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The Good Shepherd at Work Keir Thelander, M.D. Assistant Program Director Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons Bongolo Hospital, Gabon, West Central.

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Presentation on theme: "The Good Shepherd at Work Keir Thelander, M.D. Assistant Program Director Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons Bongolo Hospital, Gabon, West Central."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Good Shepherd at Work Keir Thelander, M.D. Assistant Program Director Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons Bongolo Hospital, Gabon, West Central Africa

2 The Call for all of us Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38

3 Keir and Joanna Thelander Luke, Sarah GABON

4 We will go 2004 God called (Genesis 12:1) January 2006 Albertville, France, Language training August 2006, arrival in Gabon at Bongolo Hospital

5 What are we to do? Jesus Response: When He saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:36

6 What? Compassion –Meeting practical needs –Meeting medical needs –Most importantly meeting spiritual needs by giving them Jesus

7 Why? Harassed and Helpless Jessicka – rode in a car for 6 hours with a broken pelvis

8 Helpless Then what happens when the electricity is cut? –When there is no backup power –And you need oxygen

9 Why? Sheep without a Shepherd The ratio of surgeons to people in Africa is estimated to be 1:250,000 In some countries, it is 1:1,000,000

10 Not Enough Shepherds Missionaries can’t be the only ones to meet these needs of compassion and shepherding. We are only a few. How much can we do and for how long?

11 The PAACS The PAACS stands for: Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons

12 What does PAACS do? Trains Christian African surgeons in Africa to stay in Africa and be Shepherds for Africa Trains Shepherds

13 Where is the PAACS? TRAINING CENTERS Soddo Christian Hospital (5) Hospital (5) Mbingo Baptist Mbingo Baptist Hospital (3) Hospital (3) Banso Baptist Banso Baptist Hospital, Hospital, Cameroon (5) Cameroon (5) Bongolo Hospital, Bongolo Hospital, Gabon (4) Gabon (4) AFFILIATED HOSPITALS Evangel Hospital Jos, Nigeria Cure CCH, Mbale, Uganda Kijabe Hospital, Kenya Tenwek Hospital, Bomet, Kenya Tenwek Hospital, Bomet, Kenya

14 Training in Progress

15 harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

16 Partner with PAACS to help disciple and train “shepherds” for Africa in Africa

17 Volunteer as a short- term Christian “visiting professor” Partner with us financially You are Needed!

18 For More Information Website Keir Thelander, MD – David Thompson, MD, FACS – Bruce Steffes, MD, FACS –

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