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The Roaring Twenties A Social History zNativism zThe Age of Invention zMass Society zEntertainment zThe Economy.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roaring Twenties A Social History zNativism zThe Age of Invention zMass Society zEntertainment zThe Economy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roaring Twenties A Social History zNativism zThe Age of Invention zMass Society zEntertainment zThe Economy

2 Sacco and Vanzetti

3 Sacco & Vanzetti Case zConvicted in spite of flimsy evidence

4 Sacco & Vanzetti Case zConvicted in spite of flimsy evidence zWhy?

5 Sacco & Vanzetti Case zConvicted in spite of flimsy evidence zWhy? z1. They were Italian

6 Sacco & Vanzetti Case zConvicted in spite of flimsy evidence zWhy? z1. They were Italian z2. They were atheists

7 Sacco & Vanzetti Case zConvicted in spite of flimsy evidence zWhy? z1. They were Italian z2. They were atheists z3. They were anarchists

8 Sacco & Vanzetti Case zConvicted in spite of flimsy evidence zWhy? z1. They were Italian z2. They were atheists z3. They were anarchists z4. They were draft-dodgers

9 The “New” KKK of the 1920s

10 The “New” Klan zAnti-Black zAnti-foreigner zAnti-birth control zAnti-Catholic zAnti-Semitic zAnti-Pacifist zAnti-Communist

11 Immigration Restrictions z1921: The Emergency Quota Act- Limited newcomers to 3% of their nationality living here in 1910.

12 Immigration Restrictions z1921: The Emergency Quota Act- Limited newcomers to 3% of their nationality living here in 1910. z1924: Immigration Act of 1924- Reduced quota to 2% and made the base year 1890! zJapanese excluded by amendment to act.

13 Immigration Restrictions z1921: The Emergency Quota Act- Limited newcomers to 3% of their nationality living here in 1910. z1924: Immigration Act of 1924- Reduced quota to 2% and made the base year 1890! zJapanese excluded by amendment to act. zBy 1931, more foreign born people left country than entered!

14 Social Improvements

15 zEducation: More youth stayed in school longer and more graduated high school.

16 Social Improvements zEducation: More youth stayed in school longer and more graduated high school. zMedicine: Improvements in medicine combined with better nutrition led to a 10 year increase in life expectancy.

17 Scopes “Monkey” Trial

18 zJohn Scopes accused of teaching the theory of evolution in public school

19 Scopes “Monkey” Trial zJohn Scopes accused of teaching the theory of evolution in public school zProsecution assisted by Wm. Jennings Bryan; Defense-Clarence Darrow

20 Scopes “Monkey” Trial zJohn Scopes accused of teaching the theory of evolution in public school zProsecution assisted by Wm. Jennings Bryan; Defense-Clarence Darrow zScopes convicted

21 Scopes “Monkey” Trial zJohn Scopes accused of teaching the theory of evolution in public school zProsecution assisted by Wm. Jennings Bryan; Defense-Clarence Darrow zScopes convicted zScience v. Religion

22 Scopes “Monkey” Trial zJohn Scopes accused of teaching the theory of evolution in public school zProsecution assisted by Wm. Jennings Bryan; Defense-Clarence Darrow zScopes convicted zScience v. Religion zTradition v. Modernity

23 Science and Technology zThe Automobile: Henry Ford and the Model “T”


25 Henry Ford and the Model “T” zUsed Scientific Management and assembly line production

26 Henry Ford and the Model “T” zUsed Scientific Management and assembly line production zAll parts interchangeable

27 Henry Ford and the Model “T” zUsed Scientific Management and assembly line production zAll parts interchangeable zEconomical

28 Henry Ford and the Model “T” zUsed Scientific Management and assembly line production zAll parts interchangeable zEconomical z1914: Ford made his 500,000 car z1930: Ford made his 30 millionth car!

29 Industries helped by the automobile industry

30 zsteel

31 Industries helped by the automobile industry zSteel zrubber

32 Industries helped by the automobile industry zSteel zrubber zpetroleum

33 Industries helped by the automobile industry zSteel zrubber zpetroleum zglass

34 Industries helped by the automobile industry zSteel zrubber zpetroleum zglass zhighway construction and maintenance

35 Industries helped by the automobile industry zSteel zrubber zpetroleum zglass zhighway construction and maintenance zservice stations

36 Air Travel

37 Charles Lindbergh zFirst man to make a solo trans-atlantic flight in the “Spirit of St. Louis: 1927

38 Listerine Advertisement

39 The Jazz Singer- First “talkie”

40 A Victorian Woman

41 A Woman of the 1920s The “Flapper”

42 The Harlem Renaissance


44 Jelly Roll Morton

45 Langston Hughes

46 The Golden Age of Sports

47 Babe Ruth

48 Lou Gehrig

49 Red Grange The Galloping Ghost

50 Jack Dempsey

51 Bobby Jones

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