated as a percentage of total points for the term, with larger assignments being worth more points. So, if there are 1,000 points available and a student earns 900, then the student will have 90% average.

4 Grading Policies: Homework Starts at 100% Drops 5% for each missed assignment No make-ups because we review it in class, and the student needs to be learning to be responsible for themselves.

5 Major Assessments Tests, essays and large projects Typically = ~100pts

6 Minor Assessments Quizzes: vocabulary, grammar, and reading Graded classwork Typically = 10-50 pts. Absent= next day

7 Late work - points each day. There will be a final cut-off date. Detention possible if it is imperative that the assignment be completed.

8 Plagiarism No tolerance policy All or part= zero No graded re-do

9 Class Reading/Novels (On-level) Short Stories Chernowitz! The Outsiders Old Yeller Poetry

10 Class reading/Novels (Above Level) Short Stories Non-fiction stories Tom Sawyer The Outsiders Poetry

11 Independent (“silent”) Reading Marking Period 1: Realistic and historical fiction Marking Period 2: Autobiographies and biographies Marking Period 3: Science fiction, adventure, fantasy, or mystery Marking Period 4: Free Choice

12 Writing Open Ended Responses Explanatory Essay Expository Essay Narrative/Speculative Essay Persuasive/Argumentative Essay Poetry

13 Literary Elements Elements of Plot Imagery Personification Conflict Foreshadowing Flashbacks Moral and theme

14 Grammar Through Reading/Writing Writing descriptively/Showing not telling o adjectives, adverbs, verbs o prepositional phrases Sentence Parts o nouns and verbs Sound Sentences o nouns and verbs o prepositional phrases Varying Sentences o Punctuation o Complex and compound Word Choice o vocabulary building

15 Contact (973) 571-6751 Website:

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