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Today’s Pop Singer : Beyonce Irreplaceable. Mmm to the, to the. left.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Pop Singer : Beyonce Irreplaceable. Mmm to the, to the. left."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Pop Singer : Beyonce Irreplaceable


3 Mmm to the, to the. left

4 totheleft 전치사관사명사 왼쪽으로

5 Everything you own in the box To the. left

6 In the closet, that’s my stuff. Yes If I bought it baby please don’t touch

7 And keeping talking that mess, that’s fine @#$%^%^%^ %&&*())__+<> >?::!@!@$#% %&*(()_)__+

8 Could you walk and talk,?. at the same time @#$%^%^%^ %&&*())__+<> >?::!@!@$#% %&*(()_)__+ 동시에

9 It’s my name that’s on that. Toni’s Jag

10 So go move your bags, let me call you a. cab I am waiting for u!


12 Standing in the front yard, telling me How I’m a. such Such an idiot ! fool

13 Talking ‘bout How I’ll never ever find A man like you. You got me. twisted. 비틀린, 열받은 비틀린, 열받은

14 You not know about me X2 must ~ 임에 틀림 없다 ( 강한 추측 ) ~ 임에 틀림 없다 ( 강한 추측 )

15 I could have another you in a minute Matter fact, he’ll be here in a minute. See? Master!

16 so don’t you ever for a second thinking you’re. get to irreplaceble 바꿀 수 없는



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