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AP Test Hints.

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1 AP Test Hints

2 Multiple Choice There is only ONE correct answer… but sometimes you will have to pick the BEST option Manage your time… 90 min and 100 questions Don’t get bogged down on one tough one. Move on! Read the entire question carefully Make notes in your booklet- eliminate answers, underline key words There is no deduction for guessing on the mutiple-choice questions. The test gets easier as you go. The last 50 will be easier than the first 50.

3 Multiple Choice Go through the entire test booklet circling all the answers you find the easiest. Circle any questions that you think you know but that you need to go back and spend some time thinking about. After you have done all the ones that you find easiest, then go back to the ones that you had circled. Now, go fill out your scantron with the answers you have. Any time left over and you can go back to the ones that were really hard… usually ones that require some calculation, and see if there are any that you can figure out.

4 Types of Questions Options First Traditional Negative Stem
Roman Numeral Least and Most Likely Data Interpretation and Analysis

5 Free Response Questions
4 FRQs in 90 minutes… about 22 minutes each Worth 40% of the test… each question is 10% Points possible to earn out of 10 You can always get partial credit so answer the parts of the question that you can There is usually one or two parts that are simpler so look through the entire question

6 Types of FRQs Data-Set Questions
Math based questions- will use a graph, diagram, table/chart or stats About half of the points will come from math work Usually there is one or two parts that are conceptual and not mathematical… so don’t give up NO CALCULATORS ALWAYS SHOW YOUR WORK and include units!

7 Types of FRQs Document-Based Questions (DBQ)
Some type of document will introduce the concepts of the question Be sure not to just repeat information in the document Synthesis/Evaluation Questions Two of this type of FRQ and usually the easiest to demonstrate your knowledge Identify the verbs used in the prompt and know what is required of you

8 FRQ Hints Answer the FRQ’s in this order… 4, 1, 3, 2.
Question 1 will most likely be a DBQ. Question 2 will probably be the math question and question 3 and 4 are usually “typical” FRQ’s that are looking to see what you know about some environmental issue. Make sure you show all your work on any math questions…even if that work could be done in your head! No work= no credit! Make sure all your answers are on the answer document and not the test booklet. The test booklet does not go to the AP comes back to me. Use the test booklet to brainstorm, then answer on the answer document! All answers must be in complete sentences! You may not receive credit for incomplete sentences! After you have answered all the FRQ’s go back and see if you can “find” where the points come from. If you only get to 8 or 9 points, chances are you forgot to respond to some part of some question. See if you can find what you forgot!

9 FRQ Vocabulary When the question asks you to “identify” or “list”… this can be done in one sentence. When the question asks you to “describe”, “discuss” or “explain” you need about 3 sentences for each answer. When the question asks you to “identify and describe”, etc. you need about 4 sentences! When the question asks you to “write and argument” you should answer extensively in at least a paragraph

10 FRQ Vocabulary When the question asks for an “environmental” benefit or cost… you talk about animals, plants, soil, air, etc. Do not talk about humans! When the question asks for a “societal” benefit or cost… you talk about people, cities, crops, etc. When the question asks “what could the government do?”… you answer with something about writing a law or educating the public. When the question asks “human health” effects… you talk about asthma, emphysema, nervous systems issues like birth defects, brain damage, or cancer. These cover most environmental health hazards. Obviously, if you know the effect, then write the correct effect…otherwise guess! When the question asks for “economic” benefits or costs… you talk about money and jobs.

11 FRQ Hints Do not skip any parts of the FRQ… if you don’t know…put something down that you think might be right! If the question says to give “TWO” reasons… only the first two things you write down are graded. Same if it says “ONE” reason…only the first is graded. If the question says “Identify and describe TWO reasons…” that means that you need 4 sentences for the first reason and another 4 sentences for the second reason… 8 sentences all together! Do not restate the question or give an opening paragraph and conclusion. It is a “free response”… that means short answer, complete answer, complete sentence! Pace yourself… you have approximately 22 minutes for each FRQ. Don’t spend too much time on one, you will run out of time on the other. This is why I say to answer the math question (probably question 2) last. Most students spend a lot of time answering the math question. Also, there will be some questions on the math question that are not math. Answer those first, then go back and try to answer the math. Remember, you are not allowed a calculator on this exam so show all your work!

12 FRQ Hints Do not answer a question with “it is bad for the environment” or it will “harm biodiversity”. These are too vague. You need to explain HOW it is bad for the environment or HOW it will harm biodiversity. Also, don’t say it will cause “pollution”… any third grader can say that.. Be specific, name a particular chemical, etc. Show the grader that you know some science facts… Do not answer the FRQ’s with one giant “super paragraph”. Label your answers with 1a. 2c. Etc. That way the grader knows exactly what you are trying to say! Remember that there are environmentalists grading your response…always go with the answer that is best for the environment unless it asks you to do otherwise. Sometimes they want you to show “both sides of an argument”. An example of this is “describe on incentive that the government of a country could offer its citizens that would favor a reduction in the growth rate of its population. Explain how this incentive would work, and describe one possible drawback.” They are looking for you to play “Devils advocate”. Go with the most obvious answer. The grader doesn’t give you “extra” points because you know some obscure fact or law that you learned about on Discovery Channel. Try to give the answer that MOST of the nation will give. If you don’t know a law… always fall back on the Endangered Species Act, The Clean Air Act or the Clean Water Act. These usually work if you can support your answer!

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