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Day Three.  Overview of the Needs Presentation (Survey to Closing)  Laptop On Demand Needs Presentation  Role-Play Needs Presentation  Needs-Based.

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Presentation on theme: "Day Three.  Overview of the Needs Presentation (Survey to Closing)  Laptop On Demand Needs Presentation  Role-Play Needs Presentation  Needs-Based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day Three

2  Overview of the Needs Presentation (Survey to Closing)  Laptop On Demand Needs Presentation  Role-Play Needs Presentation  Needs-Based Closing and Closing the Sale  Role-Play Needs-Based Closing

3 Overview of the Needs Analysis Presentation: The Survey to Close

4  Survey to Close: Follow the 3 Part Process to maximize the presentations effectiveness I - R - T IntroRecapTie-Down

5 Higher the Need Less Objection to Buying



8 “I’m sure you can see how important it is to have this protection in place when something happens, yes?”

9 Laptop On Demand Needs Analysis

10  Watch the Needs portion of Laptop On Demand :

11 Role-Play the Needs Analysis

12  Follow your training manager’s instructions and role-play Needs Analysis.

13 Needs-Based Closing

14  Remember, the best close is a good presentation.  When you get to closing, the largest portion of the sale should already be done.  Asking for the sale is a very straightforward process. Nothing new should be discussed.  It should be a brief overview of the needs that are covered, followed by asking for the sale.

15  Asking for the sale is also very simple:  “Option 1 is this (point to the premium), and it covers all of your needs and inflation for final expenses.”  “Or if you’d prefer option 2, which still covers all your needs and covers your final expenses for today’s costs.”  “Which option works best for you?”  Wait for a response. Be silent and patient.


17 Do: Sell the Concept Final expenses covered Income protected Mortgage completely protected Kid’s college expense protected Your needs are protected so you don’t have to worry about this again. People Keep What They Know They Need Don’t: Sell Dollar Amounts Don’t sell face amounts Don’t say the premiums Buying based on premium or face amount is short lived

18 Role-Play Needs-Based Closing

19  Role-play the final close to the customer

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