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Activity Analysis of the Lower Extremity and Trunk.

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Presentation on theme: "Activity Analysis of the Lower Extremity and Trunk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity Analysis of the Lower Extremity and Trunk

2   Activity Analysis  Squat Today’s Activities

3   Works large muscle groups in the thigh and trunk  Metabolic enhancement  Benefits posture  Maintain functional flexibility The importance of squatting

4   Keep chin up and eyes forward  Avoid ‘rounding’ the back  Keep shoulders, hips and knees over ankle  Engage erector spinae group and abdominals to support the spine  Lower thighs slightly past parallel to engage gluteal muscles  Toes should be turned slightly outward Key components of a proper squat

5  Proper Squat


7   Sumo Squat (Wide stance)  Front Squat  Hack Squat (Weighted below gluteal muscles)  Goblet Squat  Split Squat (One-legged squat)  Wall/Ball Squat  Overhead Squat Squat Variations

8  Sumo Squat

9  Front Squat

10  Hack Squat

11  Goblet Squat

12  Split Squat

13  Ball/Wall Squat

14  Overhead Squat

15  JointMotionFunc. GroupAgonistContraction Type Plane/AxisGravity Trunk Pelvis Hip Knee Ankle Down Phase

16  JointMotionFunc. GroupAgonistContraction Type Plane/AxisGravity Trunk Pelvis Hip Knee Ankle Up Phase

17   Analysis Chart and Diagrams (for each phase)  Activity Narration  Passive or Active insufficiency, or length tension curve  Identify one lever system  Identify one force couple Include in Lab Report

18   Lab Report 7 (Hand in ELECTRONICALLY! )  Readings: H&K: Ch. 6 cont’d, TG: pp 366-388, 344 For Next Week

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