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1 IAM – End User Training Guide. 2 Identity Access Management (IAM) encapsulates people, processes and products to identify and manage the data used in.

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Presentation on theme: "1 IAM – End User Training Guide. 2 Identity Access Management (IAM) encapsulates people, processes and products to identify and manage the data used in."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IAM – End User Training Guide

2 2 Identity Access Management (IAM) encapsulates people, processes and products to identify and manage the data used in an information system to authenticate users and grant or deny access rights to data and system resources. The goal of IAM is to provide appropriate access to enterprise resources. Identity Management System in BSNL is used for centralized user management (creation, modification and disablement) for PMS and CRM applications. Users can manage personnel profile including password using self-service feature of IAM Solution. Access Management system is used for providing authentication, authorization and Single Sign On (SSO) for IM, PMS and CRM applications. IAM Overview

3 3 IT Manager Circle End User (CRM) IT Manager SSA1IT Manager SSA2 End User (Self-Service) End User (PMS) IM Administrator Application Owner Application IM Roles

4 4 4 Role NameDescription End UserResponsible for managing self user profile and self service tasks such password reset. End user may access more than one protected enterprise application (PMS, Clarity, CRM etc.) IT Managers (Circle)Location/ Department heads responsible for user management (create, modify, enable/disable, application access/revoke etc) at his/ her location. Also responsible for assigning IT Manager SSA role to SSA users. IT Managers (SSA)Location/ Department heads responsible for user management (create, modify, enable/disable, application access/revoke etc) at his/ her location. IM AdministratorsResponsible for Administration of IAM policies. (Addition of new application, roles, access policies, etc.) Application OwnerResponsible for Managing orphan accounts of the application. (Assign/delete/resume/ suspend orphan accounts.) IM Roles cont…

5 5 Enterprise Portal (EP) is used as a single point of entry to various other applications on which the user has access. User logged in to EP can perform Single Sign On (SSO) to all the other applications that user has access to. By default every user can access “Self-Service” application from EP. Enterprise Portal

6 6 URL for EP Following URL can be used to launch EP Login Credentials User has to enter user name (B + 9 digit HRMS No) and default password as bsnl123. User will be forced to change password and set security question and answer at first logon. On Successful login, user will see the list of applications which he/she is authorized to access including default link to Self-Service. Click on application link to open. Enterprise Portal Details

7 7 Enterprise Portal Login Page

8 8 Enterprise Portal Home Page

9 9 Self-Service (Identity Management Application) End User is presented with two categories of tasks (as shown in next slide).  Self Administration category.  Application Access Request category. Self-Service

10 10 Self Administration

11 11 Self Administration

12 12 Self Administration

13 13 Tasks that can be performed under Self Administration include  Change My Password  Change Security Q&A  Modify My BSNL Profile  View My Submitted Tasks  View My Work List Self Administration

14 14 Users can change password using “Change My Password”. New password should be used for the next login. Change Password

15 15 Users can change Security question and answer using “Change My Security Q&A”. Security question-answer will be used in retrieving forgotten password. Change My Security Q&A

16 16 Users can modify personal details using this task Modify My BSNL Profile

17 17 Users can view the status (pending, rejected, approved, failed, completed etc.) of the submitted task. View My Submitted Tasks

18 18 Users can modify their profile information such as Address,Email,Telephone etc.., Following slide shows the Modify My BSNL Profile Screen. Modify My BSNL Profile

19 19 Users can view and act upon work items that appear in their work list by using View My Work List View My Work List

20 20 Application Access Request

21 21 Users can request for access to CRM,PMS and Clarity using the respective request tasks. After requesting for access, the workflow gets initiated to IT Manager SSA/Circle. Following slide shows the Application Access Request Screen. Application Access Request

22 22 Application Access Request

23 23 Users can request for access to CRM application using this task. List of available CRM Roles will be displayed. User can select one particular role for application authorization. After submitting the CRM request, workflow gets initiated and goes to IT Manager SSA/Circle. User can track the status of workflow using View My Submitted tasks under Self Administration. CRM Request

24 24 CRM Request Screen

25 25 Users can request for access to PMS application using this task. List of available PMS Roles will be displayed. User can select one particular role for application authorization. After submitting the PMS request, workflow gets initiated and goes to IT Manager SSA. User can track the status of workflow using View My Submitted tasks under Self Administration. PMS Request

26 26 PMS Request Screen

27 27 User who cannot access Enterprise Portal due to a forgotten password shall have to click on the link for forgot password on Enterprise Portal. User will be challenged to answer the security question. If the answer to security question is correct then user will be prompted to reset the password. User can access the system with new password Forgotten Password Retrieval

28 28 Logging out from individual application keeps the session active and closes the application only. User can re-open the application by clicking the link provided on the Enterprise Portal. Cick on on Enterprise Portal Home Page or close the window at the top right corner to logout from EP. Logout

29 29 Thank You.....

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