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Romans 15 – 16 GOSPEL LIVING.

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Presentation on theme: "Romans 15 – 16 GOSPEL LIVING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romans 15 – 16 GOSPEL LIVING

2 Introductory Remark: A Brief Summary of Romans 14
2 distinct groups: 2 distinct tendencies: The Strong Despise the Weak The Weak Judge the Strong The state of one’s conscience determines who is strong and who is weak

3 A. Unity in Spite of Different Personal Convictions (15:1-6)
2 questions to discuss here: What are these convictions? Conviction about food issues (14:1-4; 14-23) b) Conviction about special days (14:5-22)

4 A. Unity in Spite of Different Personal Convictions (15:1-6)
2 questions to discuss here: How do we remain united? By bearing the infirmities of the weak (15:1) By pleasing our neighbours rather than ourselves (15:2) We should emulate the example of our Lord Jesus (15:3).

5 B. Unity In Spite of Different Racial Backgrounds (15:7-13)
How do we maintain unity in the Body of Christ? By accepting one another without any prior conditions (15:7) By being filled with all joy and peace from the Holy Spirit (15:13) God has already reconciled Jews and Gentiles in one body through the Cross (Ephesians 2:14-16)

6 C. The Special Commission of Paul to the Gentiles (15:14-33)
Paul was appointed by Jesus to be a servant to the Gentiles (15:16) Paul relied on the power of the Holy Spirit to evangelise the Gentiles (15:18-19) Paul wanted to proclaim the gospel to Gentiles who never heard of Jesus (15:20) Paul had a real compassion for the lost people. What about us today?

7 Romans 16: Personal Greetings and Doxology
One striking aspect of the doxology (vv.25-27) is the phrase: ‘the obedience of faith’. It is exactly the same phrase as in Romans 1:5. Why did Paul begin and conclude his epistle to the Romans with the same phrase?

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