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1.Who is Hippocrates? a famous Greek physician of antiquity (5 th century B.C.) who is called the father of medicine. 2.What is the Hippocratic Oath?

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Presentation on theme: "1.Who is Hippocrates? a famous Greek physician of antiquity (5 th century B.C.) who is called the father of medicine. 2.What is the Hippocratic Oath?"— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Who is Hippocrates? a famous Greek physician of antiquity (5 th century B.C.) who is called the father of medicine. 2.What is the Hippocratic Oath? a pledge of ethical professional behavior taken by new physicians.

3 3.Why is Latin important to medicine and other scientific fields? Physicians in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (14 th century) continued to use Latin in their technical writing and that as modern science developed. Latin or Latinized terminology was used universally in medicine and other scientific fields.

4 CORPORUS caput humerus facies collum pectus cor bracchium abdomen manus digitus femur genu crus pes

5 Derivatives I English Word Latin RootMeaning of English Word per capita decapitate superficial facial collar caput - head facies - face collum - neck per head, by head to cut off a head on the surface pertaining to the face part of a garment encircling the neck

6 collet humeral pectoral expectorate coronary cordial collum - neck humerus - shoulder pectus - chest cor - heart a metal collar used in watch making relating to the shoulder relating to the chest to spit relating to the heart friendly

7 abdominal brace manipulate manufacture digital abdomen- abdomen bracchium - arm manus - hand digitus - finger relating to the abdomen support to operate or control by skilled used of the hands to make relating to the finger or an Arabic numeral

8 femoral genuflect crural pedestrian femur - thigh genu -knee crus - leg pes - foot relating to the thigh to bend the knee pertaining to the leg a person traveling on foot

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