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Scott Lissner Carol Funckes. What must we do?  Accessible environments  Who’s covered?  Disability  Otherwise Qualified  Non-discrimination  Program,

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Presentation on theme: "Scott Lissner Carol Funckes. What must we do?  Accessible environments  Who’s covered?  Disability  Otherwise Qualified  Non-discrimination  Program,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scott Lissner Carol Funckes

2 What must we do?

3  Accessible environments  Who’s covered?  Disability  Otherwise Qualified  Non-discrimination  Program, services and benefits  EFFECTIVE reasonable accommodations o Personal service o Student preference o Fundamental alteration o Undue hardship

4  Recruitment  Admissions  Instruction (near, far & blended)  Housing  Research  Technology  Job Placement  Internships  Library

5  Advising & Counseling  Camps, 4H ….  Athletics & Intramurals  Facilities & Grounds  Transportation  Employment & Work Study  Events (Campus Visitors)  On Line Services  Student Organizations

6 Provide equally effective access to programs, benefits and services for qualified individuals with disabilities in the most integrated manner possible Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 34 CFR 104 & Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act 28 CFR 35

7  Do I understand the student’s disability experience?  How does the information match with...  my professional knowledge and experience?  my observations and interactions with the student?  Does available external information support my conclusions?  Do I need more information to fill gaps? o Is the accommodation necessary in order for the student to have access? o Is the accommodation reasonable in the context of the course or program?


9 9  A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity  A record of such an impairment  Being regarded as having such an impairment

10 10  walking  standing  lifting  bending  speaking  breathing  learning  caring for oneself  performing manual tasks  seeing  Hearing  eating  sleeping Include but not limited to:  reading  concentrating  thinking  communicating  Working  major bodily functions

11 11  Disability should be construed broadly o Not Toyota’s “prevents or severely restricts” o Not limited to activities “of central importance to daily life” (activities of daily living) used in Toyota  Exclude ameliorative impact of mitigating measures in determining coverage (not Sutton)  Episodic conditions or those in remission are considered based on their active/acute state (not Garrett)

12 12  Compared to others in the general population  Commonsense vs. scientific standard  How is a major life activity substantially limited?  NOT what can the individual do in spite of the impairment. CONDITIONMANNERDURATION

13  Meets academic & technical standards  What is essential?  Determined on a logical / rational basis  Does not pose a “direct threat”  specific risk must be identified  risk must be current, not speculative or remote  risk must be based on objective, factual evidence

14  Title II (ADA): Makes it unlawful for postsecondary institutions to exclude qualified students with disabilities from participation in or benefits of services, programs or activities  What are discriminatory acts?  Unequal treatment  Not providing accommodations

15  Modifications to policies, practices, procedures or environments that provides an individual with a disability equal access or opportunity  Should be directly linked to the underlying disability  MUST BE EFFECTIVE  “Best ensures”

16  No magic words  Plain English is fine  Doesn’t need to be in writing  Doesn’t need to come from the student  Can request ANYTHING  We need to respond

17  Not obligated to provide personal services, i.e.  individually prescribed devices, such as wheelchairs or hearing aids  personal care attendants  readers for personal use or study  personal transportation  individual tutoring (unless provided to other students)

18  Give primary consideration to the requests of individuals with disabilities  May select an equally effective accommodation

19  Academic & technical standards  Program Goals  Comparable experience

20  Financial  Administrative  Extensive  Substantial  Disruptive

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