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THE PAST PARTICIPLE. In English Present Past Past Participle SingSangSung GoWentGone EatAteEaten WriteWroteWritten GiveGaveGiven.

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2 In English Present Past Past Participle SingSangSung GoWentGone EatAteEaten WriteWroteWritten GiveGaveGiven

3 How to Form in Spanish In Spanish, regular –ar verbs form the past participle with –ado. Regular –er and –ir verbs form the past participle with –ido. INFINITIVESTEMPAST PARTICIPLE bailar  bail-  bailado comer  com-  comido vivir  viv-  vivido

4 OJO! íATENCIÓN! The past participles of –er and –ir verbs whose stems end in –a, –e, or –o carry a written accent mark on the i of the –ido ending. caer  caído creer  creído leer  leído oír  oído reír  reído sonreír  sonreído traer  traído

5 Irregulars

6 Acronym? Can you come up with an acronym to remember these irregulars? Use the first letter of each verb and try to think of a sentence.

7 How to use past participles  In Spanish, as in English, past participles can be used as adjectives.  They are often used with the verb estar to describe a condition or state that results from an action.  Like other Spanish adjectives, they must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. Ella vio una botella rota en la playa. She saw a broken bottle on the beach. Tenemos la mesa puesta y la cena hecha. We have the table set and dinner made. Me gusta usar papel reciclado. I like to use recycled paper. Este río ya no está contaminado. This river is no longer contaminated.

8 You Try! 1. hablar_____ 9. correr _____ 2. beber _____10. leer _____ 3. decidir _____ 11. ver _____ 4. romper _____ 12. hacer _____ 5. escribir _____ 13. morir _____ 6. cantar _____ 14. reír _____ 7. oír _____ 15. mirar _____ 8. traer _____ 16. abrir _____

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