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4.1: El Subjuntivo In noun Clauses. Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive is found by dropping the –o from the yo form and adding the following.

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Presentation on theme: "4.1: El Subjuntivo In noun Clauses. Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive is found by dropping the –o from the yo form and adding the following."— Presentation transcript:

1 4.1: El Subjuntivo In noun Clauses

2 Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive is found by dropping the –o from the yo form and adding the following endings: The irregulars: – Conocer->Conozca – Decir-> Diga – Hacer-> Haga – Oír-> oíga – Poner-> Ponga – Seguir-> Siga – Tener-> tenga – Traer-> traiga – Venir-> Venga – Ver-> Vea HablarComerEscribir Hable Hables Hable Hablemos Habléis Hablen Coma Comas Coma Comamos Comáis Coman Escriba Escribas Escriba Escribamos Escribáis Escriban

3 Stem Changers and Irregulars within the Subjunctive Stem Changers Pensar (e:ie) -> Piense, Pienses, Piense, Pensemos, Penséis, Piensen Pedir (e:i)-> Pida, Pidas, Pida, Pidamos, Pidáis, Pidan Jugar (u:ue)-> Juegue, Juegues, Juegue, Juguemos, Juguéis, jueguen. Mostrar (o:ue)-> Muestre, Muestres, Muestre, Mostremos, Mostréis, Muestren. The Irregulars Conjugtions DarDé, Des, Dé, Demos, Deis, Den EstarEsté, Estés, Esté, Estemos, Estéis, Estén IrVaya, Vayas, Vaya, Vayamos, Vayáis, Vayan SaberSepa, Sepas, Sepa, Sepamos, Sepáis, Sepan SerSea, Seas, Sea, Seamos, Seáis, Sean

4 Verbs of Will and Influence When the Subject of the main clause of a sentence exerts influence or will on the subject of the subordiante clause, the verb in the subordinate clause must be subjunctive. Verbs of Expression of Will and Influence Asconsejar- To AdviseGustar= to likePreferir(e-ie)- To prefer Desear- To desire; to wishHacer- To MakeProhibir- To Prohibit Es Importante- Its ImportantImportar- To be ImportantProponer- To propose Es Necesario- It’s NecesaryInsistir en- To insist onQuerer (e:ie)- To want; to wish Es Urgente- It’s urgentMandar- To orderRecomendar (e:ie)- To recomend Exigir- To DemandNecesitar- to needRogar (o:ue)- To beg; to plead Oponerse a- to opposeSugerir (e:ie)- To suggest Pedir (e:i)- to ask for; to request

5 Verbs of Emotion When the main clause expresses an emotion like hope, fear, joy, pity, or surprise, the verb in the subordinate clause must be in the subjunctive if its subject is different from that of the main clause The infinitive, not the subjunctive, is used with verbs and expressions of emotion if there is no change of subject in the sentence. Verbs and Expressions of Emotions Alegrarse (de)- to be happy about Es terrible- its terribleMolestar- To bother Es bueno- it’s goodEs una lástima- it’s a shameSentir(e:ie)- To be sorry; to regret Es extraño- it’s strangeEs una pena- It’s a pitySorprender- To surprise Es malo- it’s badEsperar- to hope; to wishTemer- To fear Es mejor- it’s betterGustar- to like; to be pleasingTener miedo (de)- To be afraid (of) Es ridiculo- it’s ridiculous

6 Verbs of Doubt or Denial When the main clause implies doubt, uncertainty, or denial, the verb in the subordinate clause must be in the subjunctive if its subject is different from that of the main clause The infinitive, not the subjunctive, is used with verbs and expressions of doubt or denial if there is no change in the subject of the sentence. Verbs and Expressions of Doubt and Denial Dudar- to DoubtNegar(e:ie)- To deny Es Imposible- It’s impossibleNo creer- Not to believe Es Improbable- It’s improbableNo es evidente- It’s not evident Es poco seguro- It’s uncertainNo es seguro- It’s not certain (no) es posible- It’s (not) possibleNo es verdad/cierto- It’s not true (no) es probable- It’s (not) probableNo estar seguro de- Not to be sure (of)

7 Respaso: El Subjuntivo 3 Main Reasons to use Subjunctive in Noun Clauses: – Verbs of Will and Influence – Verbs of Emotion – Verbs of Doubt or Denial How to conjugate Subjunctive: Drop the -ar/-er/-ir and add e, es, e, emos, éis, en to the ending of the -ar verbs and a, as, a, amos, áis, an to the ending of the –er and –ir verbs.

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