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Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo – early morning and about 34 degrees with a high overcast sky. High contrast of this old silverback sitting in very bright.

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Presentation on theme: "Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo – early morning and about 34 degrees with a high overcast sky. High contrast of this old silverback sitting in very bright."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo – early morning and about 34 degrees with a high overcast sky. High contrast of this old silverback sitting in very bright partial morning light was a problem. He was right at the window – I don’t think I wanted to know what was on his mind – it looks depressing.

2 Shooting on a cold, frosty morning and usually through 1” thick or better glass was a real challenge. Between dirt smears and reflections it’s difficult to get clear shots with good a contrast range. Very strong sunlight ( this is Seattle?? ) made it difficult too.



5 Sun Bear with his winter coat – very shaggy!

6 This fellow was bellowing back at the lions next door. Just their way of saying good morning I guess.


8 Royal Couple in Stately Pose

9 Answering the Tiger next door – look at the breath of the lioness in the cold morning air. They had a lovely duet!


11 Yessssssss ??

12 Snake Puddle – not one you’d want to step in accidentally.



15 Falcon






21 Go away … let me sleep.

22 Seattle buildings represented by bronzed salt shakers … hmmmmm. This was a bronzed picnic table sculpture. Curious how people think of these things.

23 Orange Swirls

24 Friends


26 Show off!

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