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Shadia Taylor, Catherine Macon, & Kiralina Soare.

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Presentation on theme: "Shadia Taylor, Catherine Macon, & Kiralina Soare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shadia Taylor, Catherine Macon, & Kiralina Soare

2  Gouache – painting technique where pigments are ground in water (very similar to watercolor)  Gopuras – gateway towers  Mandapas – pillared halls

3  In India, Buddhism was nearing extinction in the 13 th century.  Islam was growing, both as a religion and as a political force.  Hinduism was politically in retreat, though still powerful.

4  Much of early Indian art didn’t survive because of impermanent materials  Only Indian paintings from the 15 th and 16 th centuries or later have survived in any number  Indian paintings were usually kept in books or made as miniatures, they weren’t meant to be framed

5 -The Work functions as a tribute to Jahangir and shaikh Husain as well as the artist (Bichitr) -Creates a unity between himself and the holy man as followers of Allah -A lot of symbolism regarding hierarchy and power (hourglass), he is seen as above the secular and sacred leaders -Mughal patrons demanded a very realistic style for portraits so that viewers could identify them

6 School of Athens Raphael

7  The bold areas of color, stylized figures, and flat picture plane contrast with the realism of Mughal work  Lots of symbolism, and a similar positioning of the most important figure in the center  Mughal court functioned around the emperor and the Hindu court functioned around the deities

8  Shares with the Mughal paintings naturalistically proportioned individuals who participate in realistic settings  The blue of Krishna is counterbalanced by the ivory color of Radha  Artist took great care depicting details accurately, like the mango tree, the palm leaves, and the designs on the bed

9  Shows the effects if British rule  Chose to sit in an ordinary chair instead of throne, basically posing as an ordinary British man would  Shows the growth of realism in Indian paintings

10 Diego Velazquez



13  Expanded these complexes outward from the center by erecting ever larger enclosure walls, punctuated by directional gopuras  Positioned like boxes within boxes, each set of walls had taller gopuras than those of the previous wall.  The towers tended to dwarf the actual temples.  Typical of late temples were large and numerous mandapas as well as great water tanks the worshipers used for ritual bathing


15  Southeast Asians practiced both Buddhism and Hinduism, but Hinduism was dying out by the 13 th century  Two prominent Buddhist kingdoms came to power in Thailand during the 13 th and 14 th centuries, the Sukhothai and Ayuthaya


17  The central monument, a stupa, housed a relic of the Buddha. Although not a circular mound like earlier Indian stupas, it still had a similar function.  A central lotus-bud tower and 8 surrounding towers stand on the stupa’s lower podium.  In front were halls with walls and roof of brick, stucco, wood, and ceramic tiles.  Two monumental standing Buddha images flank the stupa.

18  Sukhothai Buddhas have a flame leaping from their heads, and a sharp nose projecting from their rounded faces.  A clinging robe reveals rounded limbs.  The Buddha strides forward, raising his heel, and leaving the right arm hanging, almost without any muscles or joints.  The Sukhothai artist intended to express the Buddha’s beauty and perfection.

19 Walking Buddha versus Virgin of Paris

20  Actually carved from green jade instead of emerald.  The green jade gives it a magical quality, bringer of rains.  The Thai king dresses the statue in an annual ceremony in robes representing the religious and secular duties attributed to the Buddha.

21  Like Thailand, Burma is an overwhelmingly Buddhist country, in particular Theravada Buddhism.


23  It houses two of the Buddha’s hairs.  Renown for the gold, silver, and jewels encrusting its surface.  At the very top is a seven-tiered umbrella crowned with a gold ball inlaid with diamonds.  The stupa is at the center of an enormous complex of buildings, including wooden shrines filled with Buddha images.

24  Vietnamese ceramic tradition goes back to the Han period of China, but it is less formal than Chinese wares.

25  Shows two mynah birds on a flowering branch.  The artist suggested the foliage by squiggles and looped lines, seldom raising the brush off the surface.  This technique allowed rapid production.

26  Contemporary art falls into two general categories:  Art made following the local traditions  Typically done at the village level  Inexpensive materials  Art created for the international market  Typically trained outside of home countries

27  Part of his Nang-Yai Series. Nang-yai is the Thai term for shadow puppets cut from large pieces of leather and held above the heads of performers by two sticks to a wood frame.  He transformed this Thai folk art by using different materials (paper, acrylic, ink and wooden frame) to create a footprint of the Buddha.

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