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Road Safety Coordinator: Cristina Cornea Simona Avramescu

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Presentation on theme: "Road Safety Coordinator: Cristina Cornea Simona Avramescu"— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Safety Coordinator: Cristina Cornea Simona Avramescu
Student : Samuel Olar

2 The World Health Organization has called for the pace of legislative change to rapidly accelerate if the number of deaths from road traffic crashes worldwide is to be substantially reduced. In its Global Status Report on Road Safety 2013, the WHO shows that while 88 countries were able to reduce the number of road traffic fatalities the number of road deaths has increased in 87 countries. According to the report launched in Geneva on 14 March, only 28 countries, covering 7% of the world’s population, have comprehensive road safety laws on all five key risk factors: drinking and driving, speeding, and failing to use motorcycle helmets, seat-belts, and child restraints.

3 Road traffic safety refers to methods and measures for reducing the risk of a person using the road network being killed or seriously injured. The users of a road include pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, their passengers, and passengers of on-road public transport, mainly buses and trams. Best-practice road safety strategies focus upon the prevention of serious injury and death crashes in spite of human fallibility[1] (which is contrasted with the old road.

4 Road traffic crashes are one of the world’s largest public health and injury prevention problems. The problem is all the more acute because the victims are overwhelmingly healthy prior to their crashes. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than a million people are killed on the world’s roads each year. A report published by the WHO in 2004 estimated that some 1.2m people were killed and 50m injured in traffic collisions on the roads around the world each year[4] and was the leading cause of death among children 10 – 19 years of age. The report also noted that the problem was most severe in developing countries and that simple prevention measures could halve the number of deaths

5 The standard measures used in assessing road safety interventions are fatalities and Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) rates, usually per billion (109) passenger kilometers. Countries caught in the old road safety paradigm,[6] replace KSI rates with crash rates - for example, crashes per million vehicle miles.


7 There is no such thing as safe texting and driving
There is no such thing as safe texting and driving. Texting while driving is dangerous and is one of the leading causes of traffic injuries and deaths.




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