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The Giant Panda Corrine Wolski. What we will learn about the panda! What the panda’s habitat is like Where the panda lives Baby pandas The panda diet.

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Presentation on theme: "The Giant Panda Corrine Wolski. What we will learn about the panda! What the panda’s habitat is like Where the panda lives Baby pandas The panda diet."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Giant Panda Corrine Wolski

2 What we will learn about the panda! What the panda’s habitat is like Where the panda lives Baby pandas The panda diet How people are saving pandas

3 Common Panda Facts Live in mountain ranges in China Bear-like shape Black and white fur Thick fur provides warmth Two to three feet tall Males weighing up to 250 pounds Females weighing up to 220 pounds

4 Common Facts Continued Giant pandas have large teeth. Strong jaws for crushing bamboo Bold coloring provides camouflage

5 Habitat Broadleaf forests Bamboo forests Elevations between 5,000 and 10,000 feet Heavy rain or dense mist all year Heavy clouds

6 Location Location Location! Mountain ranges in China Mainly in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu Because of habitat destruction pandas now live in reservations in China and the U.S.

7 Panda Cubs Small White Blind at birth Furless Helpless at birth Smallest newborn mammal.

8 Panda Cubs continued Cubs cry when hungry or when they need attention Adult coloring about a month after birth Cubs’ eyes open in six to seven weeks Follow mother three months after birth Eat bamboo at six months Weaned from mother after nine months

9 The Panda Diet Eat up to 12 hours every day Mainly bamboo diet Eat about 40 pounds of food every day Two main types of bamboo  Arrow Bamboo  Umbrella Bamboo

10 Saving The Giant Panda Chinese government has set aside 12 nature preserves for The Giant Panda. Bamboo flourishes at these preserves for The Panda. Efforts are being made to introduce pandas to new areas of China.

11 Panda Wrap-up Habitat  Bamboo Forest  Location  China  Reservations in China & U.S. Baby Panda Cubs  Helpless at birth  Smallest new born mammal The Panda Diet Two kinds of bamboo  Saving Pandas 12 Nature Preserves Introduce pandas into new parts of China.

12 Acknowledgements Page Http:// Http:// Http:// Http:// gnextfmt=printable Http:// gnextfmt=printable

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