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The Business Programme ‘Success Factor Family’ as part of a sustainable family policy in Germany.

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1 The Business Programme ‘Success Factor Family’ as part of a sustainable family policy in Germany

2 Familie 2 Challenges in Germany: Low birth rate and demographic change

3 Familie 3 Challenges in Germany: Low labour force participation rate of mothers (in percent)

4 Familie 4 Sustainable family policy Instruments: I Infrastructure: Expansion of childcare facilities I Money: Targeted financial support (parental allowance) I Time: Family-friendly working environment through a better reconciliation of work and family life

5 Familie 5 The objectives of the business programme as part of a sustainable family policy I Convince enterprises of the usefulness of a family-oriented personnel policy I Establish family-friendliness as a management topic I Make family-friendliness a hallmark of the German economy Meeting of the impetus group ‘Alliance for the Family’ with Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel, on 16 th October 2006 at the Federal Chancellery.

6 Familie 6 ‘Cost benefit analyses’, created by Prognos AG on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, 2003 The study shows that for small and medium-sized companies the cost benefits of family-friendly measures are higher than the investment in such measures. The return on investment is up to 25% due to reduced costs relating to I recruitment I absence I training Family-friendliness as a business case

7 Familie 7 ‘Success factor family’ Components of the business programme I ‘Tool-Box’ for employers: Website, Newsletter, Practice-oriented manuals I Federal competition ‘Success factor family 2008’, Patron Chancellor Angela Merkel I Company network ‘Success factor family’ in cooperation with the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce I Funding programme ‘Employer supported childcare’ funded by the European Social Fund (start: February 2008) I Company Monitor: survey to examine the status quo of family friendliness in German companies and identify shortcomings (2003 / 2006 / 2010)

8 Familie 8 Business competition ‘Success Factor Family 2008’ Objectives I Increase awareness of the great importance of family-conscious personnel policy as a business case I Present best-practice examples to motivate other employers I Show how family-friendly companies benefit from their commitment I 503 applicants (40 % more than in 2005) I Many eligible measures especially childcare I Awards ceremony on 29th May 2008

9 Familie 9 Company network ‘Success Factor Family’ I Initiative by the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and the President of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) I Service office at the Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft I The company network offers a platform for interested companies, informs about fields of action and supports cooperation I The network has approximately 2,400 members at present Development of number of members

10 Familie 10 Measuring effects I Representative survey to examine the status quo of family-friendliness in German companies: 2003 and 2006 (2010) I Carried out by the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft by order of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the leading trade associations I Regular monitoring: identify status quo, progress, deficits and new fields of action Company Monitor family-friendliness How important is a family-friendly personnel policy…

11 Familie 11 Results after four years I In the past four years, the business programme has made a decisive contribution to make German business more family- friendly I These results have been confirmed by numerous studies conducted with companies I In spite of crisis, family-friendliness remains on company’s agendas: 68 percent of managing directors do not expect a long- term effect of the economic crisis on their commitment for compatibility of work and family life

12 Familie 12 …but there is still a lot to be done: I 80% of Germans expect more commitment from companies to facilitate compatibility of work and family life

13 Familie 13 Thank you very much for your attention

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