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Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation Next-generation Fiberoptic Components

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Presentation on theme: "Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation Next-generation Fiberoptic Components"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation Next-generation Fiberoptic Components
OFC 2004 Presentation Thank you for giving us the opportunity to present our truly revolutionary fiberoptic component technology. The fiber has the greatest bandwidth of all: theoretically one fiber can carry all the telephone conversations if everyone in the US talks at the same time. In the , extensive fiberoptic networks were built, including Internet backbones. It is the ideal transmission medium for the information age. At the time only a small portion of fiber bandwidth were used and it was thought to be adequate. The explosive growth of Internet caused fiber bandwidth exhaustion, and people turn to new fiberoptics technology DWDM for solution. DWDM is used to transmit 160 channels simultaneously, therefore effectively solving the problem. Why can’t it solve all the bandwidth problems? DWDM components are (primitive) hand made and expensive which limits the usage. Many applications such as FTTH can not be realized due to the high cost. We have a solution to reduce cost by 100, thereby enabling its widespread deployment even into homes. Therefore, we are “the ultimate solution to unlimited bandwidth”.

2 Electronic, Optic Evolution
From handcrafted component assembly TO Integrated Devices Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

3 Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation
Outline Analysis of current technologies Arrayed Fiberoptics Technology Products and Applications Epoxy-Free Fiber Arrays Summary Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

4 Components for DWDM Network
long fiber (80 Km) This is what an optical network looks like. Transmitters, multiplexers, etc. Many kinds of components. Walk through the diagram. 160 channels, coast to coast (long haul). Transmitters Mux/Demux Amplifiers Switching Thin film filters Fiber gratings AWGs Diffr. gratings Interleavers Mux/Demux modules Isolators Tap couplers Pump lasers Gain equalizers Integrated amplifiers SOAs Switches Attenuators Circulators Couplers Add/drop modules Source lasers (CW, DML, EML,Tunable) External modulators Wavelockers Tx/Rx modules Arrayed Fiberoptics technology is applicable to many of these devices Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

5 Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation
Fiber Components All fiberoptic components have two parts: Optical “heart” which provides functionality Fiber Input/Output interface Optical “Heart” Fiber Interface Fiber Interface Manufacturing Cost We use microfabrication to guarantee the fiber alignment precision. The actual device is sandwiched between two alignment wafers. We will get into more detail if you would like to pursue further after this presentation. Optical “Heart” ~ 15% Optical “heart” is only ~15% of the total cost of a fiberoptic component Fiber interface or “packaging” is ~85% of cost Companies have focused on optical “heart” and traditional packaging Fiber Interface ~ 85% Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

6 Why the high cost? Planar Micro-Optics Lightwave Circuit
Fiber Array Waveguide Micro-Optics GRIN Lens Fiber Lens Laser Diode We use microfabrication to guarantee the fiber alignment precision. The actual device is sandwiched between two alignment wafers. We will get into more detail if you would like to pursue further after this presentation. All current technology involves individual fiber alignment Sub-micron alignment is neccessary in many cases Many expensive piece parts required Fiberoptic components cost hundreds of dollars each

7 The Breakthrough: VFI – Vertical Fiber Integration
1. Apply LARGE-SCALE semiconductor manufacturing technologies to fiber alignment align 2 = align 20,000 2. Bond multiple wafers together to VERTICALLY create high-value 3-D FULLY integrated devices. Passively insert fibers into pre-aligned high-precision sockets after singulation Covered by multiple issued and pending patents The differentiator is full wafer-scale integration Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

8 Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation
VFI Process Overview Bonding Singulation Fiber Incorporation Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation Wafer Alignment

9 Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation
VFI Advantages Wafer-scale process dramatically reduces cost Extremely high precision fiber alignment Inherently produces component arrays Very compact devices High thermal stability Inherent hermetic sealing Applicable to a wide range of telecom devices Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

10 Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation
Key Elements Optical fiber Fiber socket Silicon Optical epoxy Index-matching epoxy. No need to AR coat fiber tip Glass or Silicon microlens Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

11 Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation
Sample Device 8 channel fiber collimator array Collimator array schematic Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

12 VFI Technology Enables:
High-Precision Fiber Arrays Epoxy-Free Fiber Arrays Fiber collimator / focuser arrays Integrated Optical Filter Modules Integrated Transceiver Modules Variable Optical Attenuator Modules Optical switches Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

13 Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation
VFI Technology “This really is a revolutionary approach to the well-known problem of alignment and packaging. For the first time, Arrayed Fiberoptics has introduced the third dimension to a fiber optic component packaging problem that had hit the limits of 2-dimensional architectures.” -Don Scifres, Chairman of SDL Ventures & former Co-Chairman/Chief Strategy Officer of JDS Uniphase Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

14 Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation
Near-term Products Fiber Arrays: standard and epoxy-free Extremely precise & stable Keeps epoxy out of optical path without altering the attachment process Transceiver Array Couplers Single chip coupling solution Integrated MTP fiber interface Easy hermetic sealing Fiber Collimator Arrays (1-D and 2-D) High coupling efficiency Low cost Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

15 High Precision Fiber Arrays
Extremely high precision fiber positioning Symmetric fiber socket minimizes thermal drift Compatible with PM and standard fibers Available in pitches of 127um and up Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

16 Fiber Array Attachment Existing Approaches
Butt-Coupled with Epoxy in Optical Path + Simple, low-cost, robust - Power handling/Aging degradation - Limits choice of high-strength epoxies Epoxy-Free Optical Path using Lenses + Avoids epoxy drawbacks (above) - More expensive: Requires optics - Less robust, temperature dependent attachment Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

17 Arrayed Fiberoptics’ Epoxy-Free Fiber Array
Butt-Coupled with NO Epoxy in Optical Path + Simple, low-cost, robust + Avoids power handling and aging problems + Superior alignment/performance + Highly reliable temperature-independent attachment + Wide choice of very high-strength epoxies + Compatible with your existing designs + Linear or 2-D configurations Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

18 Epoxy-Free Fiber Array (EFFA)
Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

19 Epoxy-Free Fiber Array (EFFA)
Sockets Epoxy Barrier Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

20 Existing vs. Epoxy-Free
Existing Fiber Array Epoxy-Free Fiber Array Epoxy-Free Zone Epoxy Epoxy Fiber Fiber Fiber Array PLC Fiber Array PLC Epoxy Barriers Optical Path Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

21 Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation
EFFA Specifications Parameter Specifications Units Array Config. 1x4 to 2x48 Channels Angle Polish 0 – 10,+/- 0.3 Degrees Horiz. Accuracy < +/- 0.3 um Vert. Accuracy Array Pitch ≥ 127 Variable Pitch Yes Return Loss >55 dB Substrate Silicon Op. Temp -5 to 70 °C Preliminary specifications Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

22 Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation
Summary Arrayed Fiberoptics technology delivers telecommunications components with High Performance Compact size Very Low Cost High reliability Provides a versatile platform for implementing a wide variety of devices Contact us to explore using VFI to revolutionize your products (West Hall, Tabletop #T7) Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

23 Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation
Significance Arrayed Fiberoptics’ technology is the only technology in the world with full wafer processing and no active fiber alignment Device performance equals that of actively aligned devices and exceeds that of PLC and other wafer-processed devices Twenty years later, fiber, fiber amplifier, and fiber socket technology will be ranked as the three inventions to make fiber ubiquitous Fiber can be deployed everywhere now! Unlimited bandwidth will become a reality This will become the industry standard, like integrated circuit revolutionized the electronics industry Poised to replace most other component technologies Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

24 Collimator Specifications
Property of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation

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