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2 Posterior Compartment of Thigh
MOB TCD Posterior Compartment of Thigh Professor Emeritus Moira O’Brien FRCPI, FFSEM, FFSEM (UK), FTCD Trinity College Dublin

3 Posterior Compartment of Thigh
MOB TCD Buttock to back of knee Separated from the extensor compartment by lateral intermuscular septum Hamstrings

4 Cutaneous Supply Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh S2
MOB TCD Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh S2 Posterior branch of lateral cutaneous of thigh

5 Hamstrings Fascia lata thin Iliotibial tract, thick Ischial tuberosity
MOB TCD Fascia lata thin Iliotibial tract, thick Ischial tuberosity Quadrilateral and triangular Sciatic nerve Extends hip Flexes knee

6 Semimembranosus Smooth upper lateral portion of ischial tuberosity
MOB TCD Smooth upper lateral portion of ischial tuberosity Origin long flat membrane for 15 cm Rounded laterally Sharp medial border Deep to semitendinosus and biceps Muscle appears half membranous

7 Semimembranosus Becomes tendinous
MOB TCD Becomes tendinous Inserted into the posterior surface of medial condyle of tibia Three expansions

8 Semimembranosus MOB TCD Expansion downwards and medially along the medial surface of tibia Upwards and laterally; oblique popliteal ligament Which is pierced by middle genicular vessels and nerve, post division obturator nerve Downwards and laterally as fascia covering popliteus

9 Semimembranosus MOB TCD The Semimembranosus bursa lies between the tendon of semi-membranosus and The medial condyle of the tibia and the medial head of gastrocnemius May communicate with the bursa between the medial head of gastrocnemius and the fibrous capsule of the knee joint

10 Semimembranosus Extends hip Flexes and medially and rotates knee
MOB TCD Extends hip Flexes and medially and rotates knee Tibial nerve

11 Semitendinosus Common origin with the long head of the biceps
MOB TCD Common origin with the long head of the biceps Lower medial area of ischial tuberosity Fleshy fibres of origin replaced by a tendon Lies in the gutter of semimembranosus Curves forward

12 Semitendinosus Inserted upper part of subcutaneous surface of tibia
MOB TCD Inserted upper part of subcutaneous surface of tibia Behind sartorius and gracilis Tibial intertendinous bursa Tibial nerve

13 Semitendinosus Develops from myotomes
MOB TCD Develops from myotomes There is a tendinous intersection at the junction of the upper and middle thirds of the muscle, which is a common site of tears Lee and O’Brien, 1988

14 Biceps Long head has common origin with the semitendinosus
MOB TCD Long head has common origin with the semitendinosus Lower medial area of ischial tuberosity Short head from linea aspera Upper part of lateral supracondylar line

15 Biceps Femoris MOB TCD Inserted into head of fibula in front of styloid process Folded around lateral ligament of knee Long head extends hip Tibial nerve supplies long head Short head by common peroneal nerve Both heads flex and laterally rotates knee

16 Biceps Femoris MOB TCD 80% of hamstring strains occur in the occur in the long head of the biceps femoris muscle Koulouris & Connell, 2003 Injuries may occur: During the switch between late leg recovery and initial leg approach in the swing phase of sprinting Woods et al., 2004 During the ground contact phase of running Poor timing-intermuscular coordination and eccentric strength in the short head of the biceps femoris muscle

17 Biceps Femoris MOB TCD Lack of stiffness and eccentric strength in the short and long head of the biceps femoris muscle during the ground contact phase of running Bosch and Klomp, 2005 Can be torn at origin from tuberosity Middle of thigh Prior hamstring injury is a very good indicator of potential for future injury Crosier, 2004

18 Hamstrings MOB TCD Hamstrings act eccentrically in the swing phase of gait to resist hip flexion and knee extension Extends the hip with the gluteus Maximus for propulsion forwards at the start of heel strike The hamstrings contract with the quadriceps as the hip of the supporting leg moves over the foot

19 Hamstrings MOB TCD Avulsion of the epiphysis of the ischial tuberosity origin of the hamstrings In young athletes, the whole of the ischial tuberosity and the attached origins of the hamstrings may be avulsed Ishikawa et al., 1988; Kurosawa et al., 1996

20 Hamstrings MOB TCD Poor posture, stiff lumbar spine and weak abdominals, will predispose to tight hamstrings Tight hamstrings will shorten the stride Resulting in a faster work rate over a given distance but a slower time Hamstrings used in sprinting and hurdles

21 Adductor Magnus Triangular area of ischial tuberosity Ramus of ischium
MOB TCD Triangular area of ischial tuberosity Ramus of ischium Inserted into medial lip gluteal tuberosity Linea aspera Medial supracondylar line Inserted into adductor tubercle

22 Adductor Magnus MOB TCD Adductor portion supplied by posterior division of obturator nerve Hamstring portion, below hiatus for femoral vessels Supplied by tibial nerve Gives origin to the oblique fibres of the vastus medialis

23 Blood Supply Inferior gluteal vessels
MOB TCD Inferior gluteal vessels Perforating branches of the profunda artery Popliteal artery

24 Sciatic Nerve Leaves through the greater sciatic foramen
MOB TCD Leaves through the greater sciatic foramen Runs vertically down deep to the biceps on adductor magnus Divides into tibial and common peroneal middle of thigh If it divides in the pelvis common peroneal pierces piriformis

25 Popliteal Fossa Diamond shaped space Superomedial boundary
MOB TCD Diamond shaped space Superomedial boundary Semimembranosus Semitendinosis Superolateral boundary Biceps femoris

26 Popliteal Fossa Inferomedial boundary Medial head of gastronemius
MOB TCD Inferomedial boundary Medial head of gastronemius Inferolateral boundary Plantaris Lateral head of gastronemius lateral

27 Popliteal Fossa Roof Fascia Lata reinforced by transverse fibres
MOB TCD Roof Fascia Lata reinforced by transverse fibres Pierced by the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh Short Saphenous vein Superficial lymphatics from lateral and posterior part of leg

28 Popliteal Fossa Floor Superior to inferior Politeal surface of femur
MOB TCD Floor Superior to inferior Politeal surface of femur Oblique popliteal ligament Fascia covering the popliteus

29 Contents of Popliteal Fossa
MOB TCD Popliteal artery and its branches Superomedial, superolateral, inferomedial, inferolateral and middle genicular branches Popliteal vein and tributaries Short saphenous vein Tibial nerve and branches Common peroneal nerve and branches Posterior division of Obturator nerve Fat Deep popliteal lymph glands

30 Popliteal Artery Deepest structure which lies on floor
MOB TCD Deepest structure which lies on floor Starts at the hiatus in the adductor magnus Ends at lower border of popliteus Divides into anterior and posterior tibial artery Medial then lateral to tibial nerve, vein in between Palpate artery and blood pressure in lower limb

31 Genicular Branches of Popliteal Artery
MOB TCD Superolateral genicular Inferolateral genicular Inferomedial genicular Middle genicular pierces oblique popliteal ligament Supplies cruciate ligaments Branches crucify artery at the back of knee joint

32 Dislocated Knee Injury to blood vessels most serious
MOB TCD Injury to blood vessels most serious Loose all blood supply to areas below the knee Test for artery first, nerves after

33 Popliteal Vein MOB TCD Union of vena commitans of anterior and posterior tibial arteries Lower border of popliteus Ends by becoming femoral vein at hiatus Tributaries correspond to branches Plus short saphaneous vein

34 Tibial Nerve Bisects middle of fossa superficial to vein and artery
MOB TCD Bisects middle of fossa superficial to vein and artery Leaves deep to fibrous arch origin of soleus Sural is cutaneous

35 Tibial Nerve Muscular to medial and lateral head of gastronemius
MOB TCD Muscular to medial and lateral head of gastronemius Plantaris Soleus Popliteus Superior, inferior and middle genicular nerves

36 Common Peroneal Nerve May pierce piriformis
MOB TCD May pierce piriformis Enters fossa and runs on medial border of biceps Leaves lateral angle Sural communicating Lateral cutaneous of calf Inferolateral Inferomedial genicular Nerve to short head of biceps

37 Deep Popliteal Lymph Glands
MOB TCD Superficial lymphatics drain lateral border of foot and posterior portion of calf Area drained by the short saphenous vein Afferent lymphatics pierce the roof to deep popliteal glands in the fossa Then pass alongside the popliteal and femoral vessels to deep inguinal glands

38 “BMJ Publishing Group Limited (“BMJ Group”) 2012. All rights reserved
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