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Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Indicator 12 Program Participation System (PPS) Security Coordinator Training July 2011 Erin-Welcome and thank you for joining the Indicator 12 Program Participation System (PPS) Security Coordinator Webinar. I am joined by Nancy Fuhrman, the Special Education Data Coordinator, who will provide reminders, updates, and resources for those who have been security coordinators in the past and those who are new to this role.
Overview PPS Security Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities
Designating a PPS Security Coordinator Wisconsin’s Web Access Management System (WAMS) Creating a User ID and Password Password Account Recovery Wisconsin Integrated Security Application (WISA) Assigning PPS Access to District Users Terminating PPS Access for District Users We will begin by providing you with a brief overview of this training. The Program Participation System (PPS) is the application used by Birth to 3 programs to send child notifications and referrals to districts. Districts use PPS to access these child notifications and referrals. Districts also use PPS to provide the required Indicator 12 information for each child referred by Birth to 3. As part of the PPS application, districts need to identify a PPS Security Coordinator. Nancy will first explain the roles and responsibilities associated with the PPS Security Coordinator. Next she will discuss the steps to follow in designating a PPS Security Coordinator. Then Nancy will talk about the process to create a user ID and password using the Wisconsin Web Access Management System, also referred to as WAMS. Finally, Nancy will discuss the steps to follow when assigning and terminating district users with PPS access using the Wisconsin Integrated Security Application, also referred to as WISA.
PPS Security Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities
Each district is required to designate one individual as PPS Security Coordinator. PPS Security Coordinator should be director of special education or designee. PPS Security Coordinator grants PPS access to district users. PPS Security Coordinator terminates PPS access for district users. PPS Security Coordinator has PPS access. Nancy will begin by discussing PPS Security Coordinator roles and responsibilities. Nancy- Each district is required to have one individual designated as the PPS Security Coordinator. This individual should be the director of special education or his/her designee. This individual is responsible for granting other district users with PPS access. Likewise, this person is also responsible for terminating a district user’s PPS access if the user leaves the district or accepts another position within the district that does not require PPS access. The PPS Security Coordinator is also granted access to PPS.
Designating a PPS Security Coordinator
1 2 3 4 Identify individual to be PPS Security Coordinator PPS Security Coordinator obtains WAMS user ID and password PPS Security Coordinator provides DPI with his/her WAMS user ID DPI completes necessary set up for PPS Security Coordinator Let’s discuss the steps to follow when designating a PPS Security Coordinator. The first step is to identify the individual within the district who will be the PPS Security Coordinator. The listing of current PPS Security Coordinators is posted on the Indicator 12 homepage ( . Updates should be provided to me, Nancy Fuhrman. My contact information is at the end of this presentation. The second step is for this individual to obtain a WAMS user ID and password if he/she does not already have one. We will talk more about WAMS in upcoming slides. The third step is for the PPS Security Coordinator to provide DPI with his/her WAMS user ID. This can be done by sending an to me, Nancy Fuhrman. Again, my contact information can be found at the end of this presentation. The fourth step is for DPI to complete the necessary set up to designate the individual as the PPS Security Coordinator. This is a one-time process. DPI only needs to be notified when there is a change in the PPS Security Coordinator for the district.
WAMS Background WAMS allows authorized individuals to access state agency internet applications using one user ID and password. You MUST have a WAMS user ID to use PPS. Registration for a WAMS user ID is a quick and easy one-time process. A valid, unique address must be provided to register for a WAMS user ID. You may already have a WAMS user ID if you use other state systems. The Program Participation System (PPS) uses a WAMS login ID and password. WAMS is the Wisconsin Web Access Management System. WAMS allows authorized individuals to access internet applications across state agencies using one user ID and password. You must have a WAMS user ID and password to be the PPS Security Coordinator. You must also have a WAMS user ID and password to access the PPS application. If you are assigned to more than one district, your same WAMS ID and password can be used for all districts. Registration for a WAMS ID is a quick and easy one-time process. When registering for a WAMS account, you must provide a valid, unique address. You may already have a WAMS user ID and password if you use other state agency applications that use a WAMS login. For example, the Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES) uses a WAMS login.
Getting a WAMS User ID http://dpi. wi. gov/sped/spp-tran-presch
Getting a WAMS User ID or Link to WAMS from Indicator 12 homepage WAMS can be accessed via the Indicator 12 homepage ( or directly at 6
WAMS Application Process
Click on Self-Registration link. Read User Acceptance Agreement. Click Accept button to continue. To request a WAMS user ID and password, click on the Self-Registration link found on the WAMS homepage. You will be directed to an ‘Overview’ page where you will need to read the User Acceptance Agreement and then click the Accept button to continue. 7 7
WAMS Self-Registration
Complete the self-registration form. Confirmation will be sent to address provided. After clicking the Accept button, you will be prompted to fill out a form in order to create your WAMS account. Pieces of this form are shown on the slide. Only those fields identified with an asterisk are required. Under the account information section, be sure to read the requirements for acceptable User IDs and passwords. Once you have submitted the form, a confirmation will be sent to the address you provided. Although the application portion of your WAMS account has been completed, you are NOT done yet. You will need to retrieve a confirmation sent to your account within three (3) days and confirm the account creation process. Be sure to read the requirements for acceptable user IDs and passwords. 8 8
WAMS Confirmation Email
Click on this link to complete the WAMS application process. Provide DPI with your WAMS user ID. This slide is an example of the confirmation . Once you have opened the confirmation , click on the highlighted link to complete the registration process. You will be taken to a login page where you will enter your newly created WAMS user ID and password. Once you have completed that step, a confirmation page will appear indicating the successful completion of your WAMS user ID registration process. The last step is to provide your WAMS user ID to the DPI PPS Security Coordinator, Nancy Fuhrman, so that your WAMS user ID can be granted the PPS Security Coordinator rights.
Forgot your WAMS Password?
If you forget your WAMS password, you will need to return to the WAMS site and select Account Recovery from the menu options. You will be requested to provide either your WAMS login ID or your address. An is then sent to you at the address provided within WAMS with the steps to follow to reset your password. It is important that your address be kept current in WAMS. If your address changes, you will want to return to the WAMS site and select Profile Management from the menu options available to update your address.
Designating District Users for PPS Access
1 2 3 4 Identify individuals within LEA to be granted PPS access Request individuals obtain WAMS user ID and password Individuals provide PPS Security Coordinator with their WAMS user ID PPS Security Coordinator completes necessary set up using WISA to grant district users with PPS access As the PPS Security Coordinator, you are now able to grant other district users with PPS access. Let’s discuss the steps to follow when granting district users with PPS access. The first step is to identify the individuals within the district who should be granted PPS access. The second step is for each district user to obtain a WAMS user ID and password. These individuals will follow the same steps outlined in previous slides as the PPS Security Coordinator when obtaining a WAMS login ID and password. It is possible the individual may already have a WAMS user ID and password if he/she uses other state agency applications that use a WAMS login. If so, the individual will not apply for another WAMS login ID and password. The third step is for each district user to provide you, as the PPS Security Coordinator, with their WAMS user ID. The fourth step is for the PPS Security Coordinator to log into the Wisconsin Integrated Security Application (WISA) and complete the necessary set up to grant district users with PPS access. The PPS Security Coordinator should maintain a list of those individuals for whom PPS access has been granted. 11
WISA Background WISA allows authorized users the ability to control other users’ access to state agency web applications by assigning a profile to a WAMS user ID. A profile is a record associated with a user that defines what pages a user can access within an application. Each users’ WAMS ID must have a WISA profile attached to it by the PPS Security Coordinator before the district user can access PPS. WISA is the backbone security tool for PPS. The Wisconsin Integrated Security Application (WISA) is the application used by PPS Security Coordinators to grant a WAMS user ID with PPS access. WISA allows authorized users, such as PPS Security Coordinators, the ability to control other users’ access to state agency web applications, such as PPS, by assigning a profile to a WAMS user ID. A profile is a record associated with a user that defines what pages a user can access within an application. Each user’s WAMS ID must have a WISA profile attached to it by the PPS Security Coordinator before the district user can access PPS. WISA is the backbone security tool for PPS.
Accessing WISA
Link to WISA from Indicator 12 homepage Use WAMS user ID and password to log in Must use Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher as web browser WISA can be accessed via the Indicator 12 homepage ( You will use your WAMS user ID and password when logging into WISA. You must use Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher as your web browser. Only the PPS Security Coordinator for a district has access to WISA. 13
WISA Homepage Click PPS Administration link to begin set up process.
This slide shows the WISA homepage that will be displayed once you login. Some key features include: 1) The navigation menu found along the left side of the page. 2) The user name and profile name for the logged in user found across the top of the page. 3) The log out button found in the upper right corner. These features appear on all pages in WISA. To begin the set up process to assign a district user with PPS access, click on the PPS Administration link found under the Navigation Menu.
Search 2. 3. 1. 4. WAMS should always be the selected Search Option.
Clicking on the PPS Administration link will cause the User Administration link to be displayed. Click the User Administration link to display the User Search page. Via the User Search page, you can enter either a district user’s WAMS User ID or you can search based on the individual’s name. Click on the Search button to retrieve the search results. 3. Enter district user’s WAMS User ID or name as Search Criteria. 1. Click User Administration link to access User Search. 4. Click Search button to retrieve search results.
Search Results Click pencil icon for district user.
Clicking on the Search button causes the page to refresh with your search results. The search is a 'starts with' search meaning it returns records that start with the same letters entered. For example, the last name entered was ‘SIM’ and the last names of ‘SIME’ and ‘SIMMONDS’ were also returned. Each matching record will be displayed with a grey pencil icon under the Edit column. Click on the pencil icon for the individual for whom you are searching. Click pencil icon for district user.
User Details There are three sections to the User Details page.
Clicking on the pencil icon on the Search Results page takes you to the User Details page. It is from this page that you will grant PPS access to the district user by assigning profiles to the user’s WAMS ID. There are 3 sections to the User Details page: User Information PPS Application Access PPS Profile Assignment We will discuss each of these sections on the next slides. There are three sections to the User Details page.
User Information The User Information section of the User Details page will default with known information for the individual. Required fields are marked by a red asterisk. Enter the current date for the Start Date if a date is not already displayed. The end date specifies when an individual’s access to the system will be terminated. Do not enter an end date when granting access rights; only provide a start date. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed. Start date cannot be prior to the current date. address must be the address used by individual when obtaining WAMS user ID. End date specifies when an individual’s access to the system will be terminated.
PPS Access Information
The PPS Access Information section requires that you enter an application start date. Enter the current date as the application start date. Do not enter an application end date when granting a district user with PPS access. Enter the current date as the Application Start Date.
PPS Profile Assignment
Next you will complete the PPS Profile Assignment section. Complete the data fields as follows: Admin Unit Level – Select ‘Agency’ from the drop down list. Admin Unit – Select your LEA from the drop down list. Profile – Select ‘Local Education Agency Full Access’ from the drop down list. Start Date – Enter the current date or the date for which PPS access is to begin. Do not enter an end date when granting a district user with PPS access. Admin Unit Level Select ‘Agency’ Admin Unit Select your LEA Profile Select ‘Local Education Agency Full Access’ Start Date Current date or date for PPS access to begin
Adding Users Click the Add button once all information has been entered. A new record for the user will be displayed. Click the Save button to save the information entered. Once all information has been entered for a user, click the Add button. A new record for the user will be displayed. Click the Save button to save the information entered. The user now has access to the Program Participation System (PPS) application.
Terminating PPS Access
Click the edit pencil icon in the PPS Profile Assignment section. Enter an end date. Click the Update button. The record will be updated to reflect end date. Click the Save button to save the information entered. A user’s PPS access should be terminated if the individual leaves the district or if the individual’s role within the district changes. To terminate an individual’s PPS access, you would log into the Wisconsin Integrated Security Application (WISA) and search for the individual similar as if you were granting a district user with PPS access. An end date would be entered for the individual in the PPS Profile Assignment section of the User Details page. To do so, click on the edit pencil icon for the individual in the PPS Profile Assignment section. Enter the end date and then click on the Update button. The individual’s record will be updated to reflect the end date. Click the Save button for the changes to be saved. It is not necessary to provide end dates in the User Information or PPS Application Access sections; an end date only needs to be provided in the PPS Profile Assignment section.
Error Messages Error Messages will be displayed if required fields are left blank or improper data is entered. As you are working in WISA, red error messages will be displayed if you forget to enter a data field or enter something incorrectly, such as entering an invalid date in a date field.
Error GL033: ‘DynaList’ fields need to be empty
Error Message – GL033 Error GL033: ‘DynaList’ fields need to be empty Displayed when have clicked Save button prior to clicking the Add button when granting PPS access or the Update button when terminating PPS access. Click the Add/Update button and then click the Save button to correct. Another common, and confusing, error message is one that is displayed as ‘GL033:'DynaList' fields need to be empty’. If you receive this error message, it means that you clicked the Save button without first clicking the Add button if granting a district user with PPS access or the Update button if terminating a district user with PPS access.
Special Education Data Coordinator
Questions? Questions related to PPS Security Coordinators can be directed to: Nancy Fuhrman Special Education Data Coordinator (608) Questions related to the roles and responsibilities of PPS Security Coordinators can be directed to Nancy Fuhrman at the contact information displayed. Please check the list of current PPS Security Coordinators posted on the Indicator 12 homepage ( and provide DPI with updates if need be. Thank you!
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