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VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION The Fully Developed Claims Program Compensation Service Training Staff November 2013.

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2 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION The Fully Developed Claims Program Compensation Service Training Staff November 2013

3 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Topics Types of revised EZ Forms Parts of the new forms Types of claims to be filed on VA Form 21-526EZ Types of claims to be filed on VA Form 21-527EZ Types of claims to be filed on VA Form 21-534EZ Incomplete Claims Exclusions from the FDC Program Development Retroactive effective dates 1

4 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Types of New Forms VA Form 21-526ez Fully Developed Claim (Compensation) VA Form 21-527ez Fully Developed Claim (Pension) VA Form 21-534ez Fully Developed Claim (Application for DIC, Death Pension, and Accrued Benefits) Only a claim filed on an EZ form is potentially eligible for processing in the FDC Program. If a claimant requests processing in the FDC Program but did not file their claim on an EZ form, the claim will be excluded from the FDC Program. Please note: The new forms are dated August 2013. Only the forms dated August 2013 or later will be accepted into the FDC program. 2

5 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Part of the New Form The updated VA Forms 21-526EZ, 21-527EZ, and the new VA Form 21-534EZ are comprised of two bound parts: – The Notice (see enclosure 1) – The Application (see enclosure 2) Please note: The application part of the new forms needs to be completely filled out and submitted to your local Regional Office. 3

6 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION The notice section of the new VA Form 21-526EZ provides the claimant §5103 notice (Duty to Assist) for the following live compensation claims: 1.Service connection (original, new, secondary, and reopened) 2.Service connection based on a period of active duty for training or inactive duty training 3.Increased disability compensation 4.Individual Unemployability 5.Temporary total disability rating due to hospitalization or due to surgical or other treatment 6.Compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1151 7.Increased benefits based on the need for aid and attendance or based on an additional disability or housebound status (SMC) 8.Specially adapted housing or special home adaptation 9.Automobile allowance or adaptive equipment 10.Benefits based on a Veteran’s helpless/seriously disabled child 4

7 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Excluded FDC Claims A few types of claims are not specifically covered by the FDC notice. Examples include: Claims for Permanent & Total status Claims for Hepatitis C Claims for a higher level of SMC (i.e. R-2) 5

8 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION The notice section of the new VA Form 21-527EZ provides the claimant §5103 notice (Duty to Assist) for the following live pension claims: 1.Improved Pension 2.Special Monthly Pension (aid and attendance or housebound benefits) 3.Improved Pension benefits based on a Veteran’s helpless/seriously disabled child 6

9 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION The notice section of the new VA Form 21-534EZ provides the claimant §5103 notice (Duty to Assist) for the following survivor (dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC), death pension, and/or accrued) claims: 1.Accrued benefits 2.DIC based on service-connected cause of death 3.DIC based on 38 U.S.C. §1318 4.DIC based on active-duty-for-training or inactive-duty-training death 5.Death pension and Parents’ DIC 6.38 U.S.C §1151 DIC 7.Increased survivor benefits (aid and attendance or housebound) 8.Benefits for a Veteran’s helpless/seriously disabled child 7

10 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Incomplete Claims To submit an incomplete claim, use VA Form 21-4138 with the following statement: “I intend to apply for compensation/pension benefits under the FDC Program. This statement is to preserve my effective date for entitlement to benefits. I am in the process of assembling my claim package for submission.” (enclosure 3) Please note: If a claimant in a communication identifies a specific contention (e.g., left leg, diabetes, etc) and a signed, completed VA Form 21-526 or EZ form is of record, we will consider it a formal application. We will place the claim under end product control (e.g., EP 020) effective the date of receipt of the completed application, and forward it for processing. 8

11 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Exclusion from the FDC Program The claimant indicated a desire not to have the claim processed in the FDC Program by checking the box in: – Item 21 of the VA Form 21-526EZ (AUG 2013); Item 32 of the VA Form 21-527EZ (AUG 2011); Item 44 of the VA Form 21-534EZ (AUG 2013) The claimant has a claim pending at the time of receipt of the EZ form The claimant has an appeal pending at the time of receipt of the EZ form The claim requires a character of discharge determination The claim requires development for records in the custody of the Veteran’s Guard/Reserve unit(s) Further evidence is needed from the claimant or an identified private medical provider. The claim requires any development except: – Federal records in the custody of the Federal government – Claimant-identified Federal treatment records such as VA medical center (VAMC) treatment records – A VA examination/DBQ 9

12 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Exclusion from the FDC Program (cont.) In addition to being excluded at receipt, the claim can be subsequently excluded if: The Veteran fails to report for a VA exam (and the fault is not with the VA due to using an incorrect address) A supplemental claim, additional evidence, or an NOD on any claim is received after receipt of the FDC 10

13 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Exclusion from the FDC Program (cont.) When a claim is excluded from the FDC program, either at initial receipt or subsequently, the Veteran is notified using language such as: “We cannot process your claim under the Fully Developed Claim (FDC) Program because…” …we received evidence requiring further development after the claim was received. …you did not report for a scheduled VA examination. …you did not sign your FDC application. 11

14 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Fully Developed Claims: Development Despite the name, we do not expect FDC claims to be ready for a decision immediately upon receipt. VA will still complete the following development on an FDC: Request any identified federal records. These records include service treatment records (except Guard/Reserve), VAMC records, personnel records, Social Security records, etc. Request a VA exam and opinion if necessary to decide the claim 12

15 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Fully Developed Claims: Development (cont) There are two circumstances where VA will still send a development letter to the Veteran under the FDC program: A claim for a condition that has been previously denied When VA determines that federal records are unavailable 13

16 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Previously Denied Conditions The FDC Notice includes information about the need for New & Material evidence to reopen a claim. However, VA still needs to inform the Veteran of the reason for the previous denial. “You were previously denied service connection for [contention VA previously denied]. You were notified of the decision on [date of previous denial]. The appeal period for that decision has expired and the decision is now final. In order for us to reopen your claim, we need new and material evidence. Your claim was previously denied because [reason(s) for previous denial, e.g., the disability was not shown in service]. Therefore, the evidence you submit must be new and relate to this fact.” Unlike the standard claims process, VA does not wait 30 days prior to taking the next action following this notice. The notice will be sent simultaneously with whatever other actions are needed to complete the claim. A paragraph explaining that the Veteran will be excluded from the FDC program if additional evidence is received will be attached as well. 14

17 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Unavailable Federal Records If the Veteran identifies federal records, and VA is unable to obtain them, we will send the Veteran a notification of the unavailability of those records, with the following paragraph attached: “We received your claim and your request to participate in the Fully Developed Claim (FDC) Program. Though you indicated you have no other information or evidence to give VA to support your claim, we are required to send you this notice. If you have information or evidence not previously submitted to VA that supports your claim, we recommend you submit it. As a reminder, if you submit any additional information or evidence at this point, VA will remove your claim from the FDC Program Expedited Process and process it in the Standard Claim Process.” Note: this paragraph is also attached to N&M notices. 15

18 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Private Medical Evidence In the FDC program, the Veteran must submit copies of the treatment records for VA to consider in order to remain eligible for the FDC program. If the Veteran submits a completed 21-4142 for a private provider along with their claim, the claim will be excluded and VA will develop for the medical records under the standard claims process. 16

19 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Federal Records If the Veteran identifies federal records, VA will proceed to develop for those records, just as in the standard claims process. However, if the Veteran has copies of the federal records in question, we strongly encourage them to be submitted with the claim. Attempts to obtain federal records can significantly delay the claim, so submitted records will expedite the claim process. 17

20 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Guard and Reserve Records If the Veteran is a member of the National Guard or Reserves, they must submit copies of their service treatment records and any relevant personnel records along with their claim in order to be eligible for the FDC program. If, during the development of a claim, VA determines that relevant records (that were not submitted by the Veteran) are in the custody of the Veteran’s Guard or Reserve units, the claim will have to be excluded from the FDC program. 18

21 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Public Law 112-154 Section 506 Amends 38 U.S.C. § 5110 to allow up to a one-year retroactive effective date for awards of disability compensation based on fully-developed original claims for compensation received between August 6, 2013, and August 5, 2015. 19

22 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Eligibility for one-year retroactive date The claim must be for compensation – no other types of claims are eligible, The claim must be formal and original; incomplete claims are not eligible for an additional retroactive effective date, The claim must be received on a VA Form 21-526 EZ, and The claim must be received between August 6, 2013, and August 5, 2015. 20

23 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Calculating the one-year retroactive date The evidence of record must support the evaluation assigned from the effective date. For example; if evidence submitted with the FDC shows the level of disability existed for one year prior to submission of the claim, then process the award with a one-year retroactive effective date. If, however, the evidence of record supports less than one- year of disability, process the award accordingly Unless there is evidence clearly supporting a staged rating, the rating should be consistent through the entire retroactive period. 21


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