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Operation Barbarossa, Stalingrad and Leningrad

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1 Operation Barbarossa, Stalingrad and Leningrad
Ryan Pitney, Ranjan Mithal, Alex Fleming, Sidney Hershey, Sanket Katta Operation Barbarossa, Stalingrad and Leningrad

2 The Short Version Hitler forgot to pack a winter coat.
Paulus: “Mein Führer, maybe this wasn’t a good idea.” Hitler: “You’ll be fine, ja!”

3 The Long Version (Thesis)
Hitler’s pride in capturing Stalingrad was the reason he would lose it. When the Russian armies surrounded the city, he refused to allow his commander to retreat and concede ground to the Soviets, leading to the surrender of Nazi forces inside the city. This broke the momentum of Operation Barbarossa and created a turning point in the war that allowed the Russians to break through and continue their advance to Berlin, which led to an eventual Nazi defeat.

4 And no one cared about Leningrad.

5 Axis Leaders Erich von Manstein
“Perhaps the most talented German field commander in World War 2” Commanded the 56th Panzer Corps Nearly captured Leningrad Friedrich Paulus The army he commanded attacked Stalingrad Asked Hitler to let them retreat when Nazis were losing Surrendered January 31st, 1943

6 More Axis Leaders Carl Gustaf Mannerheim President of Finland
Commander-in-Chief during Winter War Joined the Nazis to get back land from Russia Gerd von Rundstedt Held commands on both Eastern and Western Fronts Led the breakthrough that sealed France’s fate One of the most able officers of Germany Commanded the German southern wing Wilhelm von Leeb Army group played a major part in defeating defenders in the Maginot line Primary task was Leningrad

7 Don’t let them near your children. (Pitney Moses…)
Carl Gustaf Mannerheim Gerd von Rundstedt Wilhelm von Leeb

8 Allied Leaders Semyon Timoshenko Georgy Zhukov Modernized Russian army
Fought German forces at Leningrad Georgy Zhukov Saved Moscow in Barbarossa ‘Destroyed’ the German forces at Stalingrad

9 We would hate being Russian Generals...

10 The German Advance

11 Operation Barbarossa Codename for the Nazi Invasion of Soviet Russia.
Commenced on June 22, 1941 Poor planning of the invasion was the biggest factor in Nazi defeat, i.e, winter.

12 Operation Barbarossa (contd.)
Went against the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 3.6 million Axis troops were mobilized.

13 Timeline Jun. 22, 1941: Operation Barbarossa begins.
Axis forces divided in 3 Jul. 3, 1941: Stalin orders a Scorched Earth. Jul. 17, 1941: 300,000 Russian troops near Smolensk are captured. Sep. 5, 1941: 4 Russian Armies are trapped in Kiev. Sep. 7, 1941: Russia withdraws from Kiev. Sep. 8, 1941: Leningrad encircled, siege begins. Sep. 26, 1941: “Operation Typhoon,” capture of Moscow. Oct. 23, 1941: Fins invade Russia on the side of the Nazis, but stopped after 15 days. Dec. 5, 1941: Russian counterattack launched. Dec. 9, 1941: First supplies enter Leningrad. May 15, 1942: Russians give up front in Crimea. Jun. 30, 1942: After 1 month of fighting, Sebastopol falls to the Germans. Aug. 19, 1942: Germans begin assaulting Stalingrad. Oct. 4, 1942: Fourth German assault. Oct. 14, 1942: Hitler orders a defensive stance on the Russian Front. Early Nov. 1942: Preparations for Plan Uranus Nov. 19, 1942: Russians begin to retake Stalingrad Nov. 23, 1942: Russians surround 330,000 German troops. Jan, 31, 1943: Field Marshal Paulus and the German VI Army surrender.

14 Simple Timeline

15 And then Leningrad ended a year later.
Just pretend that you care about it.

16 Warning! Graphic Images!

17 The Siege of Leningrad The 900 day siege
Began Sept , until Jan. 27, 1944 German forces encircled the city, cutting off communications and supplies, along with artillery and air bombardment.

18 Leningrad cont. City had no heat, water, or food.
Russia only had “ice and water road” for supplies until January 1943 Siege ended January 27, 1944 when approaching Soviet forces caused a German retreat.

19 Leningrad cont.

20 Statistics: Leningrad
During December of 1941 over 52,000 had died. According to city resources, starvation and cold accounted for an average of 1,600 deaths per day. The official death toll for the siege in it’s entirety is approximately 632,000 casualties. Some historians argue that the death toll is closer to 1 million.

21 The Turning Point (it was Stalingrad) “I’m FABULOUS!”

22 Statistics: Stalingrad
Russian army led by Zhukov 1,000,500 men 13,541 artillery guns 894 tanks 1,115 planes Germans led by Paulus 1,011,500 men 10,290 artillery guns 675 tanks 1,216 planes

23 Battle of Stalingrad Sept 1, 1942 - Feb 2, 1943
Germans condemned it as the Rat War Cited as first major Nazi loss and one of the turning points in favor for the allies The battle for the city descended into one of the bloodiest battles in WWII Individual streets were fought over hand to hand combat

24 More Stalingrad Neither side wanted to surrender
Hitler because he didn’t want to give up land Stalin because it was called Stalingrad Zhukov surrounds the city with a million soldiers Paulus has an opportunity to escape, asks Hitler Hitler says ‘no shut up’ Promotes Paulus to Field Marshal to encourage him Germans fail, Russia wins the battle Paulus forced to surrender Hitler angry, demotes him

25 Effects of Stalingrad Major moral loss for Germany
Entire army group lost with 91,000 Germans prisoner Large loss of equipment and manpower Didn’t allow them to fight back against the Russian advance that followed.

26 Casualties:Battle of Stalingrad

27 Works Cited "Operation Barbarossa: The Biggest Military Adventure in History." Mental Floss. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar Operation Barbarossa.” WW2DB RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2015 "Necrometrics." Twentieth Century Atlas. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Siege of Leningrad." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "TED Case Studies." TED Case Study: Lake Ladoga Water Quality. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Operation Barbarossa." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 13 Mar "Operation Barbarossa | European History." EncyclopediaBritannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 16 Mar United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 20 June Web. 17 Mar "Operation Barbarossa:." Operation Barbarossa:. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar "Battle of Stalingrad Timeline." Battle of Stalingrad Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. "Von Paulus to Hitler: Let Us Surrender!" A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 17 Mar "Erich Von Manstein | Biography - German General." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 17 Mar "Friedrich Paulus | Biography - German Military Officer." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 17 Mar

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