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Grammars (قواعد في اللغة الانجليزية) Preposition + Gerund Although, even though, in spite of As soon as, when So…(that) Page 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammars (قواعد في اللغة الانجليزية) Preposition + Gerund Although, even though, in spite of As soon as, when So…(that) Page 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammars (قواعد في اللغة الانجليزية) Preposition + Gerund Although, even though, in spite of As soon as, when So…(that) Page 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

2 (1) Preposition + Gerund (مصدر = اسم( (حرف جر) (1) Preposition + Gerund (مصدر = اسم( (حرف جر) Preposition + Gerund Prepositions can be followed by nouns, pronouns, or gerunds = ( v + ing). I apologized to Allison. (noun) I apologized for forgetting her graduation day. (gerund) I apologized to her. (pronoun) Preposition + Gerund Prepositions can be followed by nouns, pronouns, or gerunds = ( v + ing). I apologized to Allison. (noun) I apologized for forgetting her graduation day. (gerund) I apologized to her. (pronoun) More examples about verbs and prepositions المزيد من الامثلة على افعال مرتبطة بحروف جر معينة. More examples about verbs and prepositions المزيد من الامثلة على افعال مرتبطة بحروف جر معينة.

3 Preposition + Gerund Some verbs are usually followed by certain prepositions. I apologize for arriving late. يعتذر) ( I decided against wearing a uniform.(يقرر عدم ) I look forward to meeting you personally. (يتطلع الى) I insist on paying for our lunch. (يصر على) I’m thinking of moving to a new house soon.(يفكر في) I succeeded in getting into college. (ينجح في) I’m dreaming of going on vacation. (يحلم في) I asked about applying for a job. ( سأل عن) Some verbs are usually followed by certain prepositions. I apologize for arriving late. يعتذر) ( I decided against wearing a uniform.(يقرر عدم ) I look forward to meeting you personally. (يتطلع الى) I insist on paying for our lunch. (يصر على) I’m thinking of moving to a new house soon.(يفكر في) I succeeded in getting into college. (ينجح في) I’m dreaming of going on vacation. (يحلم في) I asked about applying for a job. ( سأل عن)

4 Preposition + Gerund Some adjectives are followed by certain prepositions. I’m tired of waiting for an answer. I’m used to having coffee at breakfast. Some adjectives are followed by certain prepositions. I’m tired of waiting for an answer. I’m used to having coffee at breakfast. More Verbs + Preposition

5 (2) Although, Even Though, In Spite Of )بالرغم من.....) (2) Although, Even Though, In Spite Of )بالرغم من.....) Although, even though, and in spite of have similar meanings. Although and even though introduce a clause that has a subject and a verb. In spite of is followed by a noun or gerund. جميعها لها نفس المعنى (بالرغم من) ولكن: (although and even though) ياتي بعدهما فاعل وفعل. بينما (in spite of) ياتي بعدها مصدر او اسم. Although it rained, we enjoyed the vacation. In spite of the traffic, I arrived on time. Even though I was tired, I couldn’t sleep. He went to school in spite of being sick. Although, even though, and in spite of have similar meanings. Although and even though introduce a clause that has a subject and a verb. In spite of is followed by a noun or gerund. جميعها لها نفس المعنى (بالرغم من) ولكن: (although and even though) ياتي بعدهما فاعل وفعل. بينما (in spite of) ياتي بعدها مصدر او اسم. Although it rained, we enjoyed the vacation. In spite of the traffic, I arrived on time. Even though I was tired, I couldn’t sleep. He went to school in spite of being sick.

6 Exercises: Verb + Preposition + Noun or Gerund or Pronoun 1. I'm thinking_______ learning either Italian or Spanish. 2. He decided____________ travelling to Africa. 3. I always ask my teacher _________ my English level. 4. Do you look _________________ seeing your brother? 5. I don't succeed ______memorizing so many words !

7 Exercises: Verb + Preposition + Noun or Gerund or Pronoun 6. She's not good _____managing her money. 7. He insisted ______ buying a new car. 8. He apologized______ being late. 9. I am dreaming ______studying medicine. 10. I’m interested ______ using computer.

8 Exercises: Although (even though) and in spite of 1. ______________ He is smart, everybody dislikes him. 2. I slept very well _________________the noise. 3. ________________getting a low salary, Ali helped his father. 4. Mohammad rarely sees Khalid ________________they are neighbors. 5. George did not do well in the exam __________working very hard.

9 Exercises: Although (even though) and in spite of 6._______________I was very hungry, I couldn't eat. 7.________________the difficulty, they managed to solve the math problem. 8. Sami never talked to his brother ________________ He loved him. 9._______________It was cold, Marie didn't put on her coat. 10. Jane did the work _________________being ill.

10 (3) As Soon As, When (عندما) (حينما) (3) As Soon As, When (عندما) (حينما) These conjunctions of time are not followed by future forms of verbs even though the verbs tell about future time. The present is used instead. ادوات ربط الزمن (as soon as and when) تشير الى زمن المستقبل وليس بالضروري ان ياتي بعدها زمن المستقبل. These conjunctions of time are not followed by future forms of verbs even though the verbs tell about future time. The present is used instead. ادوات ربط الزمن (as soon as and when) تشير الى زمن المستقبل وليس بالضروري ان ياتي بعدها زمن المستقبل. I’ll tell you as soon as I know. I’ll call you when I arrive.

11 I'll give you a call when I have finished. We'll send payment when you fax the contract. Try to make sentences with as soon as and when

12 I will study at medicine college as soon as ________________ Complete the following sentences. Use as soon as or when: : I will help my father as soon as ________________ I will go to my school when ________________ I will buy a new car when ________________

13 (4) So … (That…) كثيرا...)لدرجة ان...) (4) So … (That…) كثيرا...)لدرجة ان...) Use so with an adjective or with many, much, few, or little to express result or degree. نستخدم(so) مع (adjectives, many, much, few or little) للتعبير عن نتيجة لحدث معين. Use so with an adjective or with many, much, few, or little to express result or degree. نستخدم(so) مع (adjectives, many, much, few or little) للتعبير عن نتيجة لحدث معين. The noise was so loud in classroom (that) we couldn’t hear the teacher. There are so many cars (that) we can’t find a place to park.

14 There were so many people in the mall, that ________________ Complete the following sentences. Use so… that….: He is so smart, that ________________ There are so much food that ________________ My brother was so angry, that ________________

15 1. _____________ her busy schedule, Maya always remembers her friends’ events. 2. _____________ Steve had all the right qualifications, he wasn’t chosen for the job. 3. Our team lost the game _____________ we played much better than the other team. 4. We had a really good time at the beach _____________ the cloudy weather. 5. _____________ she has a Russian last name, she was actually born in Canada. A. Complete the sentences with although or in spite of. In spite of Although although in spite of Although

16 B. Use the following words to complete the paragraph: although, as soon as, because, but, during, in spite of B. Use the following words to complete the paragraph: although, as soon as, because, but, during, in spite of The Telegraph System In 1830, an American, Joseph Henry (1797-1878), demonstrated the potential of William Sturgeon’s invention, the electromagnet, for long distance communication. (1) _________________it was Samuel Morse who was able to invent a telegraph system that was practical and commercially feasible. (2) _________________ 1935 Morse was a professor of arts and design at New York University, when he proved that signals could be transmitted by wire. The system was received rather indifferently in 1838, (3) _________________ an impressive public demonstration. (4) ________________ Morse and his associates were eager to set up an experimental line, funding was not approved until a few years later. So, (5) _________________ Congress approved a funding of $30, 000, the construction of a line started between Washington and Baltimore. Samuel Morse and his associates managed to raise private funds and extended their line to Philadelphia and New York. Telegraph companies started functioning in different parts of the United States. (6) _________________ of this, Western Union soon joined, dispatching telegraphs by train. Eventually, telegraph systems were set up all over the world. It was the beginning of a new era in communication. But During in spite ofAlthough as soon as Because

17 C. Match the two parts of the sentences about an outing. 1. ___ There was so much trafficc on the road 2. ___ The picnic spot was so crowded 3. ___ The water was so cold 4. ___ There were so many mosquitoes. 5. ___ The beach was so noisy 6. ___ We were all so tired in the evening a. we weren’t able to swim. b. it took hours to get to the beach. c. we went straight to bed. d. I got a headache. e. we weren’t able to find a good place to sit. f. the children were bitten all over. b e a f d c

18 D. Complete the sentences about yourself. Then compare with a partner. Example: I’m thinking of studying in a foreign country 1. I’m interested in ___________________________________________. 2. I’m excited about __________________________________________. 3. I’m thinking of ____________________________________________. 4. I’m looking forward to ______________________________________. 5. I’m not used to ___________________________________________. 6. I’m tired of _______________________________________________. 7. I apologized to my friend for _________________________________. 8. I’m not capable of _________________________________________. 9. I’m used to ______________________________________________. 10. I decided against _________________________________________. studying abroad going away on vacation studying engineering going to your graduation ceremony speaking in public doing homework every night arriving late waking up early in the morning going to bed late at night going to the beach today

19 Prepared by Khalid Saeed Al shahrani خالد سعيد الشهراني Khalid Saeed Al shahrani خالد سعيد الشهراني اعداد المعلم All Copy Rights © Reserved 2012

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