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2014 Technology Roadmap… into 2015. 2014 – how did we do? new reporting environment (tick) new account user management (tick) one-click donations (tick)

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Technology Roadmap… into 2015. 2014 – how did we do? new reporting environment (tick) new account user management (tick) one-click donations (tick)"— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Technology Roadmap… into 2015

2 2014 – how did we do? new reporting environment (tick) new account user management (tick) one-click donations (tick) new ‘profiles’ interface (tick) option to create ‘attributes’ (tick) telemarketing (partially complete, 8-10 week cycle) event module (in progress, 6-8 week cycle) email service (in progress, 16-20 week cycle) supporter center (2015)

3 telemarketing phase 1 is completed: donation / membership processing via manage supporter page phase 2 is completed: account user permissions call lists are created by administrators using any transactional or constituent data telemarketers are processing a call transaction, and if successful, a campaign transaction reporting allows for analysis of performance metrics of individual telemarketers transactional data includes new transaction types implementation linked to re-work of ‘manage supporter’ page

4 email service complete overhaul of dashboard UI new features: automated sending of split test winners based on client set metric improvement to plain text loader preview in dominant email clients deliverability scoring single page email edit, list build, and send send schedule linked to recipient time zone auto-update segments for scheduled broadcasts new templates with focus on mobile ‘attributes’ are being added to roll-up reporting data reporting to connect email ID to landing page campaign ID for better reporting

5 event module more sophisticated features than current data capture option: cap event numbers automate event wait list automate event registrant cancellation additional transaction data fields specific to events (e.g. multiple guests through single purchase) ‘table’ or ‘group purchase’ manager bar coded email receipts for event ticketing phase 2 will be a distributed events module based on peer-to-peer fundraising module / supporter center

6 supporter center portable widget that can be embedded anywhere, or hosted web page with login form supporter login / forgot password function customizable supporter dashboard: update personal data manage recurring payments view advocacy history view donor history suggest other actions to take view project updates from projects they have contributed to options to expand the dashboard - campaign updates / donor impact content

7 peer-to-peer move from embedded widget to hosted pages ‘content markers’ – modularized page options provide page-builder and microsite templates (more comprehensive CMS) with inline editor overhaul of data structure to roll-up reporting more efficiently dashboard re-design focusing all campaign components in a single menu greater selection of customizable display widgets and data services expanded options for fundraiser dashboard mobile app for fundraisers

8 CRM improvements assigning a wider number of ‘tagged’ fields for data management in the dashboard (e.g. ‘chapter’ / ‘secondary email’ / ‘household’ / etc.) option to create a personal view of the ‘manage user’ page: drag and drop data modules into the page view data aggregation and metrics available in the ‘manage supporter’ page new transaction type for ‘supporter notes’ for data sync with other databases expanded view of all transaction types (including email) in the ‘manage user’ page new option for batch merge of records

9 also on the list new page builder social media campaigning tool batch donation processing improved survey function UI changes to query builder, campaign list page, default record page Engaging Networks Services (ENS) fraud detection service for donation processing spam prevention built into all forms

10 Thank You!

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