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Identity of mind Consent should be real and free.

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Presentation on theme: "Identity of mind Consent should be real and free."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identity of mind Consent should be real and free

2  Coercion  Undue influence  Fraud  Misrepresentation  Mistake Voidable Void

3 Meaning – threat or force used by one party Case-Ranganayakamma Vs. Alwar(13 year old girl case) Effect- Voidable If money included then have to return Burden to proof- who want to set aside the contract on plea of coercion

4  Coercion in English law  Difference  Coercion may be directed even against third party  Coercion can be against life or property

5 Essential -Parties should be in relation to influence -One Party should be in dominating position - Unfair advantage of position Effect- Voidable Suspicion of undue influence Inadequate consideration

6 Meaning :Act committed to deceive another party e.g. False suggestion in spite of known fact Concealment of fact Promise without intention of Performing Effect : Voidable

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