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Environmental Science Agendas Spring 2013. To Get Textbook On-Line Go to Login: allper_stude – Fill in the _ with your period number – Example:

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Science Agendas Spring 2013. To Get Textbook On-Line Go to Login: allper_stude – Fill in the _ with your period number – Example:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Science Agendas Spring 2013

2 To Get Textbook On-Line Go to Login: allper_stude – Fill in the _ with your period number – Example: if you are in 4 th period, your login would be allper4stude Password: – Per 1: k8j6s – Per 4: p9s7b – Per 5: v2t7z

3 Environmental Science, F 3/1 Warm Up – feedback for Ms. Muche – on separate paper (I will send to her) 1.Describe 3 things you learned 2.State 2 questions you still have 3.1 behavior you might consider changing as a result of her presentation. Stamp 15.2 worksheet Hunger banquet intro, sign-ups and pre-lab Test next Friday.

4 Protein deficiencies Kwashiorkor Marasmus

5 Environmental Science, W 2/27 No Warm Up Turn in GMO webquest if you didn’t yesterday Fill in GMO poster, if you didn’t yesterday Guest speaker: Lorena Muche The Ethical Choices HW: 15.2 worksheet – due Friday

6 Environmental Science, T 2/26 Warm Up 1.What is DNA? 2.Where is DNA found? 3.How does DNA work? Stamp 15.1 HW GMO web quest – due at end of class HW: section 15.2 on worksheet – due Friday

7 Environmental Science, M 2/25 No Warm-up Stamp Ch 14 #1-25 Complete video on top crops CW/HW: Ch 15 Food and Agriculture ws section 15.1 due tomorrow.

8 Environmental Science, F 2/22 Warm Up 1.List what you think are the top 5 crops grown worldwide. Video w/ notes: Top Food Crops Work on Ch 14 #1-25 – due Monday

9 Environmental Science, Th 2/21 Warm Up 1.What causes the oceans to be salty? 2.How long does it take to create 1 inch of topsoil? 3.How can you quickly create topsoil? notes CW/HW: Ch 14 # 1-25 – DUE MONDAY

10 Environmental Science, W 2/20 Warm Up 1.List some ecosystem services 2.What percent of earth’s surface is arable? 3.How does agriculture in the Midwest mimic the deforestation in China? 4.What major historical period/event was caused by the answer to #2? Notes

11 Environmental Science, T 2/19 Happy Tuesday! Complete Land Use project and turn in (15 min.) – Include rubric Complete Group Work Assessment Notes Ch 14 – Land Use

12 Environmental Science, Th 2/14 Happy Valentine’s Day! Complete Land Use Project – Don’t forget: – Answers to questions in book – Paragraph describing and selling your development Test corrections due at end of day. Have a great break!

13 Environmental Science, T 2/12 Warm Up 1.What does a land use planner do? 2.Do you think this job is without controversy? Explain. Stamp 14.1 & 14.2 Start Land Use project p. 402-403 *** test corrections due at end of week (Thursday)

14 Environmental Science, M 2/11 Warm Up 1.Predict your test score 2.Discuss whether you feel you were prepared enough. Explain. Turn in Cobb GIS on-line activity from Friday Population Dynamics Test Corrections Read Ch 14, sections 1 & 2 Answer End of Section Q’s for 14.1 & 14.2 – Including critical thinking

15 Environmental Science, F 2/8 No warm up Journal Check Stamp Ch 14 vocab Land Use web quest

16 Cobb County Land Use Web Quest 1.What is the population of Cobb County? Go to Cobb County Land Use home page Click on planning Scroll down and click on future land use map. Spend some time getting familiar with map and orienting yourself. 2. Who is the Cobb County Land Use Planner? 3. List a few land use categories and their colors. 4. Estimate the percent of Cobb Land Area that is used for parks and rec. 5. What type of area do YOU live in? 6. Estimate the percentage of land use area for low density housing. Go back and click on FLUM 7. Choose 4 categories and summarize the purpose of the categories

17 Environmental Science, Th 2/7 New Unit: Land Use and Food and Agriculture Chapter References: 14 & 15 Warm Up 1.What percentage of people in the US live in cities? 2.What are some pros and cons to the environment of city living? 3.List all the different uses of land you see on p. 380 CW/HW: Vocab Ch 14, including italics (22 ea.)

18 Environmental Science, T 2/5 Warm Up 1.Compare Least Developed Country with Biodiversity Hotspot. 2.What other terms can add to the list of comparisons above? 3.What kind of population trend happens during a demographic transition? Stamp and review text HW CW/HW: (add these to packet) – P. 225 1, 2, 10-12 – P. 228 #1, 5, 8, 11, 12 – p.249-250 #1, 2, 4-7, 9-25, 27-28 – P. 252-3, #1-5, 9-12 Packet due tomorrow Packet due tomorrow Test and journal check tomorrow Test and journal check tomorrow

19 Environmental Science, M 2/4 Warm Up 1.Recall a few facts/concepts from the population movie Friday. 2.What single factor most affects fertility rates? Complete World in the Balance video CW/HW: P. 256, Fertility Rates and Female Literacy in Africa. Answer # 1 & 3 Read 9.2 and answer 9.2 section Q’s 1-3 Population Dynamics Test Wed: Ch. 8.1 & Ch 9

20 Environmental Science, F 2/1 Quiz returns Grade updates Video: NOVA World in the Balance: the Population Paradox – w/ notes Bring textbook Monday TEST WEDNESDAY, Ch 8.1; Ch 9

21 Environmental Science, Th 1/31 Warm Up 1.Compare and contrast fertility rate and total fertility rate. Turn in Population Pyramid activity Stamp 9.1 Guided Reading Stamp vocab puzzles Vocab Quiz Review guided reading ws. Test next Wednesday Test next Wednesday

22 Environmental Science, W 1/30 No Warm Up Complete pyramid lab Vocab review sheets 9.1 guided reading ws due tomorrow Vocab quiz tomorrow

23 Environmental Science, T 1/29 Population pyramid group activity Warm Up 1.What are the LETTER, fertility age and total fertility rate for your population group? Example: group K, 15-19, 5 children per woman

24 Environmental Science, M 1/28 Warm Up 1.What do you think was the average life expectancy in 1900? Now? 2.What factors influence average life expectancy? Turn in Human Population graph from Friday CW/HW: Notes Complete 9.1 guided reading – due Thursday Human population pyramid activity – not due Vocab quiz Thursday

25 Environmental Science, F 1/25 No Warm Up Stamp 9.1 vocab & 8.1 Guided Reading Turn in yesterday’s “Quick Lab” if you didn’t already Human population graphing & pyramid

26 Environmental Science, Th 1/24 Warm Up 1.Why might the carrying capacity of humans on earth be hard to determine? CW/HW: Complete “quick lab” activity and turn in Guided Reading notes for section 8.1 only Vocab sheet 9.1 Read section 9.1

27 Environmental Science, W 1/23 Text Books are in! Warm Up 1.What is a population? 2.What is density? 3.What is the population density of 2000 people on our school grounds of 10 acres? 4.Are the people at Lassiter evenly dispersed? Stamp 8.1 vocab 8.1 notes Population activity

28 Environmental Science, T 1/22 Test returns and corrections CW/HW: – Population Dynamics Vocabulary, first section, 8.1 ONLY

29 Environmental Science, F 1/18 Turn in packet guide 2.Ch 10 Biodiversity notes ws 3.Ch 10.3 section Q’s (p. 275 #1-7) 4.Biodiversity Activity follow-up questions Biodiversity test

30 Environmental Science, Th 1/17 Warm Up (p. 272, figure 14) 1.What is the environmental benefit of shade-grown coffee? Stamp and review Ch 10.3 Test review Study guide Test tomorrow – Biodiversity, Ch 10) Packet due tomorrow guide 2.Ch 10 Biodiversity notes ws 3.Ch 10.3 section Q’s (p. 275 #1-7) 4.Biodiversity Activity follow-up questions

31 Environmental Science, W 1/16 Warm Up – NOT IN JOURNAL 1.Boil down the main threats to your biodiversity hotspot into a few bullet points. Not too general. 2.Write threats on sticky note provided 3.Stick onto world map in correct location Biodiversity activity Classwork/homework: Read Ch 10.3, p. 275 #1-7 Test Friday

32 Environmental Science, M 1/14 Warm Up 1.What is the opposite of biodiversity? 2.Name a few exotic species in our area. 3.Why are invasive/exotic species so damaging to the environment? 4.Why are invasives so successful in a new habitat? Python invasives video clip Review Ch 10 notes ws – side 2 Biodiversity activity

33 Environmental Science, F 1/11 Stamp Ch 10 ws – back side Cane Toads video, with notes

34 Environmental Science, Th 1/10/13 Turn in signed syllabus Stamp and review side 1 of Ch 10 notes Warm Up (p. 263) 1.Has the rate of extinction been steady throughout the planet’s evolution? Explain. 2.What is the #1 cause of today’s extinctions? 3.What is the rate difference of pre-human vs post- human extinctions? 4.What is monoculture? Classwork: Monarchs and milkweed aticle Homework: complete back of Ch 10 notes sheet

35 Environmental Science, W 1/9/13 Turn in article w/ Q’s Turn in syllabus signature page Warm Up (Write date, and copy complete question. Attempt answer and write correct answer when we go over it.) 1.Why should we care about biodiversity? 2.What is a keystone? 3.What types of organisms might be keystone species? Classwork/homework: Biodiversity Ch 10 notes – complete front side

36 Environmental Science, Tues., 1/8/13 Welcome Back! Intros. and paperwork – This semester – Syllabus: what’s new? – Schedule verification forms Classwork during schedule check: – read Biodiversity article and answer questions HW: – get syllabus signed – bring composition book (or move yours, if needed) – Get textbook, if needed Bring book tomorrow

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