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Lower Extremity David S. Hartman, M.D. Department of Radiology.

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Presentation on theme: "Lower Extremity David S. Hartman, M.D. Department of Radiology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lower Extremity David S. Hartman, M.D. Department of Radiology

2 Goals 1.To teach clinically relevant gross anatomy 2.To make it easier to understand gross anatomy 3.To introduce a clinical lexicon

3 Organization 1.4 presentations to the entire class 1.Lower extremity/thorax 2.Abdomen/pelvis/perineum 3.Upper extremity/back 4.Head and neck 2.Optional review session before each examination

4 Examinations 1.4 radiolgic unknowns on each examination 2.Images used for the exams are displayed in the lab 3.Each examination unknown is labeled in PowerPoint

5 Cases in MDL \\\files\MMS\Public\education\radiology\lab-thorax-8-2007.pps Cases can be viewed by any computer in the institution

6 Learning Objectives: Identify all objects indicated by arrows on the radiolgical images in this presentation The same images are on the computers in the lab

7 Radiographic Anatomy Of The Foot

8 Metatarsals Cuneiforms Navicular Cuboid Talus Calcaneus 488 Frontal foot

9 Metatarsals Medial Cuneiform Intermediate Cuneiform Cuboid Navicular Talus AP Foot

10 Oblique Foot Metatarsals Lateral Cuneiform Cuboid Navicular Talus

11 Metatarsals Lateral cuneiform CuboidTalusCalcaneus 489 Lateral Foot

12 Navicular Talus CuboidCalcaneus Lateral Foot

13 Fell from ladder Fracture calcaneus

14 Angiographic Anatomy of the Lower Extremity

15 External iliac artery Inguinal ligament Common femoral artery Profunda femoris artery Superficial femoral artery 477 Anterior Thigh

16 Common femoral art Profunda femoris art Superficial femoral art

17 Posterior Knee Popliteal artery Anterior tibial artery Peroneal artery Posterior tibial art 483 MEDIALLAT

18 Anterior Knee Anterior tibial artery MEDIAL485Lat

19 Anterior Ankle Anterior tibial artery Dorsalis pedis artry 485 Medial

20 AP Knee Superficial femoral artery Popliteal artery Anterior tibial artery Posterior tibial artery Peroneal artery LATERAL

21 Lateral Ankle Posterior Tibial Artery Anterior Tibial Artery Dorsalis Pedis Artery

22 66YO smoker, claudication Marked narrowing of the SFA with extensive collaterals which will reconstitute the popliteal a Rt Femoral Angiogram

23 Following angioplasty

24 MR Anatomy of the Knee

25 Viewing Multiplanar Images (CT, MR, US)

26 Axial section LeftRight View as though facing the patient

27 LeftRight By convention we look from below Posterior Anterior Axial CT image with contrast Liver Heart Lung

28 Coronal LeftRight Coronal suture

29 LeftRight By convention view the image as though facing the patient Inferior Superior Coronal CT image with contrast Heart Right Lung

30 Sagital Sagital suture

31 Inferior By convention view the image as though the patient is facing to our left PosteriorAnterior Sagital CT image with contrast Heart Aorta Superior

32 MR Anatomy of the Knee (Sagital)

33 Left Knee From Above Lateral Meniscus Medial Meniscus Anterior Cruciate Posterior Cruciate 474 ANT LAT

34 Quadriceps tendon Patella Meniscus Anterior horn Posterior horn Patella tendon 476 FEMUR TIBIA Sagital knee

35 Medial Lateral Parasagital Cut

36 Knee MR, Most Medial Parasagital Medial femoral condyle Medial condyle of tibia Medial meniscus Anterior horn Post horn Gastrocnemius

37 Anterior cruciate Lateral meniscus Fibula Posterior cruciate Medial meniscus Tibia 475 Right Knee from the Front

38 Right Knee, Posterior View Medial condyle Medial meniscus Posterior cruciate ligament Lateral condyle Lateral meniscus Anterior cruciate ligament 475 Lateral Medial

39 MEDIAL LATERAL Parasagital Cut

40 Femur Tibia Posterior cruciate Gastroc- nemius muscle Knee MR, Medial Parasagital

41 32 YO man, knee pain Ruptured posterior cruciate ligament

42 MEDIAL LATERAL Parasagital Cut

43 Femur Tibia Anterior cruciate ligament Knee MR, Lateral Medial Parasagital

44 MEDIAL LATERAL Parasagital Cut

45 Lateral femoral condyle Patella Lateral condyle of the tibia Lateral meniscus Ant horn Post horn Quad- riceps tendon Patella tendon Knee MR, Most Lateral Parasagital

46 Lower Extremity David S. Hartman, M.D. Department of Radiology

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