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Klara Kota 5.a. Stockholm  The capital  9.593 milion of people  Money: swedish krona.

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Presentation on theme: "Klara Kota 5.a. Stockholm  The capital  9.593 milion of people  Money: swedish krona."— Presentation transcript:

1 Klara Kota 5.a

2 Stockholm  The capital  9.593 milion of people  Money: swedish krona

3 Language  The official language of Sweden is Swedish, [ a North Germanic language, related and very similar to Danish and Norwegian, but differing in pronunciation.The same goes for standard Swedish speakers, who find it far easier to understand Norwegian than Danish.

4 Climate Average high and low temperatures in various cities in Sweden (°C)[74] CityJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Kiruna −10/− 16 −8/−1 5 −4/−1 3 2/−78/014/617/814/69/21/−4 −5/−1 0 −8/−1 5 Östers und −5/−1 0 −3/−90/−65/−212/316/818/1017/1012/66/20/−3−3/−8 Stockh olm 1/−21/−34/−211/316/820/1223/1522/1417/1010/65/21/−1 Gothe nburgGothe nburg (Göte borg) 2/−14/−16/011/316/819/1222/14 18/1012/67/33/−1 Visby1/−21/−33/−29/114/618/1021/1320/1316/910/65/22/0 Malm ö 3/−1 6/012/317/819/1122/1322/1418/1012/68/44/1

5 Holidays  Apart from traditional Protestant Christian holidays, Sweden also celebrates some unique holidays, some of a pre-Christian tradition. They include Midsummer celebrating the summersolstice; Walpurgis Night on 30 April lighting bonfires; and Labour Day or Mayday on 1 May is dedicated to socialist demonstrations. The day of giver-of-light Saint Lucia, 13 December, is widely acknowledged in elaborate celebrations which betoken its Italian origin and commence the month-long Christmas season.  6 June is the National day of Sweden and has since 2005 been a public holiday. Furthermore, there are official flag day observances and a Namesdays in Sweden calendar.

6 Cuisine  Famous dishes include Swedish meatballs, traditionally served with gravy, boiled potatoes and lingonberry jam; pancakes,lufisk, and Smörgåsbord, or lavish buffet. Akvavit is a popular alcoholic distilled beverage, and the drinking of snaps is of cultural importance. The traditional flat and dry crisp bread has developed into several contemporary variants. Regionally important foods are the surströmming (a fermented fish) in Northern Sweden and eel in Scania in Southern Sweden.  Swedish traditional dishes, some of which are many hundreds of years old, others perhaps a century or less, are still a very important part of Swedish everyday meals, in spite of the fact that modern-day Swedish cuisine adopts many international dishes.  In August, at the traditional feast known as crayfish party, kräftskiva, Swedes eat large amounts of boiled crayfish with boiled potato and dill.

7 Fashion  Interest in fashion is big in Sweden and the country is headquartering famous brands like Hennes & Mauritz (operating as H&M), J. Lindeberg (operating as JL),Acne, Lindex, Odd Molly, Cheap Monday, Gant, WESC, Filippa K, and Nakkna within its borders. These companies, however, are composed largely of buyers who import fashionable goods from throughout Europe and America, continuing the trend of Swedish business toward multinational economic dependency like many of its neighbours.


9 Interesting things  Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (Swedish: born 24 October 1989), better known by his online alias PewDiePie ), is a Swedish producer of videos on Youtube.On 15 August 2013, PewDiePie's channel became the most subscribed channel on YouTube.  Kingdom of Sweden is the official name of Sweden.  The Swedish Viking Age lasted roughly from the 8th century to the 11th century.

10 Thank you for your attention!

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