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The Cleansing and Enabling Powers of the Atonement.

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1 The Cleansing and Enabling Powers of the Atonement

2 “The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of the people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature.” -Ezra Taft Benson

3 “And now, beloved, marvel not that I tell you these things; for why not speak of the atonement of Christ, and attain to a perfect knowledge of him, as to attain to the knowledge of a resurrection and the world to come?” -Jacob 4:12

4 “For behold, I say unto you there be many things to come; and behold, there is one thing which is of more importance than they all—for behold, the time is not far distant that the Redeemer liveth and cometh among his people.” -Alma 7:7

5 “I feel, and the Spirit seems to accord, that the most important doctrine I can declare, and the most powerful testimony I can bear, is of the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. His atonement is the most transcendent event that has ever or ever will occur from Creation’s dawn through all the ages of a never- ending eternity. It is the supreme act of goodness and grace that only a god could perform. Through it, all of the terms and conditions of the Father’s eternal plan of salvation became operative.” (Bruce R. McConkie, “The Purifying Power of Gethsemane,” Ensign, May 1985)

6 The Cleansing Power of the Atonement Bad Good “putteth off the natural man” The Enabling Power of the Atonement Good Better “becometh a saint”

7 “... the purpose of the gospel is... to make bad men good and good men better, and to change human nature” (from the film Every Member a Missionary, as acknowledged by Franklin D. Richards, CR, October 1965, pp.136-137; see also Brigham Young, JD 8:130 [22 July 1860]). (from the film Every Member a Missionary, as acknowledged by Franklin D. Richards, CR, October 1965, pp.136-137; see also Brigham Young, JD 8:130 [22 July 1860]).

8 “ For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint thorough the atonement of Christ the Lord...” (emphasis added). -Mosiah 3:19 -Mosiah 3:19

9 GRACE Bible Dictionary pg. 697 “ A word that occurs frequently in the New Testament, especially in the writings of Paul. The main idea of the word is divine means of help or strength, given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ.”

10 “ It is through the grace of the Lord Jesus, made possible by his atoning sacrifice, that mankind will be raised in immortality, every person receiving his body from the grave in a condition of everlasting life.” GRACE Bible Dictionary pg. 697

11 “It is likewise through the grace of the Lord that individuals, through faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance of their sins, receive strength and assistance to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means. This grace is an enabling power that allows men and women to lay hold on eternal life and exaltation after they have expended their own best efforts.” (emphasis added) GRACE Bible Dictionary pg. 697

12 “... for we know that it is by grace [the enabling and strengthening power of the atonement of Christ] that we are saved, after all we can do.” -2 Nephi 25:23 -2 Nephi 25:23

13 “O Lord, according to my faith which is in thee, wilt though deliver me from the hands of my brethren; yea, even give me strength that I may burst these bands with which I am bound” (emphasis added). -1 Nephi 7:17 -1 Nephi 7:17

14 14 “And I will ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulder, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs. 15 And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord.” -Mosiah 24:14-15 -Mosiah 24:14-15

15 “... and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord” (emphasis added). -Mosiah 24:15 -Mosiah 24:15

16 “O Lord, give us strength according to our faith with is in Christ, even unto deliverance. And they broke the cords with which they were bound; and when the people saw this, they began to flee, for the fear of destruction had come upon them” (emphasis added). -Alma 14:26 -Alma 14:26

17 “ And Alma and Amulek came forth out of the prison, and they were not hurt; for the Lord had granted unto them power, according to their faith which was in Christ” (emphasis added). (emphasis added). -Alma 14:28 -Alma 14:28

18 “O Lord, wilt though grant unto me that I may have strength, that I may suffer with patience these afflictions which shall come upon me, because of the iniquity of this people” (emphasis added). -Alma 31:31 -Alma 31:31

19 “Wilt though grant unto them that they may have strength, that they may bear their afflictions which shall come upon them because of the iniquities of this people” (emphasis added). -Alma 31:33 -Alma 31:33

20 “... yea, and he also gave them strength, that they should suffered no manner of affliction, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ. Now this was according to the prayer of Alma; and this because he prayed in faith” (emphasis added). -Alma 31:38 -Alma 31:38

21 “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28-30

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