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1 ACROSS THE GENERATIONAL DIVIDE : Conflict Resolution at the Workplace In Honor of National Conflict Resolution Day At the Veterans Administration A workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ACROSS THE GENERATIONAL DIVIDE : Conflict Resolution at the Workplace In Honor of National Conflict Resolution Day At the Veterans Administration A workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ACROSS THE GENERATIONAL DIVIDE : Conflict Resolution at the Workplace In Honor of National Conflict Resolution Day At the Veterans Administration A workshop presented by: Eileen Barkas Hoffman, Commissioner & Project Director Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service (FMCS)

2 2 Road Map to Training Gaining a better appreciation of each others’ traits and values. Developing a better understanding about differences in workplace norms. Identifying effective approaches to resolving generation-based conflicts.

3 3 …will tend toward a talent shortage in spite of increased job creation Number of jobs to be vacated: 32 million Number of jobs to be created: 20 million Total positions to be filled 52 million Total positions to be filled: 52 million Total potential employees available: 29 million Projected employee gap: 23 million Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Background: The Next Ten Years …

4 4 Workplace Trends Delayering of the workplace Incentives other than salary Different concepts of career and success Globalized economy and potential outsourcing Virtual workplace and Technological revolution Return of the retired worker

5 5 Generational Groups Traditionalists (1922-1945): 75 million Baby Boomers (1946-1964): 80 million Generation X (1965-1981): 46 million Millennials (1982-2002): 76 million

6 6 Workplace Issues Shared Values Traditionalists Millennials Boomers Gen Xers Work-Life Balance Hours of Work Training Feedback Work Ethic Promotions Communication Dress Code Recruitment Tenure 5–7 % 45-55% 2–5% 35- 45%

7 7 “They have no work ethic. They’re just a bunch of slackers.” “So, I told my boss, ‘If you’re looking for loyalty, buy a dog.” “He’s been out of training and in the field for 6 months and he wants a promotion – a promotion!” “She wants a ‘career map.’ H---! I don’t even know if there will be a customer relations department this time next year.” “If I hear ‘We tried that in ’87’ one more time, I’ll hurl in his wrinkly old face.” Generations in Conflict

8 8 Generations at Work: Authority Attitude Towards Work Teamwork/Training Communication Development/Skill building/Technology Transfer Work Life Balance Rewards/Incentives Dress Code Clashpoints Four generations working together with different views on:

9 9 FMCS works to customize your own Generational Workshop to serve your workforce needs During this highly interactive workshop, FMCS trainers reveal the criteria for generational viewpoints and applications in the workplace. Participants learn how they may identify with their own generational group and develop insight into their respective goals and interests in the workplace. Participants gain a better understanding about communication and workplace conflict by discussing generational differences and learn tips for more effective communication in the workplace.

10 10 For Further Information…. Eileen Hoffman – Jennifer Ortiz – Denise P. McKenney- FMCS Institute Courses or (202) 606-5445

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