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Más irregulares… Señora Kimball Nivel 2. There are no boot verbs in the preterit. This means that the nosotros form changes the same way as every other.

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Presentation on theme: "Más irregulares… Señora Kimball Nivel 2. There are no boot verbs in the preterit. This means that the nosotros form changes the same way as every other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Más irregulares… Señora Kimball Nivel 2

2 There are no boot verbs in the preterit. This means that the nosotros form changes the same way as every other person does. 2

3 SOLE verbs How do you know you have a SOLE verb? You must answer yes to both of these questions: 1.)Is it an IR verb? 2.)Is it a boot verb in the present tense? 3

4 What do you mean SOLE verb? *A sole verb is a verb that has a spelling change in the sole of the boot. *In other words, there is a spelling change in the Ud., él, ella, Uds., ellos, and ellas forms of the verb. 4

5 How do the verbs change? E  I O  U 5 Ejemplos: dormir, servir

6 Verbos de –aer, -eer, -oír For verbs that end in -aer, -eer, -oír, and -oer, the él,/ella/usted form uses the ending yó (rather than ió) and the third person plural uses the ending yeron (rather than ieron). The remaining forms gain a written accent over the letter i. KARATE CHOP VERBS!

7 Por ejemplo…CREER creícreímos creístecreísteis creyócreyeron

8 Verbos como creer… leer oír poseer proveer roer Exceptions to this rule include: traer atraer distraer

9 Verbs that end in -uir change in the same way, but the written accent over the letter i only occurs in the yo form. Example: huir- to flee huí huiste huyó huimos huisteis huyeron Other verbs like huir include: construir contribuir destruir fluir incluir influir

10 No te olvides todos los irregulares 10 Car, gar, zar Ir/ser (Identical Twins) Dar, ver (Fraternal Twins) Karate Chop Verbs SOLE Verbs Super Irregular (Radical Stem)`

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