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Social activity of elderly people Organizations unifying elderly people.

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1 Social activity of elderly people Organizations unifying elderly people

2 It is highly significant to afford an opportunity for elderly people to express themselves actively in the society. The main institution in Lithuania that is engaged in this activity is Lithuanian Union of Pensioners “Bociai”.


4 Organizations unifying elderly people The main activity purposes and tasks of LUP “Bociai” are: to represent economical, social, and cultural interests of people of pensionary and pre-pensionary age; organize discussions, seminars, conferences, courses, publishing activity;

5 Organizations unifying elderly people realizing the principle “Study during all the life!”, render services for education and improving qualification to its members; organize the activity of artistic self- expression for elderly people.

6 Organizations unifying elderly people LUP “Bociai” communities raise the task of cultural activity – to organize cultured interesting activity for pensioners, improve the lifestyle of elderly people. In the society, choruses, companies, collectives of dancers and musicians, readers, drama, and other collectives of “Bociai” are especially popular.

7 Organizations unifying elderly people “Bociai” for its members constantly organize the visiting of theatres and museums, excursions over Lithuania and to foreign countries, a lot of conferences, seminars, vivacious events, memorable meetings.


9 Organizations unifying elderly people Lithuanian Unity of Pensioners in 2006 started to publish the newspaper “LIETUVOS BOCIAI”. “Bociai” in 2007 implemented the project “Training of computer literacy of members of LUP “Bociai” funded by EU Structural Funds.

10 Organizations unifying elderly people The activity of Lithuanian Union of Pensioners “Bociai” stimulates elderly and old people to remain independent and to be self-sufficient and valuable members of their communities. The majority of the members of this Union attend sessions because of an opportunity to communicate.

11 The education of elderly people in Lithuania

12 Among other institutions satisfying the demands for the education of elderly people are Universities of the Third Age (U3A). The education of people of retirement age is developed only by U3A having its branches in various regions of Lithuania.

13 The education of elderly people in Lithuania The students of U3A decide personally the knowledge of what level is needed to them, how often and when lectures shall take place. The students attend lectures in the Faculties of Health, Religion Studies, Regional and Tourism Studies, Housekeeping, Spiritual Perfection, Psychology, and Languages.

14 The education of elderly people in Lithuania U3A students also pay lot of attention to the communication. The activity of U3A is inconceivable without the women chorus. Christmas, Easer are celebrated together, get-togethers, concerts and celebrations are organized. It is travelled over Lithuania and the world.




18 The education of elderly people in Lithuania This university is a nonprofit organization: students do not pay for studies and lecturers do not get salary for their work.

19 The education of elderly people in Lithuania University of Third Age itself guarantees for elderly people better social integration into the society, stimulates prolific and sapid life, keeps efficiency, physical activity, creates opportunities to exchange life experience and to fight against premature aging.

20 Psycho-social aspects of aging of elderly people in Lithuania

21 Earlier researches about the attitude towards elderly people fulfilled in Lithuania reveal the opponent status of people of senior age in Lithuania: the respect expressed for them is mostly declarative.

22 Psycho-social aspects of aging of elderly people in Lithuania Plenty of daily situations of social interactions are to be evaluated in “mildest” cases as ignorance and derogation, whereas in worst cases – as discrimination due to age, and even the manifestations of violence with regard to the people of senior age.

23 Psycho-social aspects of aging of elderly people in Lithuania Elderly people often become the victims of stereotyped attitude and discriminatory behaviour. Their situation in the society is closely related to collective images of senility. The most common characterizations of the people of senior age in periodical press are: pensioners, antecedents, and grandparents.

24 The attitude of Lithuanian society towards elderly people and their images Among the images of the people of senior age are to be mentioned: The image of the receiver of national social insurance superannuation; The image of the people of senior age as the receivers of social support; The image of a person of senior rage as a physically and legally helpless victim;

25 The attitude of Lithuanian society towards elderly people and their images The image of the people of senior age as offensive personalities; The image of the people of senior age as wise and active personalities; The image of the people of senior age as the objects of occasional respect;

26 The attitude of Lithuanian society towards elderly people and their images The image of the people of senior age as the inflexible and conservative personalities; The image of senility as the period of losses; The image of the old generation as „idling class“.

27 The attitude of Lithuanian society towards elderly people and their images The relations between generations in Lithuania are quite controversial: The image of solidarity between generations; The image of grandparents as shifting parents for their grandchildren; The image of the generation conflict.

28 The attitude of Lithuanian society towards elderly people and their images As a particular part of the society, the people of senior age are evaluated very high, but the increase of their part in the society is evaluated cardinally on the contrary. Lithuanian residents are also distinguished by the lack of objective knowledge about the extent of resident aging.

29 The attitude of Lithuanian society towards elderly people and their images Because of images of negative colours in Lithuanian press that shade positive ones the image of the people of senior age could be described as objectionable and intimidating. Insufficient knowledge about resident aging creates the environment for negative feelings.



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