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1 Phone: 33651704 Images from google images


3  Counselling  Careers  Accommodation  Learning  Disability/medical condition  Mates/mentoring  International  Multi-faith chaplaincy C CA L D M I M Think: CALLD MIM!

4  Run workshops  Provide individual appointments  Go first to workshop (if possible)

5  Stress  Relationships  Personal  With supervisor/advisor  Grief/loss  Adjustment  Herston on Wednesdays (Rita Mesch)  St. Lucia Monday to Friday

6  Resume advice  Career hub  St. Lucia Monday to Friday For more information and bookings: Career and job search assistance:

7  Advice about renting  Tenancy agreements  Finding accommodation  St. Lucia Monday to Friday

8  Advice about:  Academic writing  Time management  Reading/critical thinking  We do not:  Proof read theses  We do:  Discuss and give you feedback about writing, structure, argument and so on  Run writers’ groups (email or  St. Lucia Monday to Friday  Thursdays at Herston (Marian Butler)

9  Temporary or permanent  Physical  Mental health  Every day St. Lucia  Wednesday @ Herston (Rita Mesch) Advice about adjustments, support plans

10  Chat mates  Language exchange  Dinner mates  Activities  Mostly at St. Lucia

11  Cultural adjustment  Visas  Family  Health

12  Chat  Meet  Celebrate  Pray  St.Lucia Monday to Friday

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