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EQ: What factors led to European imperialism in the 1800s? Essential Vocab: Imperialism Imperialism Protectorate Protectorate Sphere of influence Sphere.

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Presentation on theme: "EQ: What factors led to European imperialism in the 1800s? Essential Vocab: Imperialism Imperialism Protectorate Protectorate Sphere of influence Sphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ: What factors led to European imperialism in the 1800s? Essential Vocab: Imperialism Imperialism Protectorate Protectorate Sphere of influence Sphere of influence

2  Imperialism = One country dominating the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region What is imperialism? EQ: What factors led to European imperialism in the 1800s?

3 Western Advantages European nations had colonies in South Asia Africa China EQ: What factors led to European imperialism in the 1800s?

4 Strong economies Well-organized governments Powerful militaries Superior technology Medical knowledge Machine guns/repeating rifles Steam-powered warships Western Advantages (cont.) EQ: What factors led to European imperialism in the 1800s?

5 Industrial Revolution created Need for resources Need for customers/”markets” Needed a home for growing population to settle Economic Motives for Imperialism EQ: What factors led to European imperialism in the 1800s?

6 Navy bases National security Big empire = “don’t mess with us” Political/Military Motives EQ: What factors led to European imperialism in the 1800s?

7 Europeans believed they must spread “blessings of Western civilization” Humanitarian/Religious Goals EQ: What factors led to European imperialism in the 1800s?

8 Charles Darwin’s idea Racial superiority “Survival of the fittest” Rudyard Kipling “White man’s burden” = moral duty of imperial powers Millions of non-western people robbed of cultural heritage Social Darwinism * EQ: What factors led to European imperialism in the 1800s?

9 Types of Imperialism FormExample Direct rule Officals from France rule over colony & impose culture Indirect rule Local rulers make decisions but educated in British culture (puppets) Local rulers expected to follow advice of European advisors (puppets) Protectorate Sphere of influence Outside power claims exclusive trading privileges EQ: What factors led to European imperialism in the 1800s?

10  European Conquest of Africa “ I contend that we are the first race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. I contend that every acre added to our territory provides for the birth of more of the English race, who otherwise would not be brought into existence…I believe it to be my duty to God, my Queen, and my country to paint the whole map of Africa red, red from the Cape to Cairo. That is my creed, my dream and my mission. ” Discuss your reaction to the quote with your elbow partner.

11  European Conquest of Africa  “ A pink cheek man came one day to our Council…and he told us of the king of the Pink cheek who…lived in a land over the seas. This great king is now your king, he said, This was strange news. For this land was ours…we had no king, we elected our Councils and they made our laws. With patience, our leading Elders tried to tell the Pink cheek…But at the end he said, This we know, but in spite of this what I have told you is a fact. You have now a king…and his laws are your laws. ” With your elbow partner, discuss whose perspective this quote is coming from.

12  European Conquest of Africa  “ I contend that we are the first race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. I contend that every acre added to our territory provides for the birth of more of the English race, who otherwise would not be brought into existence…I believe it to be my duty to God, my Queen, and my country to paint the whole map of Africa red, red from the Cape to Cairo. That is my creed, my dream and my mission. ”  “ A pink cheek man came one day to our Council…and he told us of the king of the Pink cheek who…lived in a land over the seas. This great king is now your king, he said, This was strange news. For this land was ours…we had no king, we elected our Councils and they made our laws. With patience, our leading Elders tried to tell the Pink cheek…But at the end he said, This we know, but in spite of this what I have told you is a fact. You have now a king…and his laws are your laws. ”

13  In your own words, write a brief paragraph summarizing the advantages that made it possible for Europeans to build up their empires. Assignment

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