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Knowledge Management Kelompok 11 Belrin Chrissandi1501196216 Gunarto1501210082 Pendi1501210164 Suhendri1501208834 Winly1501193492.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Management Kelompok 11 Belrin Chrissandi1501196216 Gunarto1501210082 Pendi1501210164 Suhendri1501208834 Winly1501193492."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Management Kelompok 11 Belrin Chrissandi1501196216 Gunarto1501210082 Pendi1501210164 Suhendri1501208834 Winly1501193492

2 What is Knowledge Management? “Knowledge Management is a waste of money. Organizations spend billions of dollars in their efforts to cut a corner or two resulting in just a fraction of savings” Richard Sapio CEO, Mutual Capital Alliance

3 What is Knowledge Management? Knowledge Management is the explicit and systematic management of vital knowledge - and its associated processes of creation, organization, diffusion, use and exploitation.

4 Knowledge Hierarchy

5 People and Systems People ●Knowledge Teams - multi-disciplinary, cross-functional ●Learning Organization - personal/team/org development ●Corporate Initiatives – Chief Knowledge Officer Systems ●Knowledge Data-bases - experts, best practice ●Knowledge Centers - hubs of knowledge ●Technology Infrastructure - Intranets, Domino Document Management

6 Two Key Thrusts

7 Knowledge Cycle

8 Seven Levers ●Customer Knowledge - the most vital knowledge ●Knowledge in Products - ‘smarts’ add value ●Knowledge in People - but people ‘walk’ ●Knowledge in Processes - know-how when needed ●Organizational Memory - do we know what we know? ●Knowledge in Relationships - richness and depth ●Knowledge Assets - intellectual capital

9 Implementing and Maintaining KM

10 Why Implement KMS? ●IBM, Oracle, Cisco o Measure intranet value at over $1 billion ●BT, UK telecommunications company o Employee ideas have saved £100 million ● Sodexho’s SuperSleuth o Cash reward for employees submitting sales leads o Led to over $90 million in sales volume

11 Who’s Responsible? Everyone: ●Managers/Supervisors »Leaders as knowledge champions ●The Knowledgeable »Not a problem of knowing, but of access ●End Users »Feedback »Psychological barriers

12 Role of IT in Implementation ●“The biggest contributor to this brilliant growth of the knowledge management system is information technology.” ●Lee et al. also say, “...there are negative perspectives about information technology.” ●According to a managing partner at a KM consultancy firm based in New York, “The biggest misconception that IT leaders make is that knowledge management is about technology...Usually people begin a KM project by focusing on the technology...But the key is people...”

13 Strategy for Implementing KM

14 Maintaining KM Systems Provide Adequate Access ●Intranets ●Classes Psychological Barriers ●Ook Lee study o 103 questionnaires from Korean KMS users o 93 respondents were reluctant to say that a knowledge management piece was not valid

15 Maintaining KM Systems Use it or lose it ●Cook compares KMS to draining battery Share knowledge ●Knowledge is individual power, not group power Removing knowledge “constipation” ●Crowded closet

16 Maintaining KM Systems Incentives ●Financial ●Big Idea ●Pub Money Organizational Sociology ●Know your audience Be flexible ●“No single recipe” for success

17 The difference of U.S. and CHINA in Knowledge management

18 Sumber Dave Owens T.J. Vogt Chatchawan Wongwattanakit “OT” Yueping Wang

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