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Duane’s Syndrome G. Vike Vicente, MD.

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1 Duane’s Syndrome G. Vike Vicente, MD

2 Duane’s Syndrome ALL FORMS RETRACT IN ADDUCTION Abda Dubba Deux
Type I: deficit in abduction and retraction in adduction (due to co-contaction of MR and LR Type II: deficit in adduction Type III: both. Watch for strabismus, face turn: attitude Usually sporadic, also think Goldenhars, Wildervanck syndromes OS more common than OD Females > males Watch also for vertical pull, leashing phenomenom. Occasional abscent CN 6 nucleus. G.Vicente

3 Duane’s Syndrome Type I: OS limited abduction, retraction in adduction

4 Duane’s Syndrome Type I limited abduction, retraction in adduction: superior view notice co-contraction of LMR & LLR OD OS Dr. G.Vicente

5 Duane’s Syndrome Type I retraction in adduction limited abduction, superior view
OS OD G.Vicente

6 Duane’s Syndrome Type II: OS limited adduction retraction in adduction

7 Duane’s Syndrome Type III: OS limited adduction and abduction retraction in adduction

8 Funny Story… 15 yo wm Bad attitude… ortho…? Right gaze,
Left face turn…

9 Funny Story… 15 yo wm Bad attitude… ortho…? 30 PD LET actually,
But can fuse in right gaze, left head turn 1ry gaze And I forgot to Check his ductions…

10 Funny Story… 15 yo wm Bad attitude… ortho…? 30 PD LET actually,
But can fuse in right gaze, left head turn And, I forgot to notice the limited abduction and narrow fissure in adduction Left gaze, Right face turn…

11 Duane’s Syndrome Type I: OS limited abduction, retraction in adduction

12 Duane’s treatment If strabismus in 1ry position
ET>XT Or significant head turn: attitude. Never resect LR if no abduction. This will worsen globe retraction and not improve abduction. G.Vicente

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