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Colorado Spotlight on Data: The Role of State Leadership in Using CAPTA Data to Improve Quality September 16, 2013 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Colorado Spotlight on Data: The Role of State Leadership in Using CAPTA Data to Improve Quality September 16, 2013 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colorado Spotlight on Data: The Role of State Leadership in Using CAPTA Data to Improve Quality September 16, 2013 1

2 Presenters: Ardith Ferguson, Part C Coordinator Christy Scott, Part C Data Manager Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Early Childhood Division of Community and Family Support 2

3 Key Factors: Administrative Leadership and Focus Original state agency leadership and structure operated in silos New leadership changed culture of collaboration and provided a focus on a data-driven strategic planning and improvement structure Creation of a climate of comprehensive attention to child and family outcomes Identification of barriers to progress 3

4 Spotlight on Data Administrative requirement to report monthly data improved access to data systems Improved collaboration on data resulted in identification of data inconsistencies Data inconsistencies resulted in further administrative support for changes to data systems Drill down of data resulted in identification of state agency issues and local inconsistencies in practices Focus is shifting to support statewide consistency 4


6 C-Stat 6

7 Through Colorado’s C-Stat process referrals under CAPTA were analyzed Child Welfare (CW) data regarding children with a substantiated case of abuse or neglect were accessed and matched with early intervention (EI) data Several issues became apparent: EI referral data and CW data did not match Not all referrals to EI for children identified under CAPTA were recorded as being referred by child welfare CW staff did not have a way to record that a referral had been made to the EI system Local communities have a wide variety of processes for managing CAPTA referrals 7

8 C-Stat Of the children who are referred to the EI system under CAPTA, a small percentage actually complete the process to determine eligibility Beginning in August, data began to be reported and discussed through the monthly C-Stat process regarding the percentage of children who have a substantiated case of abuse or neglect who complete the process to determine eligibility for EI Services 8

9 Current Barriers Limited funding for data system improvements Length of time needed to change data systems Staff turnover at state and local levels State culture of local control Changing practices in CW and EI systems 9

10 Successes CW and EI state staff are collaborating to clarify roles and responsibilities which will result in the ability to identify effective processes for children referred under CAPTA Administrative attention provides impetus to improve the process with the end result being improved outcomes for children and their families 10

11 Contact Information Department of Human Services Office of Early Childhood Division of Community and Family Support Early Intervention Colorado Program 1575 Sherman Street, 1 st Floor Denver, CO 80203 Ardith Ferguson, Part C Coordinator 303-866-5468 Christy Scott, Part C Data Manager 303-866-2664 11

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