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June 3, 2013 – 10:30 am #AIRS2013 How to Achieve AIRS Accreditation Breaking It Down: 1.

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Presentation on theme: "June 3, 2013 – 10:30 am #AIRS2013 How to Achieve AIRS Accreditation Breaking It Down: 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 3, 2013 – 10:30 am #AIRS2013 How to Achieve AIRS Accreditation Breaking It Down: 1

2 2

3  CEO Connect2Help  AIRS Board Member  Standards Committee Chair  Site Reviewer  Document Reviewer 3

4 Reviewing Board, Staff and Community QuestionnairesReviewing Board, Staff and Community Questionnaires Reading written responses and descriptionsReading written responses and descriptions Reviewing documentationReviewing documentation Writing a draft reportWriting a draft report Proofing and finalizing reportProofing and finalizing report 4

5 Level of difficultyLevel of difficulty Quality of submissionQuality of submission 5

6 6

7  Problems with file organization 7

8 8

9 What to do! Accreditation Criteria in a separate fileAccreditation Criteria in a separate file Supporting documents in separate foldersSupporting documents in separate folders Files have recognizable namesFiles have recognizable names 9

10 10

11 11

12 What not to do! Entire submission in one fileEntire submission in one file All files in one folderAll files in one folder Documents inserted in Accreditation CriteriaDocuments inserted in Accreditation Criteria (hyperlinks are okay) 12

13 Problems with file typesProblems with file types 13

14 Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xls) XML Paper Specification (.xps) Open Office (.odf) 14

15 15

16 16

17 C. Monet 17

18 18

19 19

20 Responses / Descriptions  Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx)  Adobe Acrobat Document (Good.pdf) Documentation  Any Readable File (Any.pdf) 20

21  Low questionnaire returns 21

22 Community Reasonable number to mailReasonable number to mail Send to people who know youSend to people who know youBoard Emphasize the importanceEmphasize the importanceStaffAdministrator Include a resume’Include a resume’ 22

23  Overview statement, adverbs, clarity and completeness 23

24  Understanding your agency  Organizational details (not marketing)  Organizational structure  Service area  Demographics  Programs  Finances 24

25 Answers with detailsAnswers with details Strengths and weaknessesStrengths and weaknesses What are the issues? What are the issues? How are they addressed? How are they addressed? Include details in MOUs.Include details in MOUs. 25

26 Not marketing, omit adverbs and adjectives.Not marketing, omit adverbs and adjectives. “actively”“strongly”“rarely”“often”“intensely”“small”“fully”“substantial” 26

27 Example 27

28 Example 28

29  Response doesn’t address what is being asked 29

30 Example 30

31 Accurate Responses Follow-up and Quality AssuranceFollow-up and Quality Assurance Crisis Calls and Risk AssessmentCrisis Calls and Risk Assessment Individual Advocacy and System AdvocacyIndividual Advocacy and System Advocacy 31

32  Governance is governance 32

33 “In situations where the I&R service is part of a larger organization and the Board is remote from oversight of the I&R service, an Advisory Committee handles these responsibilities.” Advisory Committee: A formally constituted group of local stakeholders that provides information about community needs and issues, recommendations regarding program planning and development activities and other forms of support that help to ensure that the agency maintains effective connections with the people it serves. Board of Directors: The governing body of an organization that is responsible for program planning and evaluation, policy setting, personnel administration, program oversight, public relations and fiscal management. 33

34 o Boards govern o Advisory committees provide feedback, help with marketing, etc. o Boards govern o Advisory committees provide feedback, help with marketing, etc. 34

35  Information is missing or not complete 35

36 77 “Descriptions” needed77 “Descriptions” needed 25-plus documents25-plus documents Have a plan for organizingHave a plan for organizing Double-check requirementsDouble-check requirements Use the checklistsUse the checklists 36

37 b. Other Channels for Access: In what other ways are the agency’s information and/or services made available? Describe what you do. Pamphlets are made available within the community; there is access through Facebook; there is an email feature on the web site; and there are links to other web sites such as United Way and the American Red Cross. c.Timeliness of Response: Where the public can contact the I&R service through additional channels (e.g., E-mail, Voicemail, Instant Messaging), a minimum expectation is that there are guidelines in place for “timeliness of response”. Describe your guidelines. Agency policy requires that a follow-up from staff be made within 24 hours. d.Contacting an I&R Specialist: When using the online database or other means of access, the public must be told how to contact an I&R specialist for assistance. Describe what you do? There is a link on the agency website that encourages a call to 211. There also is a direct link for email. They can click “contact us” and select the county they are inquiring about. An email will be sent to the center where that information resides. 37

38 b. Other Channels for Access: In what other ways are the agency’s information and/or services made available? Describe what you do. Pamphlets are made available within the community; there is access through Facebook; there is an email feature on the web site; and there are links to other web sites such as United Way and the American Red Cross. c.Timeliness of Response: Where the public can contact the I&R service through additional channels (e.g., E-mail, Voicemail, Instant Messaging), a minimum expectation is that there are guidelines in place for “timeliness of response”. Describe your guidelines. Agency policy requires that a follow-up from staff be made within 24 hours. d.Contacting an I&R Specialist: When using the online database or other means of access, the public must be told how to contact an I&R specialist for assistance. Describe what you do? There is a link on the agency website that encourages a call to 211. There also is a direct link for email. They can click “contact us” and select the county they are inquiring about. An email will be sent to the center where that information resides. 38

39 b. Other Channels for Access: In what other ways are the agency’s information and/or services made available? Describe what you do. Pamphlets are made available within the community; there is access through Facebook; there is an email feature on the web site; and there are links to other web sites such as United Way and the American Red Cross. c.Timeliness of Response: Where the public can contact the I&R service through additional channels (e.g., E-mail, Voicemail, Instant Messaging), a minimum expectation is that there are guidelines in place for “timeliness of response”. Describe your guidelines. Agency policy requires that a follow-up from staff be made within 24 hours. d.Contacting an I&R Specialist: When using the online database or other means of access, the public must be told how to contact an I&R specialist for assistance. Describe what you do? There is a link on the agency website that encourages a call to 211. There also is a direct link for email. They can click “contact us” and select the county they are inquiring about. An email will be sent to the center where that information resides. 39

40 That’s it… 40

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