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Physical Education and TECHNOLOGY. Betty Ann Fish ❖ Chair of the Physical Education Department ❖ SCH Academy - Philadelphia PA ❖

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Education and TECHNOLOGY. Betty Ann Fish ❖ Chair of the Physical Education Department ❖ SCH Academy - Philadelphia PA ❖"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Education and TECHNOLOGY

2 Betty Ann Fish ❖ Chair of the Physical Education Department ❖ SCH Academy - Philadelphia PA ❖ ❖ @bafish10

3 We need to showcase and celebrate the great things that happen in our classes.

4 When do we showcase? ❖ Large group events ! ❖ We do great things every day !

5 Simple tools ❖ Flip video camera (or any other brand) ❖ iPod touch that has a camera ❖ Digital camera ❖ iPhone / Smartphone

6 PLAY!!!!!!!!!

7 Virtual PE Closet ❖ I was able to have a PE open house for the lower school faculty with all my equipment spread out on the floor. ❖ I took pictures of the equipment added a short description, made cards and then posted all the information in a shared folder for classroom teachers to access.


9 Kindergarten teacher using PE equipment.

10 Digital Skills and 21st Century Learning ❖ problem solving ❖ collaboration ❖ communication ❖ critical thinking ❖ creativity and innovation ❖ global citizen

11 Happy and healthy podcast. ❖ A joint venture with parents and first grade students.

12 Heart commercial

13 Smart ideas and the heart

14 Skype to the Winter Olympics

15 Winter Olympics

16 Instead of three pieces of equipment in the gym - a digital camera, iPod and video camera - I can now have just one. Here is a movie all made on the iPhone.

17 Alphabet Walk and the iPad

18 Alphabet Walk

19 iPod / iPad fitness circuit

20 Pedometers / flips ❖ Lower school students check out pedometers and flips to document how they are physically active outside of school.

21 TOOLS ❖ RSS feeds ❖ diigo ❖ google reader ❖ google calendar

22 Follow Others ❖ teachers/ teachers/ ❖ (Jerrod Robinson and he creates PE apps)


24 APPLE APPS iLife iWork Suite $9.99 $4.99 Keynote Garage Band PagesNumbersiMovie

25 PRODUCTIVITY DropboxEvernoteBoxWunderlist Free

26 PRODUCTIVITY $9.99 1PasswordGoodReader Dragon Dictation Documents to Go $9.99$4.99Free

27 Physical Education Apps Free Pocket YogaStopwatch Dartfish EasyTag $3.99 Instant Heart Rate

28 Fitness Apps Free $1.99$5.99 Nike BOOM Hundred Push Ups Pilates: Day by Day Nike Training Club

29 Fitness Apps Free$2.99Free My Fitness Pal Gym Ball Workouts Fitness Free

30 Health Apps Free Pocket CPR SPARK People Health & Wellness WebMD

31 Education Apps Free$.99Free Whiteboard Lite Teachers Pick Prezi

32 Attendance Apps $4.99Free Attendance Teacher’s Assistant Lite Teacher Pal

33 Notes Apps Free$.99 $4.99 NotabilityPenultimateSoundnoteEasy Note

34 Music Apps Free SiriusXMShazamPandora

35 Audio Apps Free $2.99$4.99 Audioboo AudioNote Lite QuickVoice Recorder Recorder HDSoundNote

36 Communication Apps Free textPlusText NowHeyTell Google Voice Skype

37 News Apps Free Huffington Post PulseNPR NewsCNNUSAToday

38 Social Networking Apps Free Google+TwitterFacebook Free TweetDeck

39 Sports Apps Free Yahoo Sports ESPN Score Center ScoreMobile

40 Where to Find APPS Free Bargain BinApp Shopper

41 SCH Academy PE website ❖ ducation2011 ducation2011

42 Collaboration is the key ❖ None of us can teach in isolation. ❖ PE technology is not just heart rate monitors. ❖ Be creative.

43 Play and Experiment ❖ PLAY YOURSELF - You won’t use the tools unless you try them out yourself. Make a home movie of your family. ❖ make music ❖ calendar for groups to enter info ❖ be creative ❖ websites - make it simple parents just want to see their child and what is happening in class

44 Betty Ann Fish ❖ Chair of the Physical Education Department ❖ SCH Academy - Philadelphia PA ❖ ❖ @bafish10

45 PE and 21st Century ❖ Movie demonstrating SCH PE and 21st century skills

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