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The Wright Brother’s Adventure Orville 1871-1948 Wilbur 1867-1912 Maurice Perry & Kevin Robinson.

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1 The Wright Brother’s Adventure Orville 1871-1948 Wilbur 1867-1912 Maurice Perry & Kevin Robinson

2 The Wright Brother’s The Wright Brother’s were raised in Dayton, Ohio their parent’s were Susan Catharine Wright and Bishop Milton Wright. Both parents were talented, college-educated scholars who loved to learn.

3 About Wilbur  Wilbur Wright was born on April 16, 1867,On a farm 8miles from New Castle, Indiana.  Wilbur was the older brother and less mischievous than his younger brother Orville.  Wilbur was a smart kid in school and his mother illness prevented him from graduating from high school or attending college.

4 About Orville Orville was born on August 19, 1871, in Dayton, Ohio. Orville was born on August 19, 1871, in Dayton, Ohio. Orville was the youngest brother. Orville was the youngest brother. Orville found their way in life by using their imaginations and ingenuity. Orville found their way in life by using their imaginations and ingenuity. As a child Orville suffered a broken thigh and two broken ribs. As a child Orville suffered a broken thigh and two broken ribs.

5 Interesting Facts His father was a Bishop. To make ends meat they sold mechanical toy. They had a news paper company called the west side news. While Wilbur was in France, Orville made successful flights in the U.S. One of there airplanes flown near Kitty Hake to the Science Museum In London in 1928.

6 First Airplane  There first airplane reached a speed of 30miles(48kilometers).  There first flight was in December of 1903.  Their first airplane weighed about 750 pounds it’s wing were 40feet long.  By the fall of 1903 they completed their first airplane.

7 How It Helps Today Their invention of the airplane made travel time more faster. Their invention of the airplane made travel time more faster. It helps our military fight wars over seas. It helps our military fight wars over seas. It help cargo time faster. It help cargo time faster.

8 Why  The reason why we pick the Wright Brothers was because they invented airplanes.  Another reason why we picked the Wright Brothers is because we love airplane.  And the last reason why we picked them is because they had a lot of information.

9 Sources Bilstein Roger The Wright Brothers. World book.2008 21,509-510. The Flight According To Principle. Bilstein Roger The Wright Brothers. World book.2008 21,509-510. The Flight According To Principle. Availble, http: // teacher link. Ed. Usu. Edu / nasa / learning to fly / a. pdf 6-18-09 Availble, http: // teacher link. Ed. Usu. Edu / nasa / learning to fly / a. pdf 6-18-09 The Wright Brothers & The invention of Aerial Age Nation of Air and Space 1-2. The Wright Brothers & The invention of Aerial Age Nation of Air and Space 1-2.

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